В’єтнам затримав і видав Білорусі колишнього добровольця полку Калиновського
В ефірі білоруського державного телеканалу показували кадри Василя Веремейчика, якого під охороною вивели з літака в Мінську
усі новини
В ефірі білоруського державного телеканалу показували кадри Василя Веремейчика, якого під охороною вивели з літака в Мінську
Голова суду Мераб Турава повідомив, що суд наразі не отримав ще один позов у зв’язку з виборами, який подавали депутати від опозиції
На богослужінні була присутня перша леді України Олена Зеленська, яка в середу перебувала з візитом у Ватикані
Після того, як Білий дім сповістив Конгрес про це рішення, законодавці можуть ухвалити резолюцію про заперечення проти нього
Зранку 20 листопада посольство США в Україні повідомило, що отримало дані про можливу значну російську атаку, через це представництво не працювало
Загалом у розпорядженні армії Чехії буде 42 танки Leopard 2A4
Міністр оборони зазначив, що під час зустрічі обговорили оснащення бойових бригад важкою технікою та інвестиції в український ОПК
Великобританія схвалила використання ракет Storm Shadow у відповідь на розгортання Росією північнокорейських військ у війні проти України
За даними видання Defence24 , затримання відбулося в територіальних водах Данії ввечері 19 листопада
«Подякував прем’єр-міністру за його особисту принципову реакцію на останній російський обстріл»
Українські дипломати закликають усіх громадян України «зберігати пильність, не нехтувати сигналами повітряної тривоги та слідувати до укриття в разі небезпеки – як і щоразу при загрозі російського ракетного обстрілу»
«Нам доведеться якось перепланувати і подумати про щось інше, не про те, що ми тут робили»
«Тренування силовиків знаменують підготовку до придушення інакомислення перед фіктивними виборами»
WASHINGTON — Pakistan’s top cleric has declared that virtual private networks, or VPNs, are unlawful, igniting a debate on privacy rights and access to information amid a government crackdown on the internet.
Allama Raghib Naeemi, head of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), issued a decree saying it makes no difference whether a VPN is registered or unregistered.
“If attempts are made to access indecent or immoral sites, character assassination is done, statements are being made against national security, or if various incidents of religious blasphemy are being spread through it, then [using] it would completely be un-Islamic,” he said.
A VPN protects online privacy by creating a secure connection and is used to access blocked content, protect data from hackers and support remote work or secure transactions.
Several internet service providers in Pakistan expressed concerns Tuesday over the possible imposition of blanket restrictions on VPNs, warning that the move would anger users and impact online businesses.
Shahzad Arshad, chairman of the Wireless and Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan, said in a statement, “It is essential to recognize that blanket restrictions or sweeping narratives around tools like VPNs risk alienating segments of society, particularly those who rely on these tools for entirely legitimate purposes, such as IT exports, financial transactions, and academic research.”
Arshad, in reference to CII’s declaration, said technology is neutral and that how it is used determines whether it is aligned with ethics.
Amnesty Tech, part of Amnesty International, said last week on X that imposing restrictions on VPNs would amount to “violating the right to privacy under international law, restricting people’s access to information, and suppressing free expression.”
Qibla Ayaz, former chairman of CII, told VOA Deewa it seems as if a government agency has reached out to the religious body seeking its stance on the VPN issue.
“Similar requests were sent by the government in 2023,” he said.
The CII is a constitutional body in Pakistan that advises the legislature on whether a certain law is repugnant to Islam, namely to the Quran and Sunna.
According to activists and experts, CII’s declarations on technology use are unwarranted and will only strengthen the government’s digital suppression of social media users.
Haroon Baloch, a Pakistani digital rights activist, believes the proposed restrictions on VPNs are aimed at suppressing political dissent.
“First, the government had compliance challenges with X. And when the platform did not agree with the government’s requests, then it banned X. And when X was available with the help of VPN, the government is planning to ban the VPN now,” Haroon told VOA.
Pakistan banned X in February and installed firewalls to restrict access to certain online content. But consumers are using VPNs to access restricted networks and content and to hide their identities and locations.
Pakistan Army Chief General Asim Munir told a gathering at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute on November 16 that technology has played a pivotal role in the dissemination of information, but “the spread of misleading and incorrect information has become a significant challenge.”
In a speech to religious leaders in Islamabad earlier in August, Munir said, “Anarchy is spread through social media.”
A directive in October from the Interior Ministry asked the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to block “illegal” VPNs that had not registered by the end of November.
The Interior Ministry charged in a letter to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, which oversees the internet and mobile industry and has broad powers over online content and the licensing of service providers, that terrorists are increasingly using VPNs to facilitate violent activities and financial transactions in Pakistan.
“Of late, an alarming fact has been identified, wherein VPNs are used by terrorists to obscure and conceal their communications,” the letter said, adding that pornography sites are frequently accessed using VPNs.
“These trends … warrant the prohibition of unauthorized virtual private networks in order to address critical threats,” the letter said.
The 2024 “Freedom on the Net” report published by Freedom House says the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has historically implemented policies that undermine internet freedom, removed content without a transparent process and instituted wholesale bans on platforms.
This story originated in VOA’s Deewa Service.
Канцлер Німеччини Олаф Шольц підтвердив своє рішення не відправляти в Україну ракети Taurus
WASHINGTON — Pakistan’s top cleric has declared that virtual private networks, or VPNs, are unlawful, igniting a debate on privacy rights and access to information amid a government crackdown on the internet.
Allama Raghib Naeemi, head of the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), issued a decree saying it makes no difference whether a VPN is registered or unregistered.
“If attempts are made to access indecent or immoral sites, character assassination is done, statements are being made against national security, or if various incidents of religious blasphemy are being spread through it, then [using] it would completely be un-Islamic,” he said.
A VPN protects online privacy by creating a secure connection and is used to access blocked content, protect data from hackers and support remote work or secure transactions.
Several internet service providers in Pakistan expressed concerns Tuesday over the possible imposition of blanket restrictions on VPNs, warning that the move would anger users and impact online businesses.
Shahzad Arshad, chairman of the Wireless and Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan, said in a statement, “It is essential to recognize that blanket restrictions or sweeping narratives around tools like VPNs risk alienating segments of society, particularly those who rely on these tools for entirely legitimate purposes, such as IT exports, financial transactions, and academic research.”
Arshad, in reference to CII’s declaration, said technology is neutral and that how it is used determines whether it is aligned with ethics.
Amnesty Tech, part of Amnesty International, said last week on X that imposing restrictions on VPNs would amount to “violating the right to privacy under international law, restricting people’s access to information, and suppressing free expression.”
Qibla Ayaz, former chairman of CII, told VOA Deewa it seems as if a government agency has reached out to the religious body seeking its stance on the VPN issue.
“Similar requests were sent by the government in 2023,” he said.
The CII is a constitutional body in Pakistan that advises the legislature on whether a certain law is repugnant to Islam, namely to the Quran and Sunna.
According to activists and experts, CII’s declarations on technology use are unwarranted and will only strengthen the government’s digital suppression of social media users.
Haroon Baloch, a Pakistani digital rights activist, believes the proposed restrictions on VPNs are aimed at suppressing political dissent.
“First, the government had compliance challenges with X. And when the platform did not agree with the government’s requests, then it banned X. And when X was available with the help of VPN, the government is planning to ban the VPN now,” Haroon told VOA.
Pakistan banned X in February and installed firewalls to restrict access to certain online content. But consumers are using VPNs to access restricted networks and content and to hide their identities and locations.
Pakistan Army Chief General Asim Munir told a gathering at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute on November 16 that technology has played a pivotal role in the dissemination of information, but “the spread of misleading and incorrect information has become a significant challenge.”
In a speech to religious leaders in Islamabad earlier in August, Munir said, “Anarchy is spread through social media.”
A directive in October from the Interior Ministry asked the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to block “illegal” VPNs that had not registered by the end of November.
The Interior Ministry charged in a letter to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, which oversees the internet and mobile industry and has broad powers over online content and the licensing of service providers, that terrorists are increasingly using VPNs to facilitate violent activities and financial transactions in Pakistan.
“Of late, an alarming fact has been identified, wherein VPNs are used by terrorists to obscure and conceal their communications,” the letter said, adding that pornography sites are frequently accessed using VPNs.
“These trends … warrant the prohibition of unauthorized virtual private networks in order to address critical threats,” the letter said.
The 2024 “Freedom on the Net” report published by Freedom House says the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has historically implemented policies that undermine internet freedom, removed content without a transparent process and instituted wholesale bans on platforms.
This story originated in VOA’s Deewa Service.
Як і напередодні, поліція зажадала від лідерів опозиції і їхніх прихильників звільнити проїжджу частину
На перетині кількох вулиць поблизу університету перекрили автомобільний рух. На місці знову розгорнули намети
«Це та сама безвідповідальна риторика, яку ми бачили раніше і яку ми спостерігали, чесно кажучи, протягом останніх двох років»
«Росія має відповісти за злочин агресії проти України та всі звірства, що послідували за цим, у тому числі злочин геноциду»
На запитання, чи вважає поступки Росії з боку України неминучими, Роберта Мецола відповіла, що це вирішувати Києву
«Не забуваймо, що Росія вирішила ескалувати цю війну, ввівши війська КНДР на поле бою і в бій»
Президент України вважає, що 1000 днів повномасштабної війни «достатньо, щоб зрозуміти, що Путін не хоче миру»
Президент України також підтвердив майбутнє відрядження Андрія Єрмака до США
Латинська літера Z, якої немає в російській абетці, є символом російського вторгнення в Україну
Про це заявив міністр закордонних справ після зустрічі у Польщі у форматі «Веймарський трикутник+»
Пєсков додав, що війна «закінчиться, як тільки ми досягнемо наших цілей»
Росіянин Олександр Безрукавий був заарештований у місті Босанська Крупа 16 листопада
Artificial intelligence was much discussed and demonstrated at the Africa Tech Festival in Cape Town, South Africa earlier this month. The conference highlighted how technology is changing industries on the continent. Vicky Stark filed this report.
Оновлена доктрина передбачає, що підставою для завдавання ядерного удару може стати «агресія проти РФ та її союзників з боку будь-якої неядерної держави за підтримки ядерної держави»