Попередник Кіта Келлога розповів про «дві ролі генерала» під час його місії в Україні
«Одна з них (ролей – ред.) полягає в тому, щоб зібрати інформацію та повернутися з нею до президента Трампа»
усі новини
«Одна з них (ролей – ред.) полягає в тому, щоб зібрати інформацію та повернутися з нею до президента Трампа»
WASHINGTON — The U.S. on Monday imposed sanctions on an extreme right-wing online network, designating the “Terrorgram” collective a terrorist group and accusing it of promoting violent white supremacy.
The U.S. State Department said in a statement that it had designated the group, which primarily operates on the Telegram social media site, and three of its leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.
The State Department said the group has motivated and facilitated attacks and attempted attacks by users, including a 2022 shooting outside an LGBTQ bar in Slovakia, a planned attack in 2024 on energy facilities in New Jersey and an August knife attack at a mosque in Turkey.
“The group promotes violent white supremacism, solicits attacks on perceived adversaries, and provides guidance and instructional materials on tactics, methods, and targets for attacks, including on critical infrastructure and government officials,” the State Department said.
The action freezes any of the group’s U.S. assets and bars Americans from dealing with it.
The leaders targeted on Monday with sanctions were based in Brazil, Croatia and South Africa, according to the statement.
In September, U.S. prosecutors unveiled criminal charges against two alleged leaders of the group, saying they used Telegram to solicit attacks on Black, Jewish, LGBTQ people and immigrants with the aim of inciting a race war.
Britain in April said it would proscribe the Terrorgram collective as a terrorist organization, meaning it would become a criminal offense in the country to belong to or promote the group.
U.S. President Joe Biden has railed against white supremacy while in office.
In 2021, Biden launched the first-ever U.S. National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, which included resources to identify and prosecute threats and new deterrents to prevent Americans from joining dangerous groups.
Російський губернатор Брянщини каже, що «постраждалих і руйнувань немає. На місці працюють оперативні та екстрені служби»
«Зараз бачу складність у тому, що Росії не висунуті умови для припинення війни. Путін хоче воювати далі. Хоче й надалі намагатися забрати територію в України»
Інавгурація обраного президента Дональда Трампа має відбутися 20 січня
«Добре. Приїжджайте в пʼятницю до Києва» – Зеленський
— The Biden administration announced Monday new restrictions on the export of the most advanced artificial intelligence chips and proprietary parameters used to govern the interactions of users with AI systems.
The rule, which will undergo a 120-day period for public comments, comes in response to what administration officials described as a need to protect national security while also clarifying the rules under which companies in trusted partner countries could access the emerging technology in order to promote innovation.
“Over the coming years, AI will become really ubiquitous in every business application in every industry around the world, with enormous potential for enhanced productivity and societal, healthcare and economic benefits,” Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told reporters. “That being said, as AI becomes more powerful, the risks to our national security become even more intense.”
A senior administration official said the new rule will not include any restrictions on chip sales to Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom or the United States.
Countries that are under U.S. arms embargoes are already subject to export restrictions on advanced AI chips, but a senior administration official said they will now be under restrictions for the transfer of the most powerful closed weight AI models.
The weights in an AI model determine how it processes the inputs from a user and determines what to provide the user as a response, according to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. In a closed weight system, those parameters are secret, unlike with an open weight system in which users could see the settings the model is using to make its decisions.
The majority of countries — those not included in the close partner or arms embargo lists — will not face licensing requirements for obtaining the equivalent of 1,700 of the most advanced AI chips currently available, nor for any less advanced chips.
Companies in the United States and allied countries will not face restrictions in using the most powerful closed weight AI systems, provided they are stored under adequate security, a senior administration official said.
“I think the key point I would underscore is that we identified really some of the closest security allies of the United States that have effectively implemented and have a well-documented record of upholding a robust AI technology protection regime, and generally have technology ecosystems that promote the use of AI and other advanced technologies consistent with our national security and foreign policy interests,” a senior administration official said.
За даними видання, між Москвою та Тегераном літає старший радник аятоли Алі Ларіджані, колишній спікер парламенту Ірану
Представник церкви сказав, що суттєвих пошкоджень не завдано, і двері Вестмінстерського абатства залишаються відкритими для вірян і відвідувачів
President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Federal Trade Commission has vowed to continue the agency’s drive to break up Big Tech monopolies while adding a new focus: free speech. VOA’s Matt Dibble has the story.
Високопоставлений індійський чиновник повідомив журналістам, що суднам, які потрапили під санкції, не дозволять розвантажуватися
Загалом Німеччина планує передати Києву 54 таких САУ
Колишній канадський прем’єр-міністр звернувся до федеральних та місцевих політиків у Канаді та закликав їх до твердості
Це сталося через чотири дні після звільнення Тегераном 29-річної італійської журналістки та подкастерки Сесілії Сали
Україна готувалася до проведення роботи з військовими КНДР і нині з полоненими працюють фахівці, заявив Євгеній Єрін
Суперник Мілановича, колишній міністр освіти Драган Приморац, отримав підтримку понад 22% виборців
«Це місце на земній кулі було б надзвичайно підходящим для них обох» – президент Сербії
Польща заборонила політ делегації над своєю територією, тому літак був перенаправлений і пролетів над Чехією та Німеччиною
Президент України наголосив, що для тих солдатів із Північної Кореї, які не захочуть повертатися, можуть бути інші варіанти
«Нам потрібно, щоб проблема з браком людського ресурсу була вирішена» – Волтц
Протести в Румунії тривають з 6 грудня, коли Конституційний суд скасував вибори за два дні до другого туру на тлі звинувачень у втручанні Росії
Посилення вітру за прогнозами синоптиків, буде підживлювати полумʼя протягом наступних днів
10 січня Мадуро склав присягу президента Венесуели, продовживши третій термін перебування на посаді ще на шість років
jerusalem — When a renowned Israeli TV journalist lost his ability to speak clearly because of ALS, he thought his career might be over. But now, using artificial-intelligence software that can re-create his widely recognized gravelly voice, Moshe Nussbaum — known to generations of viewers simply as “Nussi” — is making a comeback.
Nussbaum, 71, was diagnosed two years ago with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive disease also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease that attacks nerve cells that control muscles throughout the body.
At the time, he vowed to viewers of Israel’s Channel 12 News to continue working as long as he was physically able. But, gradually, it became more and more difficult.
It was a devastating blow to the career of a leading, no-nonsense reporter who for more than 40 years had covered many of Israel’s most important stories from the field. He had appeared from the scenes of suicide bombing attacks and the front lines of wars in Gaza and Lebanon, and had covered scandals in Israel’s parliament and high-profile court cases.
After Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, attack that triggered the war in Gaza, Nussbaum was unable to report from the field. It was the first war of his career he had ever sat out, he noted in a recent interview with colleagues at Channel 12, the country’s largest station.
Even though he was having trouble moving and speaking, he launched a segment interviewing injured soldiers from Israeli hospitals. His questions were slow and halting, but he kept it up for the first half of the war. Then, as it became increasingly difficult to speak, and to be understood, his interviews became less frequent.
On Monday, Channel 12 made the surprising announcement that it would bring Nussbaum back to the air in the coming weeks as a commentator— with the help of AI.
“It took me a few moments to absorb it and to understand that it is me speaking now,” Nussbaum told The Associated Press via text message. “Slowly, slowly, I’m understanding the incredible meaning of this device for everyone with disabilities, including me.”
Nussbaum will report his stories, and then write them up, using an AI program that has been trained to speak using Nussbaum’s voice. He will be filmed as if he were presenting, and his lips will be “technologically adjusted” to match the words.
Mimicking intonation, phrasing
People with speech disorders have used traditional text-to-speech technology for years, but those voices sound robotic and flat, and lack emotion. In contrast, AI technology is trained using recordings of a person’s voice — there are thousands of hours of Nussbaum speaking thanks to his lengthy career in TV and radio — and it can mimic their intonations and phrasing.
Thrilled by the possibilities the technology affords him, Nussbaum said he is also worried about the ease with which the technology could be used by bad actors to spread fake news and falsehoods.
In its current form, the technology will not work for live broadcasts, so Nussbaum won’t be able to go out into the field, which is his favorite part of the job, he said. Instead, he will focus on commentary and analysis about crime and national security, his areas of expertise for decades.
Ahead of the broadcasts, Channel 12 released a preview showing snippets of Nussbaum speaking naturally — garbled and difficult to understand — followed by the new “Nussi AI.” The new version sounds strikingly like the old Nussbaum, speaking quickly and emphatically. Nussbaum was filmed as if he was presenting the report, sitting straight with his trademark bushy eyebrows moving up and down for emphasis.
“Honestly, this is my first time sitting here in the studio after more than a year,” AI Nussbaum says in the preview. “It feels a bit strange, and mostly, it tugs my heart.”
AI-powered voice cloning has grown exponentially in recent years. Experts have warned that the technology can amplify phone scams, disrupt democratic elections and violate the dignity of people — living or dead — who never consented to having their voices re-created to say things they never said.
It’s been used to produce deepfake robocalls mimicking President Joe Biden. In the U.S., authorities recently charged a high school athletic director with using AI to generate a fake audio clip of the school’s principal making racist remarks.
But the technology also has tremendous potential to help people who have lost their ability to speak clearly. A U.S. congresswoman who cannot speak because of complications from Parkinson’s disease and a related palsy has used a similar AI program to give a speech on the House floor, and the technology has also helped a young woman who lost her voice because of a tumor.
Channel 12 declined to say which AI program it was using.
Nussbaum had worried that ALS would rob him of the career he loved. In an interview with Channel 12, he recounted telling his managers not to “feel like you’re pitying me, doing me a favor. The day you come to the conclusion that this is it — tell me. I’ll know how to accept it without a problem.”
He calls his new AI-enabled persona a “magic trick” that enabled his comeback, and he believes it will raise awareness in Israel of ways that people with disabilities — especially progressive disabilities — can continue to work.
“The fact that Channel 12 and my news managers are allowing me to reinvent myself anew, that is one of the most important medicines I can get in my fight with this disease,” he said.
Про прибуття перших північнокорейських військових на Курщину стало відомо восени минулого року
За даними аналітиків, «позиція очільника Кремля не призведе до стійкого миру»
За даними Держаудитслужби, Національна академія наук України передала приватним забудовникам у Києві 116 га державної землі
Спеціальний прокурор США Джек Сміт, який вів федеральні справи проти Дональда Трампа за звинуваченнями в спробі скасувати результати виборів 2020 року і неправильному поводженні з секретними документами, подав у відставку.
Сміт подав у відставку з Міністерства юстиції, згідно з поданою в суботу судовою заявою до окружного судді США Ейлін Кеннон з проханням скасувати судовий наказ, який вона видала, заблокувавши публікацію його остаточного звіту.
Після перемоги Трампа на виборах 5 листопада Сміт закрив обидві справи, пославшись на давнє правило Міністерства юстиції, яке забороняє переслідувати чинних президентів. Просячи суд зняти звинувачення, команда Сміта відстоювала суть порушених справ, сигналізуючи лише про те, що Трамп не має наміру переслідувати чинних президентів у судовому порядку, нагадує Reuters.
Офіс Сміта перебував у процесі ліквідації протягом декількох тижнів, і його відставка до вступу Трампа на посаду не є несподіваною.
Інавгурація обраного президента Дональда Трампа має відбутися 20 січня.
Окрім Дубаю, є багато компаній-власників в Індії, Китаї, Росії та малих острівних державах
Ця заява пролунала на тлі припинення Україною 1 січня постачання російського газу до Словаччини