G-7 Foreign Ministers Seek US Clarity Over Syria

Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven major industrialized nations meet on Monday for an annual gathering, with Europe and Japan seeking clarity

from the United States on an array of issues, especially Syria.

The two-day summit in Tuscany comes as the United States moves a Navy strike group near the Korean peninsula amid concerns over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and as the West’s relations with Russia struggle to overcome years of mistrust.

But the civil war in Syria is likely to dominate talks, with Italy hoping for a final communique that will reinforce United Nations’ efforts to end six years of conflict.

The meeting will give Italy, Germany, France, Britain, Canada and Japan their first chance to grill the new U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on whether Washington is now committed to overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Mixes messages

President Donald Trump had hinted he would be less interventionist than his predecessors and more willing to turn a blind eye to human rights abuses if it was in U.S. interests.

Given this, the U.S. attack on Syria last week in retaliation for what it said was a chemical weapons attack by Assad’s forces on Syrian civilians confounded many diplomats.

However, there is uncertainty over whether Washington now wants Assad out, as many Europeans are pushing for, or whether the missile strikes were simply a warning shot.

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said over the weekend that regime change in Syria was a priority for Trump, while Tillerson said on Saturday the first priority was the defeat of Islamic State.

The mixed messages have confused and frustrated European allies, who are eager for full U.S. support for a political solution based on a transfer of power in Damascus.

“The Americans say they agree, but there’s nothing to show for it behind (the scenes). They are absent from this and are navigating aimlessly in the dark,” said a senior European diplomat, who declined to be named.

Libyan worries

The foreign ministers’ discussions will prepare the way for a leaders’ summit in Sicily at the end of May.

Efforts to reach an agreement on statements and strategy ahead of time – a normal part of pre-meeting G-7 diplomacy – has gone very slowly, partly because of a difficult transition at the U.S. state department, where many key positions remain unfilled.

Some issues, such as trade and climate change, are likely to be ducked in Tuscany. “The more complicated subjects will be left to the leaders,” said an Italian diplomat, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

However, the foreign ministers will talk about Libya.

Italy is hoping for vocal support for a United Nations-backed government in Tripoli, that has struggled to exert its influence in the city, let alone in the rest of the violence-plagued north African country.

The Trump administration has not yet defined a clear policy and Rome fears Washington may fall into step with Egypt, which supports general Khalifa Haftar, who operates in eastern Libya.

The struggle against terrorism, relations with Iran and on-going instability in Ukraine will also come up for discussion, with talks due to kick off at 4.30 p.m. (1430 GMT).

Від початку доби на Донбасі бойовики стріляли 18 разів – штаб АТО

У прес-центрі штабу АТО повідомили, що підтримувані Росією бойовики від початку доби і до 18-ї години неділі здійснили 18 обстрілів на Донбасі. Про це йдеться в повідомленні прес-центру на сторінці у Facebook.

«Поблизу Маріуполя вогнем мінометів калібру 120 міліметрів та гранатометів ворог накривав захисників Новотроїцького. З гранатометів різних систем та великокаліберних кулеметів бив по оборонцях Водяного. А захисників Широкиного, Гнутового та Талаківки обстріляв зі стрілецької зброї. По опорних пунктах наших військ під Новогригорівкою гатив з озброєння БМП», – повідомили у штабі.

За даними українських військових, під обстріли проросійських сепаратистів також потрапили території поблизу Авдіївки, Луганського, Зайцева, Новотошківки, Кримського.

«Незважаючи на збройні провокації з боку ворога, українські військовослужбовці суворо дотримувалися режиму «тиші» і вогонь у відповідь не відкривали», – додали у штабі АТО.

В угрупованні «ЛНР» звинуватили українських військових в обстрілах у неділю селища міського типу Донецький. Також луганські сепаратисти стверджують, що українська сторона стягує до лінії розмежування важке озброєння. В угрупованні «ДНР» завили, що ЗСУ обстріляли 9 квітня околиці донецька, через що знеструмлені декілька сіл.

29 березня Тристороння контактна група оголосила про нові домовленості про перемир’я – з 1 квітня. Попри чергові домовленості, досягнені у Тристоронній контактній групі, обстріли на лінії зіткнення на Донбасі тривають. І українські силовики, і сепаратисти заперечують свою вину. Сторони конфлікту звинувачують одна одну у порушеннях і провокаціях.

Комісія перевірить побутові умови 54-ї бригади на Чугуївському полігоні – Полторак

Міністерство оборони через скарги волонтерів відрядить комісію на Чугуївський військовий полігон, про це повідомив на своїй сторінці міністр оборони України Степан Полторак.

«Ухвалив рішення відправити спеціальну комісію на Чугуївський полігон, де наразі розміщено особовий склад 54-ї бригади, для перевірки фактів неналежних побутових умов, у яких проживають бійці», – написав Полторак.

За його словами, буде призначене службове розслідування.

«Посадових осіб, чиї дії призвели до недбальства, буде притягнуто до дисциплінарної відповідальності», – заявив Полторак.

Раніше про незадовільні побутові умови, в яких розміщена 54-а бригада ЗСУ після відведення з передової, повідомляв волонтер Юрій Мисягін:

«54-ту бригаду після року і 40 днів боїв на Світлодарській дузі вивели на відпочинок на полігон під Чугуїв. Бійці одного з батальйонів піхоти, розташувавшись в наметах, пішли вмиватися, а тут така невдача: намет, де це можна зробити, є, умивальники теж є, труби до них підвели, по яких тече вода, а кранів немає», – повідомив він, додавши, що після цього 20 кранів для солдатів закупили волонтери.

На початку березня повідомлялось про затоплені водою намети на полігоні у Дніпрі. Військова прокуратура організувала перевірку, а в оперативному командуванні «Схід» тоді відзвітували, що вже вирішили проблему: воду відкачали, територію засипали піском.

Також у сюжеті Радіо Свобода повідомлялося про вагони, у яких перевозять українських солдатів, де були відсутні нормальні умови для перебування людей. Це звичайний «вагон-теплушка» початку минулого століття з діркою у підлозі замість туалету. Перевезення відбуваються згідно з нормативами, затвердженими у 1953 році. Після оприлюднення цього сюжету у Міністерстві інфраструктури домовилися створити робочу групу, яка має переглянути норми перевезення залізницею військових.

Second Suspect Arrested Over Sweden Truck Attack

Swedish authorities have arrested second person in connection with Friday’s truck attack in Stockholm that killed four people and wounded 15 others.

There were no immediate details about the additional suspect and how that person is connected to the 39-year-old Uzbek national suspected of ramming a stolen truck into an upscale shopping hub

The suspected terrorist was previously known to Swedish intelligence services, but authorities say he was not a part of any ongoing investigations.

“Nothing indicates we have the wrong person,” said the head of Sweden’s national police, Dan Eliasson, in comments to reporters Saturday. “On the contrary, suspicions have strengthened as the investigation has progressed.”

Photos taken at the scene Friday showed the vehicle was a truck belonging to beer maker Spendrups, which said its truck had been hijacked earlier in the day.

Witnesses say the truck drove straight into the entrance of the Ahlens Department Store on Drottninggatan, the city’s biggest pedestrian street, sending shoppers screaming and running. Television footage showed smoke coming out of the store after the crash.

Following the attack, Stockholm’s central train station was evacuated and nearby buildings were locked down for hours. Police say they have increased security at the country’s borders.

Sweden’s King Carl Gustaf expressed his condolences for the victims and their families in a brief statement.

“We follow developments but as of now our thoughts go to the victims and their families,” he said. The king cut short a visit to Brazil on Friday to return home.

A number of European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and London’s mayor, Saddiq Khan, have released statements indicating their solidarity with Sweden.

“One of Europe’s most vibrant and colorful cities appears to have been struck by those wishing it — and our very way of life — harm,” said European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

French President Francois Hollande voiced his “horror and indignation” over the assault. Paris’ Eiffel Tower went dark for five minutes Friday to honor the victims of the attack.

The U.S. State Department also condemned the attack, adding, “Attacks like this are intended to sow the seeds of fear, but in fact they only strengthen our shared resolve to combat terrorism around the world.”

Tens of Thousands Gather in Stockholm After Deadly Truck Attack

Tens of thousands of Swedes turned out in Stockholm Sunday for what they called a “lovefest” after Friday’s terrorist truck attack killed four people and injured 15.

A 39-year-old Uzbek believed to have extremist sympathies is under arrest for allegedly ramming a stolen truck into a crowd at the Ahlens department store.

“Fear shall not reign. Terror cannot win,” Mayor Karin Wanngard told a crowd estimated at 50,000.

One woman held a poster reading: “We don’t respond with fear, we respond with love.”

Friday’s attack apparently had little effect on liberal Sweden’s global reputation as an open and welcoming society.

One participant at Sunday’s rally told the Associated Press that the fact the suspect is a refugee means nothing.

“This is a sick individual and has nothing to do with his refugee status. I think most Stockholmians realize that just because you are a refugee or a Muslim doesn’t mean you are a terrorist.”

Police arrested the Uzbek-born suspect hours after the truck attack. He was known to intelligence services since last year when he disappeared before he could be deported after his application for asylum was rejected. Authorities knew he had pro-extremist sympathies.

But no group has claimed responsibility for Friday’s attack and no motive is known.

Police say they have arrested a second person in connection with the attack, but have given no further information.

Photos taken at the scene Friday showed the vehicle was a truck belonging to beer maker Spendrups, which said its truck had been hijacked earlier in the day.

Witnesses say the truck drove straight into the entrance of the Ahlens Department Store on Drottninggatan, the city’s biggest pedestrian street, sending shoppers screaming and running. Television footage showed smoke coming out of the store after the crash.

Фігурантам бахчисарайської справи «Хізб ут-Тахрір» на місяць продовжили арешт

Суд в окупованому Росією Криму продовжив на місяць термін арешту фігурантам бахчисарайської «справи Хізб ут-Тахрір». Про це 9 квітня в коментарі Крим.Реалії заявив адвокат Еміль Курбедінов.

«Судове засідання проходило одночасно по всіх затриманих, всі четверо обвинувачених перебували в клітці. Обвинувачення представило якісь оперативні дані, що на території (материкової – ред.) України ці люди визнані політв’язнями. Сторона звинувачення стверджує, що це є підстави не відпускати їх, тому що Україна сприятиме переміщенню обвинувачених на свою територію», – заявив Курбедінов.

Адвокат додав, що протягом трьох днів буде підготована апеляційна скарга.

Суд проходив в закритому режим і на нього не пустили нікого, крім адвокатів.

12 травня 2016 року в Бахчисараї російські силовики провели серію обшуків в будинках мусульман, а також в місцевому кафе. В результаті були затримані четверо бахчисарайців: Зеврі Абсеітов, Ремзі Меметов, Рустем Абільтаров та Енвер Мамутов. Вони були затримано ФСБ за підозрою в участі в організації «Хізб ут-Тахрір», що визнана в Росії терористичною.

Представники Міжнародної ісламської політичної організації «Хізб ут-Тахрір» називають своєю місією об’єднання всіх мусульманських країн в ісламській халіфат, але вони відкидають терористичні методи досягнення цього і кажуть, що піддаються несправедливому переслідуванню в Росії. Верховний суд Росії заборонив «Хізб ут-Тахрір» у 2003 році. Цю заборону Москва поширює і на територію України в окупованому Криму.

Раніше фігурантам ялтинської «справи «Хізб ут-Тахрір» Мусліму Алієву, Рефату Алімову, Енверу Бекірову, Арсену Джеппарову, Емір-Усеїну Куку і Вадиму Сіруку суд продовжив арешт на два місяці, до 8 червня. 

Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday

Pope Francis, who is scheduled to visit Egypt later this month, decried Sunday’s blast at a Coptic Church in Egypt’s Nile Delta that killed 21 worshippers and wounded dozens more.


At the end of his Palm Sunday Mass, the leader of the world’s Roman Catholic Church said, ” I pray for the dead and the victims. May the Lord convert the hearts of people who sow terror, violence and death and even the hearts of those who produce and traffic in weapons.”

Earlier, in his homily, Francis denounced the suffering in the world today.

He said those who ” . . . suffer from slave labor, from family tragedies, from diseases . . . They suffer from wars and terrorism, from interests that are armed and ready to strike.”

Before the beginning of the Mass, Francis and a group of cardinals, holding elaborately braided palm fronds, walked through the crowd at Saint Peter’s Square.

In Jerusalem, worshippers at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher celebrated Palm Sunday by waving palm branches during the procession next to the newly restored Tomb of Jesus.

The church in Jerusalem’s Old City is believed to be the burial site of Jesus.

Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem more than 2,000 years ago and the beginning of the Christian Easter Holy Week.


Norway Police Find, Detonate Bomb, Arrest Suspect

Norwegian police set off a controlled explosion of a “bomblike device” found in central Oslo Saturday, a suspect is being held in custody, and the security police are investigating, authorities said.

A Reuters reporter described a loud bang shortly after the arrival of Oslo’s bomb squad.

“The noise from the blast was louder than our explosives themselves would cause,” a police spokesman said, while adding that further investigation would be conducted at the scene.

The device had appeared to be capable of causing only a limited amount of damage, the police said earlier.

Police declined to give information about the suspect.

Norway’s police security service said in a tweet it had taken over the investigation from local police.

Oslo’s Groenland area, a multi-ethnic neighborhood that is home to popular bars and restaurants as well as several mosques, is also where the city’s main police station is located, less than a kilometer from where the device was found.

In neighboring Sweden, a truck Friday plowed into crowds in Stockholm, killing four people and wounding 15 in what police said was an apparent terror attack.

In 2011, right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik set off a car bomb in Oslo that killed eight people and destroyed Norway’s government headquarters, before going on a shooting rampage that killed 69 people at nearby Utoeya island.

British Foreign Minister Cancels Russia Visit

Britain’s foreign minister, Boris Johnson, canceled plans Saturday to visit Moscow, just hours before he was due to depart London, as tensions escalated between the U.S. and Russia over Syria.

Russian leaders, who have dubbed as illegal the U.S. action to punish the government of President Bashar al-Assad for its use of chemical weapons, ramped up the war of words late Friday when the country’s prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, warned America was “one step away from military clashes with Russia.”

In an apparent show of force, a Russian frigate armed with cruise missiles, reportedly was heading into the Mediterranean. According to Russian state media, the ship, the Admiral Grigorovich, will dock at Tartus on the Syrian coast.

Russia also has pledged to bolster Syria’s air defenses.

News of the cancelation of the British foreign minister’s trip was relayed first by Johnson himself, who tweeted: “I will now not travel to Moscow on Monday 10 April.” He said his priority was to hold talks with Western allies about Syria and Russia’s support for Assad.

British officials say that Johnson’s trip was called off after the British foreign minister consulted his American counterpart, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who himself is due to visit the Russian capital in a few days.

They said Johnson wants to spearhead efforts to help shape a “coalition of support” against Russian activity in Syria. In a statement later, Johnson said, “Developments in Syria have changed the situation fundamentally.”

A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman described the cancelation as “absurd.”

Johnson was due to hold talks with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, and the two diplomats were expected to hold a joint news conference.

“It seems that our Western colleagues live in their own kind of reality in which they first try to single-handedly make collective plans, then they single-handedly try to change them, coming up with absurd reasons,” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in a statement.

“Unfortunately, stability, and consistency have long stopped being the hallmark of Western foreign policy,” she added.

As the diplomatic turmoil unfolded, activists Saturday claimed Syrian government warplanes had again struck Khan Sheikhoun, the rebel-held town targeted earlier in the week in an alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian regime.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the London-based pro-opposition watchdog that gathers information from activists on the ground, claimed a woman was killed and three people wounded after being machine-gunned by jets in an eastern neighborhood.

The warplanes carrying out Saturday’s alleged raid are believed to have flown from al-Shayrat, the airbase targeted Thursday by the U.S. in a punitive barrage of 59 Cruise missiles strike, the greatest show of America firepower in more than a decade. Tuesday’s chemical attack left scores dead, including children and women, according activists. U.S. officials so far have not commented on the claimed raid. In addition, there was no confirmation by other monitors.

There also was an unconfirmed report of a U.S.-led raid against the Islamic State in the countryside around Raqqa, the terror group’s de facto capital in Syria. The observatory quoted local activists as saying missiles struck the village of Hanida, to the west of the city.


Tillerson Heads to Moscow Days After US Missile Strikes in Syria Anger Russia

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson heads to Moscow on April 12, just days after the United States launched missile strikes on a Syrian airbase in response to a Syrian chemical weapons attack that killed civilians.

Officials say the top U.S. diplomat will urge Russia to rethink its continued support for the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad.


Britain’s foreign minister, Boris Johnson, said on Saturday he had canceled a visit to Moscow that was scheduled for April 10. “Developments in Syria have changed the situation fundamentally,” said Johnson in a statement.


Secretary of State Tillerson is scheduled to travel to Moscow on Wednesday, after he attends the G-7 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Italy from April 9 to 11.


The State Department did not respond to VOA’s inquiry on whether Tillerson’s Moscow trip has been changed or canceled since the U.S. military strikes.  


Analysts say Washington needs the diplomatic follow-up, though, after the military action.


The top U.S. diplomat, known as a man of few words, had harsh comments for Russia, which Washington blamed for failing to rein in its ally, Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.


“Either Russia has been complicit or Russia has been simply incompetent,” said Tillerson on Thursday night. He was referring to the Kremlin’s failure to prevent the Assad government from allegedly conducting a poison gas attack that killed scores of people in rebel-held Idlib province.


In 2013, the Syrian government agreed to surrender its chemical weapons under the supervision of the Russia government. Prior to the recent gas attack, Tillerson said Assad’s future would be decided by the Syrian people. After the attack, he took aim at Assad’s government and Russia’s support for him.


Experts said the U.S. military strike could complicate Tillerson’s diplomatic mission to Moscow, and that an escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the future of Assad also is possible. 


“For sure this means further immediate bumps in the bilateral relationship,” former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst told VOA.


He said despite the fact that the missile strikes were quite limited and Washington had warned Moscow ahead of time so that Russian soldiers would not be in danger, Moscow’s reaction was rather strong.


Herbst, now director of the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center, said Russia’s decision to suspend the de-confliction mechanism, which is intended to avoid accidents, was not well considered.


“While de-confliction serves the interest of both U.S. and Russian, it is more important to Moscow” because U.S. conventional forces are far superior and “Russian forces are more at risk in case of an incident,” said Herbst.


“The strikes undoubtedly change the tone of the conversation, given the de-confliction protocols, between Russia and the U.S. have been suspended in Syria,” Michael Kofman from Center for Naval Analyses told VOA.


Professor Doga Ulas Eralp of American University in Washington told VOA on Friday that Tillerson “now has to scramble to broker a deal” that would allow a sustainable coordination mechanism between the two countries “if the U.S. is determined to escalate its military engagement in Syria.”


Middle East Institute scholar Daniel Serwer told VOA the military strikes “shoot the Syria agenda item to the top.” The key question is whether Tillerson can get something going with the Russians on a political solution in Syria,” he added.


Former U.S. officials say the Syrian chemical attack is a major challenge to the nascent relationship between the Trump administration and the Kremlin.


“It is vital that the U.S. corrects course and that the current administration moves quickly from a set of alarming and ignorant comments to having a real policy and strategy for managing and mitigating Putin’s negative impacts on world peace and security,” said former U.S. ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Daniel Baer.


Alexei Arbatov, director of the Center of International Security at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations in Moscow, told VOA’s Russian service that while the U.S. missile strike in Syria complicates U.S.-Russian relations, “the reaction of the Russian Foreign Ministry thus far has been quite restrained, and it is not rejecting the possibility of agreements and cooperation with the United States.”


While Washington is willing to work with Moscow in areas of practical cooperation, the State Department said Secretary Tillerson will make it clear the U.S. is committed to holding Russia accountable when international norms are violated.


«Укртелеком» припинив роботу на непідконтрольній частині Луганщини

Публічне акціонерне товариство «Укртелеком» повідомило, що більше не надає послуг на непідконтрольній владі України частині Луганської області. Це сталося «у зв’язку з втратою контролю над телекомунікаційною мережею», ідеться в короткому повідомленні, датованому 7 квітня. Недоступними стали як послуги телефонного зв’язку, так і доступу до мережі інтернет.

Раніше цього тижня користувачі соціальних мереж, що живуть на окупованій частині Луганщини, повідомляли, що недоступними стали послуги фіксованого зв’язку, які раніше надавав «Укртелеком». Частина цих людей сподівалася, що йдеться про тимчасовий характер перебоїв зі зв’язком.

Аналогічні послуги на непідконтрольній частині Донецької області не надаються ще з 1 березня 2017 року. Тоді в повідомленні «Укртелекому» йшлося, що причиною відключення стало втручання невстановлених осіб у роботу мережі та захоплення офісу озброєними особами.

«Оператор втратив технічну можливість централізовано керувати обладнанням на непідконтрольній території Донецької області і, відповідно, локальний фрагмент мережі оперативно відключено від загальнонаціональної мережі», – вказувалося в повідомленні.

Компанія «Укртелеком», яка раніше була державною, а нині належить бізнесмену Рінату Ахметову, є фактичним монополістом на ринку фіксованого зв’язку. «Укртелеком» надає нині й інші послуги, в тому числі й доступ до мережі інтернет.

ДПСУ: Україну хотіли втягнути у замах на молдовського політика Плахотнюка, Росія може бути причетна

Державна прикордонна служба України повідомляє про завершення спеціальної міжнародної операції з ліквідації злочинного угруповання, що мало на мені вбивство колишнього віце-спікера парламенту Молдови, голови Демократичної партії цієї країни, олігарха Володимира Плахотнюка.

За даними відомства, до угруповання входили громадяни України та Молдови. «Зв’язки керівників ОЗГ вказують на те, що супроводжували реалізацію злочину представники спецслужб РФ», – йдеться у повідомленні прикордонників.

«Після завершення задуманого вбивці мали повернутися до України. Таким чином, задум зловмисників полягав у тому, щоб дискредитувати правоохоронну систему нашої країни та погіршити українсько-молдовські міждержавні стосунки», – вважають у відомстві.

Інформацію про можливу підготовку замаху Державна прикордонна служба України отримала кілька місяців тому, йдеться у повідомленні.

«За вбивство лідера Демократичної партії Молдови зловмисникам обіцяли 200 тисяч доларів, із яких 100 тисяч вони завчасно отримали як аванс. В ході попередніх слідчих дій було встановлено, що до складу ОЗГ входить більше 10 осіб, які протягом 2015-2016 років скоїли ряд тяжких злочинів в м. Києві та Київській області, серед яких вбивство, викрадення людини та розбої», – інформують у ДПСУ.

Напередодні про затримання організаторів замаху повідомив голова Національної поліції Сергій Князєв.

В оточенні Плахотнюка цю інформацію поки не коментували. Нема наразі і реакції російської сторони.

Слідчі дії, згідно з повідомленням ДПСУ, ще тривають. 

India Gives $4.5-Billion Credit Line to Bangladesh, Signs Defense Pact

India and Bangladesh signaled deepening ties Saturday as New Delhi committed a $4.5-billion line of credit to Dhaka for development projects, and the two countries signed their first-ever pact on defense cooperation. 

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an additional $500 million in credit for Bangladesh to buy military equipment from India during the visit to New Delhi by Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Calling India a “long standing and trusted development partner,” Modi said that the new credit lines “bring our resources allocation to Bangladesh to more than $8 billion over the past six years.” 

Both leaders reaffirmed their close ties during the Bangladeshi prime minister’s first visit to India in seven years, with Modi speaking of a “golden era” in their friendship and Hasina saying their friendly ties would benefit South Asia.

The two countries signed 22 agreements, including one on civil nuclear cooperation that aims to help Bangladesh develop its civilian nuclear program.

Many in New Delhi see the deal for defense cooperation over the next five years as the key breakthrough that will help reduce Bangladesh’s reliance on China for its military needs.

Worried by the growing Chinese influence in its neighborhood, New Delhi has made a concerted push in recent years to grow strategic ties with neighboring countries. Bangladesh’s purchase of two submarines from China last year deepened those concerns in India.

Calling the defense pact a feather in India’s cap, Sukh Deo Muni, a South Asia expert at New Delhi’s Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses, said,“India does not want China to consolidate defense ties just next to its belly, that is true.”

Although the political opposition in Bangladesh has denounced the pact, independent analysts in Dhaka was optimistic that it will help achieve balance.

“Approximately 80 percent dependency at this moment you see on China, so it should be brought down. That actually reduces our vulnerability,” said Abdur Rashid, Executive Director of the Institute of Conflict, Law and Development Studies in Dhaka. “If one is interrupted we can depend on the other.”

 A new rail link between the Indian city of Kolkata and Khulna in Bangladesh, and a bus link between Kolkata and Dhaka also were inaugurated, while another old rail link was restored to coincide with Hasina’s visit. The Bangladeshi leader said the greater connectivity is vital for the region’s development.

A key water-sharing agreement that Dhaka has long pushed for, however, eluded Hasina.

Although New Delhi favors such an arrangement, opposition from West Bengal state in India, through which the Teesta River flows into Bangladesh, has prevented the two countries from clinching a deal.

As Modi assured her of his commitment to conclude a deal, the Bangladeshi leader sounded a note of optimism. “I believe we shall be able to get India’s support in resolving these issues expeditiously,” said Hasina.

The two countries have had a close relationship since 1971, when India helped Bangladesh gain independence from Pakistan following a bloody nine-month war.



India Gives $4.5B Credit Line to Bangladesh, Signs Defense Pact

India and Bangladesh signaled deepening ties Saturday as New Delhi committed a $4.5 billion line of credit to Dhaka for development projects, and the two countries signed their first-ever pact on defense cooperation. 

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an additional $500 million in credit for Bangladesh to buy military equipment from India during the visit to New Delhi by Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Calling India a “long standing and trusted development partner,” Modi said that the new credit lines “bring our resources allocation to Bangladesh to more than $8 billion over the past six years.” 

Both leaders reaffirmed their close ties during the Bangladeshi prime minister’s first visit to India in seven years, with Modi speaking of a “golden era” in their friendship and Hasina saying their friendly ties would benefit South Asia.

The two countries signed 22 agreements, including one on civil nuclear cooperation that aims to help Bangladesh develop its civilian nuclear program.

Many in New Delhi see the deal for defense cooperation over the next five years as the key breakthrough that will help reduce Bangladesh’s reliance on China for its military needs.

Worried by the growing Chinese influence in its neighborhood, New Delhi has made a concerted push in recent years to grow strategic ties with neighboring countries. Bangladesh’s purchase of two submarines from China last year deepened those concerns in India.

Calling the defense pact a feather in India’s cap, Sukh Deo Muni, a South Asia expert at New Delhi’s Institute of Defense Studies and Analyses, said,“India does not want China to consolidate defense ties just next to its belly, that is true.”

Although the political opposition in Bangladesh has denounced the pact, independent analysts in Dhaka was optimistic that it will help achieve balance.

“Approximately 80 percent dependency at this moment you see on China, so it should be brought down. That actually reduces our vulnerability,” said Abdur Rashid, Executive Director of the Institute of Conflict, Law and Development Studies in Dhaka. “If one is interrupted we can depend on the other.”

 A new rail link between the Indian city of Kolkata and Khulna in Bangladesh, and a bus link between Kolkata and Dhaka also were inaugurated, while another old rail link was restored to coincide with Hasina’s visit. The Bangladeshi leader said the greater connectivity is vital for the region’s development.

A key water-sharing agreement that Dhaka has long pushed for, however, eluded Hasina.

Although New Delhi favors such an arrangement, opposition from West Bengal state in India, through which the Teesta River flows into Bangladesh, has prevented the two countries from clinching a deal.

As Modi assured her of his commitment to conclude a deal, the Bangladeshi leader sounded a note of optimism. “I believe we shall be able to get India’s support in resolving these issues expeditiously,” said Hasina.

The two countries have had a close relationship since 1971, when India helped Bangladesh gain independence from Pakistan following a bloody nine-month war.



Президент України затвердив програму співпраці України з НАТО на 2017 рік

Президент України Петро Порошенко підписав указ «Про затвердження Річної національної програми під егідою Комісії Україна – НАТО на 2017 рік». Про це інформує прес-служба глави держави.

«Програма включає заходи з проведення реформ в усіх важливих сферах функціонування держави: від сектору безпеки і оборони до ключових соціально-політичних та правових реформ, боротьби з корупцією та децентралізації. Метою цих перетворень є наближення України до стандартів НАТО», – повідомляють у прес-службі.

Програма передбачає подальший розвиток політичного діалогу України з НАТО та нарощування практичної співпраці з Альянсом із залученням експертних, фінансових, матеріально-технічних та інших можливостей НАТО та держав-членів альянсу задля посилення обороноздатності України та можливостей протидіяти російській агресії.

«Програма також спрямована на виконання рішень, прийнятих за результатами засідання Комісії Україна – НАТО на рівні глав держав та урядів 9 липня 2016 року у Варшаві. Зокрема, посилення підтримки нашої країни шляхом реалізації Комплексного пакету допомоги НАТО для України, у тому числі проектів у рамках відповідних трастових фондів НАТО», – йдеться у повідомленні на сайті президента.

Координацію роботи з виконання програми покладено на Кабінет міністрів України.

З повним текстом програми можна ознайомитися на сайті президента. 

US Rail Industry Focused on US-China Trade Relationship

March was a disappointing month for job seekers, with the U.S. Labor Department reporting that the private sector added only 98,000 jobs last month. But one industry is looking beyond the job numbers and toward distant shores as President Donald Trump meets for the first time with Chinese President Xi Jinping to talk about trade. Mil Arcega reports.

За добу у зоні бойових дій поранено 5 українських військових – штаб

За минулу добу у зоні бойових дій на сході України поранено 5 українських військовослужбовців. Про це повідомляє штаб української воєнної операції. Упродовж доби у зоні конфлікту українська сторона зафіксувала 43 обстріли з боку проросійських бойовиків.

Як інформують у штабі, найбільше випадків порушення «режиму тиші» зафіксовано біля Маріуполя.

«З мінометів калібру 120 мм, гранатометів, великокаліберних кулеметів та озброєння БМП ворог відкривав вогонь по захисниках Новогригорівки. Міномети калібру 82 мм, гранатомети різних систем, кулемети великих калібрів та вогонь снайперів застосовував у районі Красногорівки. Опорні пункти наших військ поблизу Мар’їнки противник турбував вогнем з 82-міліметрових мінометів та стрілецької зброї», – йдеться у ранковому зведенні штабу у суботу, 8 квітня.

«З протитанкових гранатометів та великокаліберних кулеметів обстрілював позиції під Водяним, Широкиним та Березовим. Кулемети великих калібрів застосовував поблизу Чермалика, по захисниках Новотроїцького гатив БМП та ворожі снайпери. Морських піхотинців поблизу Гнутового та Талаківки підрозділи російсько-окупаційних військ обстрілювали зі стрілецької зброї», – інформують в українському штабі про обстріли на маріупольському напрямку.

Крім того, за даними штабу, бойовики стріляли і на донецькому напрямку, зокрема у бік Авдіївки, а також на луганському напрямку.

Угруповання «ДНР» натомість звинувачує українських військових в обстрілах у бік Ясинуватої, угруповання «ЛНР» – у порушенні режиму припинення вогню у бік селища Фрунзе. Українські військові, однак, заявляють, що впродовж минулої доби дотримувалися «режиму тиші».

Greece’s Dark Age: How Austerity Turned Off the Lights

Kostas Argyros’s unpaid electricity bills are piling up, among a mountain of debt owed to Greece’s biggest power utility.

His family owe 850 euros to the Public Power Corporation (PPC), a tiny fraction of the state-controlled firm’s 2.6 billion euros ($2.8 billion) in unpaid bills.​

Argyros picks up only occasional work as an odd-job man.

“When you only work once a week, what will you pay first?” said the 35-year-old, who lives in a tiny apartment in an Athens suburb with his unemployed wife and four small children.

The Argyros family are emblematic of deepening poverty in Greece following seven years of austerity demanded by the country’s international creditors. They burn wood to heat their home in winter, food is cooked on a small gas stove, and hot water is scarce.

The only evening light is the blue glare of a TV screen, for fear of racking up more debt.

Five-watt lightbulbs provide a dim glow and Argyros worries about the effect on their eyesight. More than 40 percent of Greeks are behind on their utility bills, higher than anywhere else in Europe.

People in poor neighborhoods are also increasingly turning to energy fraud, meaning that the problem for PPC is much higher than the mountain of unpaid bills suggests.

Power theft is costing PPC around 500-600 million euros a year in lost income, an industry official said, requesting anonymity because he was not authorised to divulge the numbers.

PPC declined to comment on the figure. Public disclosures by the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator HEDNO, which checks meters, show that verified cases of theft climbed to 10,600 last year, up from 8,880 in 2013 and 4,470 in 2012.

Authorities believe theft is far higher than the cases verified by HEDNO, another official said, declining to be named.

Households in the country are equipped with analog meters, which are easy to hack. One of the most common tricks is using magnets, which slow down the rotating coils to show less consumption than the real amount, a HEDNO official said.

Some websites even offer consumers tips and tricks on power fraud.

Burden of Arrears

For households who have had their electricity cut off, a group of activists calling themselves the “I Won’t Pay” movement have taken it upon themselves to reconnect the supply. The group says it has done hundreds this year.

PPC, which has a 90 percent share of the retail market and 60 percent of the wholesale market, is supposed to reduce this dominance to less than 50 percent by 2020 under Greece’s third, 86 billion euro bailout deal.

The lenders also want PPC to sell some of its assets, but the company is toiling under the debt of unpaid bills, a problem opposition lawmakers say will force a fire-sale.

In little over a year from June 2015, overdue bills to the 51-percent state-owned firm grew by nearly a billion euros to 2.6 billion, Chief Executive Manolis Panagiotakis told lawmakers in March.

Analysts estimate PPC’s cash reserves have shrunk to about  00 million euros, forcing it to secure a 200 million euro bank loan to repay a bond due in May.

The tangle has left it with little leeway for new investments or to fund a switch to cleaner forms of energy from coal to improve environmental standards.

“It is often said that PPC is undergoing the most critical phase of its history,” Panagiotakis told lawmakers. “I will not argue with that.” He declined a Reuters request for an interview.

The burden of arrears for PPC is now “so big that some worry it will not be able to lift it for much longer”, said energy expert Constantinos Filis.

The apartment building where the Argyros family live is a testament to that. Many tenants struggle even to pay the 25 euro annual fee to light communal areas such as staircases.

Ground Zero

PPC has tried to recoup unpaid bills with phased repayment plan. A total of 625,000 customers owing a total of 1.3 billion euros had signed up to the plan by January.

The Argyros family have also entered the plan with the help of Theofilos, a local charity, which also contributes towards their monthly bills.

Meanwhile, PPC’s provisions for bad debt remain high. The plans drove the figure down to 453 million euros in the nine months to September last year from 690 million a year earlier.

Analysts expect PPC to swing back to a profit of between 63-109 million euros in 2016, with provisions of below 600 million euros.

Filis, the energy expert, said the more things stayed the same, the closer PPC was to “ground zero” and he drew comparisons with the Greek state’s brushes with near bankruptcy during the debt crisis.

“It’s reasonable to say that PPC is too big to allow it to collapse, particularly regarding energy security,” he said. “On the other hand, a few years ago some argued that no country could fail either.”

Kosovo Bows to US, NATO Pressure, Puts Off Plan to Create Army

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci bowed to pressure from traditional allies the United States and NATO on Friday by putting off plans to establish an army strongly opposed by the country’s minority Serbs.

Nearly two decades after the Kosovo war, relations between Serbia and the ethnic Albanian-majority government in Kosovo remain strained. Serbia continues to regard Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008, as a renegade province.

Thaci last month found a way to bypass Serb opposition in parliament to constitutional amendments required for an army by drafting changes to an existing law on the Kosovo Security Forces that would allow the KSF to acquire heavy weapons. This would effectively turn it into a military force.

But Washington and NATO, which has kept forces in Kosovo since intervening in 1999 to stop Serbia’s killings of ethnic Albanian civilians in a counter-insurgency campaign, voiced concern that the move could unravel Kosovo’s fragile peace.

The Pristina government ordered the creation of a national army in 2014 but minority Serb deputies said they would block the required constitutional amendments.

On Friday, Thaci – a former Kosovo guerrilla commander – sent a letter to parliament asking it not to vote on his amendments so as to allow Western diplomats more time to convince Serbs to approve the amendments.

“The representatives of the Serb community should not think for any single second that Kosovo will not create its armed forces,” Thaci told a conference in the capital Pristina attended by the U.S. ambassador and other West European envoys.

The KSF is currently a lightly armed, 2,500-member force trained by NATO and tasked with crisis response, civil protection and disposal of ordnance from the 1999 conflict.

NATO and the United States do not oppose the creation of an army in principle but say the constitution must be changed first, which would require the votes of 11 Serb deputies in the 120-seat parliament.

“We do not expect the people of Kosovo to wait forever on this [formation of the army], nor do we believe any party should veto,” U.S. Ambassador Greg Delawie said.

“Kosovo needs a legitimate capability to defend itself before KFOR [NATO mission] can consider leaving.” KFOR retains around 4,500 troops in Kosovo.

Trump Picks Hassett for Key Economics Adviser Post

President Donald Trump on Friday chose Kevin Hassett, an economics adviser to past Republican presidential candidates, to be chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Hassett will play a critical role in analyzing the performance of the economy and impact of policy changes.

Hassett is the research director for domestic policy at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank that he joined in 1997. He has provided economic advice to the presidential campaigns of John McCain, George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. With a doctorate in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, Hassett has worked as a senior economist at the Federal Reserve and taught at Columbia University’s business school.

Jason Furman, the CEA chair under former President Barack Obama, hailed Hassett as an “excellent pick” on Twitter.

“He is serious about substance, committed to dialogue, & knows how to navigate DC,” Furman wrote.

An expert on taxes and budget policy, Hassett also co-wrote a paper challenging the National Football League conclusions about the New England Patriots using underinflated footballs to gain an advantage against the Indianapolis Colts in a 2015 playoff game.

Not all of Hassett’s analysis has been prescient. He has faced criticism for co-writing the 1999 book “Dow 36,000,” which predicted a rising stock market shortly before the tech bubble burst and the Dow Jones industrial average tumbled.

The CEA has routinely been filled by leading academic economists and was among the most prominent vacant posts during the early months of the Trump presidency.

Formed in 1946, the CEA is responsible for giving the president economic guidance on domestic and international policy. The post has also been a launching pad for leading monetary policy at the Fed. Previous CEA chairs — Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan — have served as the past three Fed chairs.

UN: Thousands of Children Traumatized by War in Ukraine

Hundreds of thousands of children are paying a heavy price in the three-year conflict between the government of Ukraine and Russian-backed rebels in Donetsk and Luhansk in the eastern part of the country.

Although the war has taken thousands of lives and injured many more, the U.N. children’s fund said the conflict has been all but forgotten by the world and become an “invisible crisis” to all except those forced to suffer from ongoing violence, abuse and deprivation. 

Among those hardest hit are the more than 200,000 children living along the “contact line,” a 15-kilometer zone that divides government and rebel-controlled areas where the fighting is most intense.

“These are children that are surviving death, that are living constantly with the sound of shelling, that have witnessed death. Some children have even witnessed the death of loved ones,” said Giovanna Barberis, UNICEF’s Ukraine representative.

Barberis has frequently traveled to the contact line and seen the hardships and suffering of the children, who live in a state of constant fear and uncertainty. The trauma has taken a huge emotional and psychological toll, according to Barberis.

“Parents, teachers, school directors and psychologists describe striking behavior changes among children as young as 3 years old,” she said. “Children are very anxious. They wet their beds. They have nightmares. In some cases, they act quite aggressively and often withdraw from their families and friends.”

Barberis said some children no longer seek safety in bomb shelters because they think such attacks are “normal now.”

“Families and children are getting used to living in a very abnormal and exceptional situation,” she said. “But this does not mean that they cope well with the situation.”

Escalating hostilities

There have been multiple violations of the Minsk peace agreement since it was signed in September 2014 by representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics.

In its latest report on the situation in Ukraine, the U.N. Human Rights Mission found that a sharp escalation of hostilities between January 29 and February 3 had “a devastating impact” on all aspects of life for civilians living along the contact line. It said seven civilians were killed and 46 wounded in those six days.

In addition, “Several hundreds of people are isolated and deprived of basic necessities,” according to the report. The nearest grocery store is seven kilometers away, and children crossing the contact line have “to walk up to three kilometers to go to school.”

UNICEF’s Barberis told VOA that it often was not safe to go to school, so children had difficulty gaining regular access to education.

“We have estimated that from the beginning of the conflict, something like 740 schools were damaged or destroyed,” she said, “and just these last few weeks, when we had the deteriorating situation of the areas along the contact line … something like seven schools were damaged.”

Barberis said children in eastern Ukraine require urgent and sustained support to help them come to grips with the daily trauma of war. However, she noted, UNICEF has received less than one-third of the $31.2 million it needs to support children and families affected by the conflict.

“Children should not have to live with the emotional scars from a conflict they had no part in creating,” Barberis said.

Russia’s Suspension of US Cooperation on Syrian Airspace Elevates Risk of Clash

Russia on Friday condemned the U.S. strike on a government-controlled air base in Syria, saying it would bolster Syria’s air defenses in response. President Vladimir Putin’s office called the action a “significant blow” to the Russia-U.S. relationship. The tension comes just ahead of a visit to Russia by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. VOA’s Daniel Schearf reports from Moscow.

Стулік: кримчани зможуть поїхати в ЄС без віз лише з біометричним паспортом України

Прес-аташе Представництва Європейського союзу в Україні Давід Стулік заявляє, що жителі окупованого Криму зможуть поїхати в ЄС без віз лише з біометричним паспортом громадянина України.

«ЄС в рамках невизнання незаконної анексії Криму не визнає також і паспорти, які були видані в Криму після анексії, тобто з цими паспортами не можна в’їхати на територію ЄС. Можна тільки з паспортом України або з тими паспортами Росії, які були видані консульствами Росії на території Криму раніше», – сказав Стулік 7 квітня в Києві.

Він зауважив, що ЄС в рамках візової політики буде робити все для того, щоб підтримувати територіальну цілісність і зв’язок жителів анексованого Криму з материковою Україною.

Європарламент на засіданні 6 квітня підтримав запровадження безвізового режиму з ЄС для громадян України.

В ЄС раніше заявляли, що «безвіз» для українців може запрацювати наприкінці червня.

Угода про лібералізацію візового режиму буде поширюватися на всі країни ЄС, окрім Великобританії та Ірландії, а також діятиме в країнах шенгенського простору, що не входять в ЄС, – Норвегії, Ісландії, Ліхтенштейні та Швейцарії.

Після того, як рішення набуде чинності, українці – власники біометричних паспортів матимуть змогу подорожувати до ЄС без віз на 90 днів у будь-який 180-денний період із туристичною або службово-діловою метою, з метою відвідання родичів чи друзів. Водночас українські громадяни не матимуть права на працевлаштування у Євросоюзі.


Президент Чехії знову заявив, що анексія Криму протизаконна, однак повернути його не можна

Президент Чехії Мілош Земан вкотре повторив свою позицію, що анексія Росією українського Криму протизаконна, але повернути півострів уже неможливо.

«Анексія Криму протизаконна, як і будь-яке інше захоплення чужої території. Та єдиний спосіб, як повернути Крим Україні, – це європейська війна. А її все ж ніхто не хоче», – сказав він на зустрічі з громадянами в місті Сланому неподалік столиці Праги.

Раніше Мілош Земан, відомий своєю прихильністю до Росії і її президента Володимира Путіна, вже не раз заявляв про незаконність російської анексії Криму, але стверджував, що схильний зрозуміти цей крок Москви. За його словами, дії Москви можуть бути виправдані тим, що «рішення Микити Хрущова передати Крим Україні було дурним» і «Крим Україні ніколи не належав». Також Земан не раз заявляв, що повернути Крим Україні тепер неможливо, і Захід мав би з цим змиритися.

Крім того, Земан відомий своїми закликами зняти з Росії санкції, накладені через агресію Москви проти України у Криму й на частині Донбасу. Він заперечував російську військову присутність на частині сходу України і називав події в регіоні «громадянською війною», відповідно до позиції Росії.

Також він заявляв, що Україна не має вступати до НАТО й залишатися нейтральною і пропонував «фінляндизацію» України, тобто її добровільне обмеження своїх зовнішньополітичних прагнень і їхнє підпорядкування бажанням Росії.

У Чехії, за Конституцією, зовнішня політика є прерогативою уряду, а не президента. Нинішній уряд Чехії дотримується міжнародної позиції щодо агресії Росії проти України і заявляє, що знімати санкції наразі неможливо.

Чеський суд почав розглядати ліквідацію «представництва «ДНР» в Остраві

Крайовий суд у чеському місті Остраві 7 квітня розпочав розгляд справи щодо ліквідації так званого «представництва «ДНР» у Чехії.

Таким чином суд задовольнив вимогу Міністерства закордонних справ Чехії щодо закриття «представництва».

Як повідомляють чеські ЗМІ, рішення Крайового суду про початок розгляду справи щодо ліквідації «представництва «ДНР» в Остраві вручили голові цієї організації Нелі Лісковій.

Сама Нела Ліскова підтвердила, що рішення суду отримала.

Вперше чеське МЗС виступило із заявою щодо закриття «представництва «ДНР» 29 серпня минулого року. В заяві, зокрема, наголошувалося, що «самозвана «Донецька народна республіка» не може мати в Чехії жодної дипломатичної місії чи консульства, тому що це утворення не є державою, і Чехія його як державу не визнає».

Наприкінці вересня минулого року Крайовий суд Острови зобов’язав так зване «представництво «ДНР» змінити назву, однак ця вимога чеського суду не була виконана. Так зване «представництво» було офіційно зареєстроване в місті Остраві як громадське об’єднання «Представницький центр ДНР».

Угруповання «ДНР» в Україні визнане терористичним. «Почесним консулом» угруповання «ДНР» в місті Остраві себе оголосила Нела Ліскова, яка в Чехії очолює популістську антиєвропейську громадську ініціативу «Національна самооборона».


US Unemployment Rate Falls, But Economy Gains Just 98k Jobs

The U.S. economy had a net gain of 98,000 jobs in March, which is much weaker job growth than most economists expected.

Payroll growth was slowed by stormy weather in March after unusually good weather helped growth in January and February, according to economist Jed Kolko, of the job web site “Indeed.”

Friday’s report from the Labor Department also said the unemployment rate fell two-tenths of a percent, to 4.5 percent. Government data show that is the lowest level since April, 2007.  The unemployment rate has been five percent or lower for well over a year.

The slight decline in the jobless rate is due to 145,000 people entering the workforce and nearly half a million Americans finding jobs, according to S&P Global Rating’s economist Beth Ann Bovino. She says this is the latest in a series of mostly positive reports on the job market.   

PNC Bank economist Gus Faucher says the job market “is getting tighter and business are finding it more difficult to hire.”  That may force employers to raise wages to attract and keep workers.  

Job gains were found in professional and business services and mining, while retail continued to lose positions.  Faucher also said problems in retail may reflect a shift from traditional stores to on-line commerce.  That shift is evident in the announcement that several major retail chains are closing a large number of stories, according to economist Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.

While the report shows that the total number of unemployed Americans fell by over 300,000, there are still 7.2 million people out of work across the country.  


Buk Missile Launcher Wasn’t Within Range of MH17, Bellingcat Reports

A few days before the July 2014 missile attack on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17, a Ukraine Army-operated Buk missile launcher was located not near fighting in the east, as Moscow has long insisted, but hundreds of kilometers to the west.

That’s what a team of journalists and researchers at Bellingcat, a Britain-based investigative website, has concluded after lengthy analysis of digital images taken by a Ukrainian army chaplain.

Bellingcat, which specializes in using open-source information such as social media posts to analyze conflicts, was one of the first groups to produce evidence debunking key elements of the Russian government’s claim that Ukrainian forces shot down MH17 on July 17, 2014, killing all 298 people aboard. Bellingcat’s conclusion — that Moscow doctored images in order to buttress allegations that Kyiv was responsible for the single worst atrocity of the war — was later corroborated by arms control researchers at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies at Monterey in California.

Bellingcat’s new report says metadata from a series of digital images prove that the exact same Buk missile launcher that Moscow claims was within striking range of MH17 on the day of the attack was actually stationed at Mirgorod Air Base in Poltava, central Ukraine — well outside of firing distance.

“The only operational Buk missile launcher observed within firing range of MH17 on July 17, 2014, was the Russian Buk 332, from the Kursk-based 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade,” a surface-to-air combat unit of the Russian ground forces that was stationed in eastern Ukraine at the time, Bellingcat reported.

Kyiv-based political scientist Yuri Lesnichiy of the Institute of Analysis and Forecasting says the new information will prove vital to undercutting the Kremlin narrative surrounding the tragedy.

“Such high-profile investigations … carry across particular information and the Kremlin finds it difficult to twist the facts that the Europeans will believe in,” he told VOA’s Russian Service.

Immediately after MH17 was shot out of clear blue skies over the frontlines in eastern Ukraine, Russia’s RIA state news agency reported that Russian-backed separatists had successfully shot down a Ukrainian military aircraft. They retracted the story upon learning that it was a civilian airliner that had been brought down.

In March, Ukraine asked the United Nations’ highest court to order Russia to stop funding and equipping pro-Russian separatists. In that filing, they cited a September 2016 six-country investigation team led by the Netherlands, which said MH17 had been shot down with a Russian-manufactured Buk surface-to-air missile from an area controlled by pro-Russian forces.

Russia denies sending troops or military equipment to eastern Ukraine and has dismissed findings of the September 2016 probe as biased and politically motivated.

This report was translated by Svetlana Cunningham and produced in collaboration with VOA’s Russian Service.

Ross: Trump Backs EXIM Bank to Boost US Exports

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held out hope Thursday that the Trump administration will revive the U.S. Export-Import bank’s full lending powers, saying the institution is part of its “trade toolbox” to boost exports.

The U.S. government trade lender has been hobbled for the better part of two years by conservative Republicans in Congress who tried to shut it down in 2015 by revoking its charter, and then limited its lending powers last year by blocking nominations to its board of directors.

Big loans impossible

With only two active members on its five-seat board, the bank cannot make or guarantee loans of more than $10 million, preventing it from financing large exports such as U.S.-built commercial aircraft, nuclear reactors or petrochemical plants.

Thus far, Trump administration officials have not said publicly whether they support reviving EXIM’s full lending powers, but some members of Congress say that Trump has told them privately that he supports the institution.

“The bank is part of a domestically focused trade toolbox that this administration will continue to focus on in the coming months,” Ross said in brief video remarks to EXIM’s annual conference in Washington. “We will use that toolbox to rebalance our trade policy in order to put American workers first.”

Ross did not provide details of how EXIM will be used in his trade strategy or whether the administration has specific plans to nominate new board members.

Trump appears to be an ally

He urged hundreds of U.S. manufacturers, lenders and foreign government and company officials attending the meeting to work toward increasing U.S. exports to create jobs.

U.S. Representative Chris Collins of New York, a Republican Trump ally who headed a small manufacturer that used EXIM working capital loan guarantees in the past, told the conference that Trump told him February 16 at a White House meeting that he was “all in” on supporting EXIM.

“We asked him very directly about the five board seats,” Collins said. “The president looked to his right and to his left and said ‘Can you get me some names? I’m all in.’ There was no hesitation whatsoever.”

Reviving EXIM, however, would anger conservative groups backed by the Koch brothers, the influential billionaire Republican donors. The groups have waged a campaign that has painted EXIM as unnecessary corporate welfare even though it is self-funding through the interest and fees it charges borrowers.

Trump Hosts Foreign Dignitaries at His Own Private Resort

When the U.S. president hosts a foreign leader at his home, it can be seen as a sign of hospitality, an indicator of warm relations, and a chance to put American culture on display.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt famously hosted the king and queen of England at his Hyde Park estate, where he served hot dogs for dinner. President Ronald Reagan hosted Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at his California ranch. President George H.W. Bush hosted a string of international leaders at the family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, and his son President George W. Bush did the same at his family home in Crawford, Texas.

With so many precedents, why would anyone point fingers at President Donald Trump for hosting foreign dignitaries at Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach, Florida, estate?

The answer is money. Mar-a-Lago functions as a vacation home for the Trumps, but it also serves as a resort for paying members — which has not been true of any of the aforementioned properties that played host to presidential guests. It is not clear how much access paying guests have to the visiting diplomats, but during a visit by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Mar-a-Lago earlier this year, Abe and Trump carried on some of their discussions over dinner in a restaurant on the property, in full view of other guests.

Having presidential guests stay at Mar-a-Lago — a commercial property owned by the president — raises questions about whether other guests at the property have extraordinary access to the president and his guests by virtue of their club membership — a membership whose price doubled after Trump was elected to the presidency. Critics refer to the situation as “pay to play” — where money buys access to power.

On the other hand, Mar-a-Lago — with its proximity to the beach, a spa, tennis courts and golf courses — seems an ideal place to host foreign dignitaries, as it can be a more relaxed atmosphere than Washington, D.C. The setting also implies a close, personal relationship between the president and his visitor.

Abe visit ‘well received’ in Japan

“The Mar-a-Lago meeting between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping offers a great opportunity for the two leaders to get to know each other in a more relaxed atmosphere,” said Zhiqun Zhu, professor of political science and international relations, and director of The China Institute at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania.

He said Abe’s visit to the Florida estate “was well received in Japan because many Japanese liked the fact that Abe was the first Asian leader to be invited by the Trump administration to the U.S., and Trump and Abe spent several intimate hours playing golf together, highlighting the close alliance between the U.S. and Japan and the strong personal ties between Trump and Abe.”

The Xi meeting, however, lacks one important component of that visit: Xi does not play golf. His government frowns on the sport.

Ely Ratner, a senior fellow in China studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, told The Boston Globe that the Xi visit to Mar-a-Lago provides a “controlled media environment,” a situation prized by the Trump administration and difficult to arrange in Washington. But it also implies a favorable relationship that, in Ratner’s mind, has yet to be achieved.

“They should have had the opening meeting in Washington and said ‘we can do the Mar-a-Lago meeting, but you have to earn it,'” he said.

Property once government-owned

Mar-a-Lago — built in the 1920s by heiress and socialite Marjorie Merriweather Post — was actually planned as a presidential retreat. Post bequeathed the estate to the federal government upon her death in 1973. But then-President Richard Nixon preferred using his own Florida vacation home in Key Biscayne, and successive presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were not interested in the estate, either.

Carter preferred the official presidential retreat, Camp David, not far from the nation’s capital and owned by the U.S. military, where he arranged the historic Camp David Accords between the leaders of Israel and Egypt.

In 1980, the government returned Mar-a-Lago to the Post family.

Trump bought the resort five years later, after threatening to buy the land between the home and the beach, spoiling the view and driving down the sales price. When Trump began struggling financially, he converted part of the property into a private club. The initiation fee for Mar-a-Lago membership is $200,000. Yearly dues are $14,000. Overnight guests pay up to $2,000 per night.

Critics say it’s not only the “pay-to-play” problem that worries them. It’s also the cost of the Trump visits and the impact on the community, where roads must be closed when the president is in town, and local law enforcement works overtime to help with security.

Democratic lawmakers are pushing legislation that would mandate that Mar-a-Lago keep a public log of its visitors.

As for the high-security Camp David, hidden in the Maryland mountains, Trump has called the property “very rustic.” He recently told a German reporter, “It’s nice, you’d like it. You know how long you’d like it? For about 30 minutes.”