Минулої доби на Донбасі 2 військових загинули, 4 поранені і 1 травмований – штаб АТО

У прес-центрі штабу АТО вранці 28 березня повідомили, що через обстріли підтримуваних Росією бойовиків минулої доби на Донбасі двоє українських військовослужбовців загинули, четверо були поранені і один травмований. Як йдеться в повідомленні штабу на сторінці у Facebook, ситуація на фронті все ж відносно стабілізувалася у порівнянні з попереднім днем.

«У районі проведення АТО ситуація стабілізувалась, кількість обстрілів позицій Збройних Сил України зменшилась. За добу зафіксовано 58 випадків відкриття вогню. Найбільшу кількість обстрілів ворог здійснив на донецькому напрямку», – йдеться в повідомленні.

За даними штабу, «аби пригасити вогневу активність противника» українські військовослужбовці відкривали вогонь у відповідь.

В угрупованні «ДНР» звинуватили українських військових в обстрілах на півночі Донецька і Докучаєвська, а також селищ Ясне і Яковлівка. Луганські сепаратисти поки не повідомляли, як минула ніч на підконтрольних їм територіях.

Останнім часом у низці місцевостей на лінії зіткнення на Донбасі сталося помітне загострення бойових дій, яке не припинилося й попри чергові домовленості, досягнені у Тристоронній контактній групі. І українські силовики, і сепаратисти заперечують свою вину. Сторони конфлікту звинувачують одна одну у порушеннях і провокаціях.

Російський «Сбербанк» повідомив про продаж своїх філій в Україні

Російський «Сбербанк» 27 березня повідомив про укладення договору про продаж ПАТ «Сбербанк» (Україна), йдеться на сайті фінустанови.

«Консорціум інвесторів купує 100% акцій ПАТ «Сбербанк» (Україна), яке є дочірнім банком ПАТ «Сбербанк». У консорціум увійдуть «Норвік Банк» (Латвія) і білоруська приватна компанія. Відповідний юридично зобов’язуючий договір підписаний сьогодні (27 березня – ред.). Закриття угоди очікується в першому півріччі 2017 року після отримання схвалень угоди фінансовими і антимонопольними регуляторами відповідних юрисдикцій, включаючи Латвію та Україну», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Російський «Сбербанк» також повідомив, що його дочірній банк в Україні має достатньо коштів для виконання зобов’язань перед приватними і корпоративними клієнтами.

«Сподіваємося, що рішення про продаж нашого дочірнього банку сприятиме розблокуванню його офісів і відновленню нормальної роботи, що дозволить клієнтам банку продовжити безперешкодно користуватися послугами», – додали у російському банку.

Водночас, як йдеться на сайті Norvik Banka, мажоритарним акціонером нового консорціуму став громадянин Великобританії Саїд Гуцерієв і білоруська компанія, що належить йому.

«Ми підтримуємо європейський вибір України і віримо, що своєю роботою зможемо сприяти майбутньому економічному зростанню країни. Розвинена мережа відділень придбаного банку і професіоналізм команди стануть надійним фундаментом для довгострокових ініціатив розвитку. Українська економіка пройшла нижчу точку кризи і ми віримо в майбутнє економічне зростання і потенціал цієї країни», – повідомив голова правління банку Олівер Брамуелл.

Саїд Гуцерієв є сином російського бізнесмена, власника «Русснефти», «Бінбанку» та ще кількох компаній Михайла Гуцерієва.

Norvik Banka, згідно з даними офіційного сайту, займає сьоме місце в Латвії за величиною активів. Його головний акціонер — громадянин Великобританії Григорій Гусельніков, власник «Вятка-банку» і колишній президент «Бінбанку».

Національний банк за рішенням Ради національної безпеки і оборони застосував від 23 березня санкції стосовно дочірніх компаній російських державних банків, які працюють в Україні. Відповідно до рішення, санкції терміном на один рік будуть застосовані до публічного акціонерного товариства «Сбербанк», ПАТ «ВіЕс Банк», ПАТ «Акціонерний комерційний промислово-інвестиційний банк», ПАТ «ВТБ БАНК», ПАТ «БМ БАНК» «в частині запобігання виведенню капіталів зазначеними юридичними особами за межі України на користь пов’язаних із ними осіб».

Причиною запровадження санкцій стало те, що материнські структури цих банків у Росії почали визнавати незаконні «документи», видані непідконтрольними Україні самочинно створеними органами на окупованих частинах Донбасу.

Після цього рішення стало відомо, що найбільший у Росії комерційний банк «Сбербанк», підконтрольний державі, розглядає варіанти якнайшвидшого виходу з українського ринку.

Перед запровадженням цих санкцій в Україні активісти, зокрема представники «Національного корпусу», вимагали припинення діяльності російських банків в Україні. Напередодні у «Національнрму корпусі» повідомили, що вирішили тимчасово розблокувати роботу відділень «Сбербанку».


Free WiFi Touted as Airlines Grapple with Laptop Ban

Turkish and Gulf airlines are touting free WiFi and better in-flight connectivity for smartphones as they scramble to mitigate the impact of a ban on laptops in plane cabins bound for the United States.

The restrictions could deal a blow to fast-growing Gulf airlines, which depend on business-class flyers stopping over in Dubai or Doha for far-flung destinations, and to Turkish Airlines with its high volume of transit passengers.

A Turkish Airlines official said it was working on rolling out a system to allow passengers to use 3G data roaming on mobile phones to connect to the internet in-flight, and planned to make WiFi freely available on some aircraft from next month.

“We’ve sped up infrastructure work after the latest developments. … If the work is complete, we’re planning on switching to free WiFi services in our Boeing 777 and Airbus 330 aircraft in April,” the official told Reuters.

Emirates said Thursday it was introducing a “laptop and tablet handling service” for U.S.-bound flights which would allow passengers to use their devices until just before they board. The devices would be “carefully packed into boxes” and returned on arrival in the United States, it said.

Emirates passengers can access limited free WiFi or pay $1 for 500 MB.

Fellow Gulf carrier Etihad encouraged passengers to pack their electronics in check-in luggage but said it would also allow devices to be handed over at boarding, a spokesman said. Turkish said it had introduced a similar measure.

Qatar Airways did not respond to questions on how it planned to mitigate the impact of the new security measures, but in a Facebook posting this week it said its in-flight entertainment was “the only entertainment you’ll need on board.”

Royal Jordanian also took a tongue-in-cheek approach, listing on Twitter “12 things to do on a 12-hour flight with no laptop or tablet,” including reading, meditating, saying hello to your neighbor, or “reclaiming territory on your armrest.”

Суд відмовився розглянути доповідь правозахисників у справі Чийгоза – Полозов

Підконтрольний Кремлю Верховний суд Криму після відмови відводити прокурора у справі заступника голови Меджлісу кримськотатарського народу Ахтема Чийгоза залишив без розгляду ще кілька клопотань захисту, повідомляє адвокат Чийгоза Микола Полозом.

За його словами, мовиться про доправлення Ахтема Чийгоза до зали суду, про приєднання до справи доповіді міжнародної групи правозахисників про події 26 лютого 2014 року, а також про відвід усього складу суду через непряму зацікавленість.

На засіданні 27 березня заслухали свідчення свідка захисту Леммара Юнусова, за словами якого «Ахтем Чийгоз не здійснюють будь-яких жестів і не давав ніяких команд і розпоряджень мітингувальникам». Після цього суд перейшов до допиту другого свідка захисту – Сейрана Егамбердієва. Однак через закінчення робочого часу його допит був завершений.

Продовження слухань заплановано на вівторок, 28 березня, повідомив Микола Полозов.

Раніше Верховний суд Криму продовжив арешт Ахтему Чийгоз на три місяці, до 8 липня.

Ахтема Чийгоза затримали у січні 2015 роки за участь у мітингу на підтримку територіальної цілісності України перед будівлею Верховної Ради Криму 26 лютого 2014 року. Тоді мітингувальникам протистояли проросійські активісти, у тому числі, з партії «Русское единство».

«Справу Чийгоза» російський суд розглядає у рамках «сутички 26 лютого» після того, як суд на закритому засіданні розділив цю справу на дві: окремо щодо заступника голови Меджлісу Ахтема Чийгоза і інших фігурантів процесу – Алі Асанова і Мустафи Дегерменджі.

Trump Convenes Panel on Empowering Women in Business

President Donald Trump says that empowering and promoting women in business are priorities in his administration.


In a round-table discussion, the president is telling a group of female business owners that his team will work on barriers women face. He says the administration is also trying to make childcare more affordable and accessible.


WATCH: Trump’s comments during roundtable discussion

The gathering comes on the first work day since the Republican-led plan to repeal and replace the nation’s health care law was pulled before a House vote, a major setback for the Trump administration.


The White House is trying to focus this week on another campaign priority: creating jobs and economic issues.

Britain Wants Social Media Sites Cleared of Jihadist Postings

Islamic State propagandists are seeking to capitalize on last week’s terror attack in London, which left five people dead and 40 injured, by flooding YouTube with hundreds of violent recruitment videos.

The online propaganda offensive comes as Britain demands social media companies scrub their sites of jihadist postings.

Amber Rudd, the country’s interior minister, has vowed to “call time” on internet firms allowing terrorists “a place to hide” and has summoned some of the leading social media companies, including Facebook and Twitter, for what is being dubbed by British officials as “showdown talks” later this week.

Rudd says she is determined to stop extremists “using social media as their platform” for recruitment and for operational needs.

Britain’s security services are in a standoff with WhatsApp, which has refused to allow them access to the encrypted message the London attacker sent three minutes before he used an SUV to mow down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and stabbed to death a policeman outside the House of Commons.

British security services are powerless to read that final message, which might cast light on whether the attack was a “lone wolf” or one aided and directed by others. Police investigators believe the terrorist acted alone and have seen no evidence that he was associated with IS or al-Qaida.

WhatsApp, which has a billion users worldwide, employs “end to end encryption” for messages, which the company says prevents even its own technicians from reading people’s messages.

Officials want voluntary action

Rudd and other government ministers have launched a media onslaught, saying they are considering legislation to require online companies to take down extremist material. They argue this wouldn’t be necessary if the companies recognized their community responsibilities.

Rudd told the BBC that Facebook, Google and other companies should understand they are not just technology businesses, but also publishing platforms. “We have to have a situation where we can have our security services get into the terrorists’ communications,” she argued. “There should be no place for terrorists to hide.”

British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson joined in the condemnation of social media and online companies. “I think it’s disgusting,” he told The Sunday Times. “They need to stop just making money out of prurient violent material.”

At a security conference last week in the United States, Johnson called for action.

“We are going to have to engage not just militarily, but also to stop the stuff on the internet that is corrupting and polluting so many people,” he said. “This is something that the internet companies and social media companies need to think about. They need to do more to take that stuff off their media — the incitements, the information about how to become a terrorist, the radicalizing sermons and messages. That needs to come down.”

Recruiting criminals

The furor over extremist use of the internet was fueled Monday by front-page articles in the Times and Daily Mail newspapers highlighting the IS propaganda videos posted on YouTube since last Wednesday’s slaughter in the British capital. The high-definition videos, some of which contained references to the London attack, include gory scenes of beheadings and “caliphate violence” carried out by child adherents of the terror group.

U.S. and European officials have long complained online companies are, in effect, aiding and abetting terrorism. A year ago in January, much of the U.S. national security leadership of the Obama administration sat down with Silicon Valley chiefs to discuss jihadist use of the internet to recruit and radicalize people and plot attacks.

Also last year, British spy chief, Robert Hannigan, singled out messaging apps as especially worrisome for the security services, saying they had become “the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists and criminals — precisely because they are highly encrypted.”

Some cooperation

After initial resistance to complaints from Western governments, Facebook, Google and Twitter have in recent months been more cooperative with authorities and have removed large amounts of extremist material. Twitter said in the second half of 2016 it suspended 376,890 accounts for violations related to promotion of terrorism.

But some services have resisted providing governments with encryption keys, or so-called back doors.

Apple has developed encryption keys that message users can use that are not possessed by the company. Apple’s chief executive, Timothy Cook, argued last year, “If you put a key under the mat for the cops, a burglar can find it, too.”

Silicon Valley chiefs say they fear violations of privacy and their priority is their customers, not national security, an argument that has resonated since former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed the extent of electronic surveillance by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Last year, WhatsApp was blocked several times in Brazil for failing to hand over information relating to criminal investigations. 

Messages sent on a rival service by Telegram are also encrypted, but after bad publicity and immense pressure from Western governments, the company does provide a backdoor for security and law-enforcement agencies.

Not that access to encrypted communications always helps.

Sunday, it emerged that German police knew the Christmas market attacker in Berlin who drove a truck into a crowd of shoppers was planning a suicide attack. Police had intercepted his Telegram messages nine months before the attack.

A police recommendation that he be deported was declined by state government prosecutors because they feared the courts would reject the request.

Rights group: More than 1,000 arrested in Belarus protests

A Belarusian human rights group says more than 1,000 people have been arrested for weekend protests in the former Soviet Republic and that about 150 of them have been sentenced to jail terms of up to 25 days.

Opponents of authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko held unsanctioned demonstrations Saturday in Minsk, the capital, and other Belarusian cities, at which arrests were widespread. Other arrests took place in Minsk on Sunday when demonstrators demanded to know the detainees’ whereabouts.


Authorities have made no comment on the arrests.


Vladimir Lobkovich of the Vesna human rights group on Monday called the sentencings a “judicial conveyor.”


The weekend demonstrations were part of an unusually persistent wave of anti-government protests in the former Soviet republic.


US, Russia, China, Others Sit Out Nuclear Ban Talks at UN

The United States, Russia, China and more than a score of other countries are sitting out new talks at the United Nations toward a treaty that would ban nuclear weapons.


U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley and colleagues from Britain, France and about 20 other nations gathered Monday outside the General Assembly to show opposition to the talks starting inside. Haley says the U.S. wants a nuclear-weapons-free world but has to be “realistic” about how to get there while protecting its people.


She says the U.S. has already reduced its nuclear weapons by 85 percent under the decades-old Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


More than 100 countries backed a General Assembly resolution that set up the talks. Backers of the proposed treaty say prohibiting nuclear weapons would be a powerful step toward eliminating them.


Economic Report Predicts Rise in Global Counterfeiting, Piracy

The global trend in counterfeiting and piracy is forecast to increase during the decade with China at the heart of production of fake goods from clothes to electronics, and risky fake medicines and cosmetics.

But governments and businesses are looking to challenge the commercial threats posed by counterfeiting with steps to detect fake goods and protect brands and jobs.

A report commissioned by the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the International Chamber of Commerce, said the global economic value of counterfeiting and piracy could reach $2.3 trillion by 2022. The global value of the counterfeit market in 2015 stood at $1.7 trillion.

The February 2017 report, by research firm Frontier Economics, said the wider social, investment and criminal enforcement costs could take the total to $4.2 trillion, leaving at risk about 5.4 million “legitimate jobs”.

Analysts say while counterfeiting and fraud have been a part of commercial life, the quickening pace of fake products has come with the globalization of business.

Plague on world economy

A recent report by the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime says “counterfeit goods and fraudulent medicines pose a serious risk to public health and safety”.

The goods range from automotive supplies, to chemicals and pesticides, consumer electronics, electrical components, food, drink and agricultural products.

While deaths and sickness have been reported from key foods such as baby milk powder in Asia, the full human toll as a result of fake mechanical, food and medicines is unclear.

China said to be at center

The UNODC and the World Customs Organization estimate 75 percent of counterfeit products seized worldwide in 2010 were manufactured in East Asia, mostly in China.

Australia-based product security firm, YPB Group executive chairman, John Houston, says the “problem [of counterfeiting] essentially is in China”.

“The Chinese counterfeiter can now copy the best packaging, they actually put holograms on things that the original brand owner doesn’t have a hologram on, to create the aura of authenticity,” Houston said.

“So what you need is a traceable, identifiable, authenticable technology in products and you would be absolutely amazed how little there is in the world,” he said.

The UNODC says India and China are the largest sources of fraudulent medicines, with China the lead “departure point” of nearly 60 percent of counterfeit medical products seized globally.

But even as China takes steps to crack down on counterfeit medicines, “key aspects of production” are likely to move elsewhere, including to North Korea, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Major problem

The major driver of the sales of counterfeit goods has come through e-commerce and major online distribution channels. In December the United States placed China’s Alibaba Group on a ‘counterfeit goods watch list’.

Since then Alibaba, the $270 billion e-commerce powerhouse, led by chief executive Jack Ma, said it was taking steps to crackdown on counterfeit sellers on its network, including a digital ledger system designed to track genuine food products through a supply chain.

Alibaba also called on China’s authorities to introduce tougher laws, stricter enforcement and stiffer penalties to crackdown on producers of counterfeit goods in China. The company blamed China’s “ambiguous counterfeiting laws” that hampered authorities’ ability to build legal cases against counterfeiters.

Steps by Alibaba, included the taking down of 380 million product listings and the shutdown of 180,000 Taobao stores, and 675 operators as a result of anti-counterfeiting measures.

Countries fighting back

Governments are also taking action against elements in the counterfeiting trade. Thailand regularly carries out high profile raids on counterfeit goods’ suppliers and well publicized destruction of the goods.

In Cambodia, where the key health challenge is counterfeit medicines, the Interior Ministry recently said it had closed down over 60 illegal pharmacies, as well measures to curb production of fake currencies, notably U.S. dollars.

In Vietnam, faced with a “tidal wave” of counterfeit cosmetics flooding the market, the Health Department of Medicine Management suspended the distribution of more than 30 beauty products.

Businesses in Vietnam have also complained that fake products from China were costing the firms “hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in lost revenue”.

Anti-counterfeiting measures

YPB’s Houston said there is increasing demand for technologies to thwart counterfeiting or forgery, especially with issues of cross border migration and terrorism in many parts of the world.

A report by MarketsandMarkets.com said the value of anti-counterfeiting packaging is set to reach $153.95 billion by 2020, from $82.05 billion in 2015.

Houston said Asian governments were looking to anti-counterfeiting technology realizing “the burden and loss of revenue that counterfeit and the black economy place on developing economies.”

Snap Shares Rise as Underwriters Start Coverage with ‘Buy’

Snap Inc., owner of messaging app Snapchat, received top ratings from a number of its IPO underwriters on Monday, sending its shares up more than 3 percent in premarket trading.

Snap had a red-hot debut on March 1 in what was the largest listing by a technology firm in three years. However, many investors have been critical of the company’s lack of profitability and decelerating user growth.

At least six brokerages, including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, rated the stock “buy” or higher, citing the company’s long-term growth in a highly competitive market.

As of Friday’s close, the stock had risen nearly 34 percent from its $17 initial public offering price. The stock was trading at $23.52 before the bell on Monday.

The Los Angeles-based company’s app, which allows users to share short-lived messages and pictures, is popular with young people but faces intense competition from larger rivals such as Facebook Inc.’s Instagram. Snap has warned it may never become profitable.

“SNAP’s engaged/hard-to-reach millennial users and unique video offerings should attract significant ad dollars,” said Morgan Stanley analysts, who started the stock with an “overweight” rating.

The analysts also said that Snap’s ad monetization was still in its infancy.

Among other underwriters, Jefferies, RBC, Cowen & Co and Credit Suisse rated the stock a “buy.” RBC was the most bullish with a $31 price target.

“The big question is whether SNAP’s user base can ‘age up,'” analysts at Cowen & Co. said in a note.

However, JP Morgan, also an underwriter, started with a “neutral” rating.

“[The] neutral rating is driven by an increasingly competitive social media landscape which includes Facebook and others implementing successful Snap features across a broader user base, potentially weighing on user growth, and lack of profit until 2019E,” JP Morgan analysts said.

Including the latest actions, Snap now has eight “buy” or higher ratings, six “sell” and seven “neutral” ratings, according to Thomson Reuters data.


ГПУ оголосила в розшук ще одного російського генерала через конфлікт на Донбасі

Генеральна прокуратура України повідомляє, що оголосила у розшук російського генерала Олексія Завізьона через його роль у збройному конфлікті на сході України.

За повідомленням, Головна військова прокуратура підозрює командувача 41 загальновійськової армії Центрального військового округу збройних сил Росії за статтями «умисні дії, вчинені з метою зміни меж території та державного кордону України на порушення порядку, встановленого Конституцією України, які призвели до загибелі людей та інших тяжких наслідків», «ведення агресивної війни», «участь у терористичній організації».

У ГПУ заявляють, що Завізьона «обґрунтовано підозрюють» у тому, що він у період з лютого по липень 2015 року командував групою бойовиків й організовував обстріли позицій українських військових.

Як заявили в прокуратурі, слідчі готують клопотання про надання дозволу на затримання російського генерала.

У серпні 2016 року генпрокурор України Юрій Луценко заявив про оголошення підозри у скоєнні злочинів проти основ національної безпеки України 18 високопосадовцям Росії, зокрема міністру оборони Сергію Шойгу, заступнику міністра оборони Дмитру Булгакову, начальнику Генерального штабу збройних сил Росії Валерію Герасимову.

За даними Міноборони України, станом на 20 березня від початку конфлікту на сході України загинули 2 629 українських військових, поранені – понад 9,4 тисячі.

Громадянину України у Мінську дали 15 діб арешту за участь у демонстраціях

Суд у столиці Білорусі, Мінську, засудив до 15 діб арешту громадянина України Руслана Терещенка, затриманого за участь у демонстраціях 25 березня.

Як повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода, рішення ухвалив суд Ленінського району Мінська.

Посольство України в Мінську з’ясовує, чи є інші українці в судах.

27 березня в Білорусі тривають суди над затриманими під час мітингів у Мінську й інших білоруських містах 25 і 26 березня. Загалом, за підрахунками правозахисників, на лаву підсудних потрапить більше ніж сто людей.

Серед підсудних є кілька журналістів, у тому числі польського телеканалу «Бєлсат».

25 березня у Мінську відбувся розгін антиурядової акції, близько 700 людей були заарештовані. Арешти засудили США і Європейський союз.

В Україні відбулися акції солідарності із затриманими в Мінську.

Pro-Europe Party Wins Bulgaria Elections, Socialists Yield

The leader of Bulgaria’s Socialist party has conceded defeat after exit polls showed her party placing second in the parliamentary election held Sunday.

Socialist leader Kornelia Ninova congratulated former Prime Minister Boiko Borisov’s GERB party as the election’s winner.

An Alpha Research exit poll said GERB won 32.2 percent of the vote, with the Socialist Party coming in second with 28 percent. A separate exit poll by Gallup International Balkan had GERB with 32.8 percent and the Socialists with 28.4 percent.


Official results are expected Monday.  

The election had been seen as a test of Bulgaria’s loyalties to the European Union and to Russia, with which it has historic political and cultural links. Bulgaria is set to take over the bloc’s presidency in 2018.

GERB and the Socialists both campaigned to revive economic ties with Russia to benefit voters in the European Union’s poorest nation. But the Socialists vowed to go further, even if it meant upsetting the country’s European Union partners.

GERB did not win enough votes to govern alone, and will likely form a coalition government with the United Patriots, an alliance of three nationalist parties that the exit polls showed placing third.

The Socialists ruled out any option of serving in a coalition government. But Ninova said her party would look at options for forming a government should the center-right GERB party find it cannot do so on its own.

Borisov, 57, resigned as prime minister after his party lost the presidential election last year.  Parliament was dissolved in January, and the president appointed a caretaker government that will stay until a new government is formed.




German Chancellor Center-Right Party to Win State Election, Exit Polls

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s center-right party won a state election by large margin, exit polls said Sunday, in an early setback to center-left hopes of unseating her in the September national vote.

Early results from the voting in Saarland state had Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) leading with 40 percent while the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) had around 30 percent.

The SPD was facing its first electoral test since nominating Martin Shultz to face off against Merkel in September.

The party has seen a recent surge in popularity.

Merkel is expected to run for fourth term as chancellor.

OPEC, non-OPEC to Look at Extending Oil-Output Cut by 6 Months

A joint committee of ministers from OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers has agreed to review whether a global pact to limit supplies should be extended by six months, it said in a statement on Sunday.

An earlier draft of the statement said the committee “reports high level of conformity and recommends six-month extension.”

But the final statement said only that the committee had requested a technical group and the OPEC Secretariat “review the oil market conditions and revert … in April, 2017 regarding the extension of the voluntary production adjustments.”

It was not immediately clear why the wording had been changed, although a senior industry source said the committee lacked the legal mandate to recommend an extension.

OPEC and rival oil-producing countries were meeting in Kuwait to review progress with their global pact to cut supplies.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and 11 other leading oil producers including Russia agreed in December to cut their combined output by almost 1.8 million barrels per day (bpd) in the first half of the year.

“Any country has the freedom to say whether they do or they don’t support [an extension]. Unless we have conformity with everybody, we cannot go ahead with the extension of the deal,” Kuwaiti Oil Minister Essam al-Marzouq said, adding that he hoped a decision would come by the end of April.

The oil ministerial committee “expressed its satisfaction with the progress made towards full conformity with the voluntary production adjustments and encouraged all participating countries to press on towards 100 percent conformity,” the statement said.

The December accord, aimed at supporting the oil market, has lifted crude to more than $50 a barrel. But the price gain has encouraged U.S. shale oil producers, which are not part of the pact, to boost output.

The committee said it took note that certain factors, such as low seasonal demand, refinery maintenance and rising non-OPEC supply had led to an increase in crude oil stocks. It also observed the liquidation of positions by financial players.

“However, the end of the refinery maintenance season and noticeable slowdown in U.S. stock build as well as the reduction in floating storage will support the positive efforts undertaken to achieve stability in the market,” it said.

It asked the OPEC Secretariat to review oil market conditions and come back with recommendations in April regarding an extension of the agreement.

“This reaffirms the commitment of OPEC and participating non-OPEC countries to continue to cooperate,” the statement said.

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said it was too early to say whether there would be an extension, although the agreement was working well and all countries were committed to 100 percent compliance.

‘Encouraging elements’

Before the meeting, Iraqi Oil Minister Jabar Ali al-Luaibi told reporters there were some encouraging elements that suggested the oil market was improving, and that if all OPEC members agreed measures to help price stability, Iraq would support such steps.

“Any decisions taken unanimously by members of OPEC … Iraq will be part of the decision and will not be deviating from this,” Luaibi said.

Iraq’s oil production is running at 4.312 million bpd this month, Luaibi said, adding that his country had cut its oil exports by 187,000 bpd so far and would reach 210,000 bpd in a few days.

Compliance with the supply-cut deal was 94 percent in February among OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers combined, Russia’s Novak said.

Russia is committed to cuts of 300,000 bpd by the end of April, Novak said.

Novak said he expects global oil stockpiles to decrease in the second quarter of this year.

“The dynamics are positive here, I believe,” Novak said, adding that inventories in the United States and other industrialized countries had risen by less than in the past.

Kuwait’s oil minister said the market may return to balance by the third quarter of this year if producers comply fully with their production targets.

“More has to be done. We need to see conformity across the board. We assured ourselves and the world that we would reach our adjustment to 100 percent conformity,” Marzouq said.

US Condemns Arrests of Hundreds at Large Protests Across Russia

The U.S. State Department has “strongly condemned” the detention of hundreds of protesters throughout Russia including the country’s opposition leader on Sunday.

Tens of thousands of Russians demonstrated in cities across the country in support of a call by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny for accountability among Russia’s elite.  Nearly 500 people were detained around Moscow’s Pushkin square, including Navalny, for protesting without permission.

“Detaining peaceful protesters, human rights observers, and journalists is an affront to core democratic values,” acting State Department spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement.

He said the United States was “troubled” by the arrest of Navalny, who has announced plans to run for president in the 2018 election.

Navalny, a Kremlin critic, was detained as he arrived to join the Moscow rally. Reports from the scene say police put him in a truck that was surrounded by hundreds of protesters who tried to open its doors and halt the arrest.

The protests appeared to be the largest coordinated outpouring of dissatisfaction since the massive 2011-2012 demonstrations following a fraud-tainted parliamentary election.

“This is an  important event!  We came here to express our position as citizens,” said one protester who just gave her first name-Alina.  “We came to remain citizens of our country.”


“By my presence here, I stand against the corruption of the incumbent power,” said another protester who only gave his first name-Maxim.  “The authorities do not feel like talking to their people, they communicate only through force-applying methods.”  

Navalny called the demonstrations after publishing a detailed report earlier this month accusing Prime Minister  Dmitry Medvedev of amassing a collection of mansions, yachts and vineyards through a shadowy network of non-profit organizations.

The report has been viewed over 11 million times on YouTube.  Medvedev has not reacted to it so far.

Navalny said on his official website that 99 Russian cities planned to protest, but that in 72 of them local authorities did not give permission.

There was scant coverage of the demonstrations on Russia’s official media.  A short report on Tass said a police officer was injured during an “unauthorized” rally in Moscow.

Navalny, who has announced his intention to run for president in next year’s election, has been rallying supporters in major Russian cities in recent weeks.

Merkel Faces Election Test in Western German State

A state election Sunday in western Germany offers Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives a tough test against their resurgent center-left rivals six months before Merkel seeks a fourth term in a national vote.

The election for the state legislature in Saarland, a region of just less than 1 million people on the French border that Merkel’s Christian Democrats have led since 1999, is the first of three regional votes before Germany’s September 24 national vote.

Test for Merkel, Schulz

It’s being watched closely as the first electoral test since the center-left Social Democrats nominated Martin Schulz as Merkel’s challenger in January.

Schulz, a former president of the European Parliament but a newcomer to national politics, has boosted his party’s long-moribund poll ratings and injected it with new self-confidence. He’s offering a classic though often vague center-left pitch of tackling economic inequality at home.

That boost means that a fourth Merkel term no longer looks inevitable — and it also has tightened the race in Saarland.

Conservative governor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer until recently looked certain to win a new five-year term. But Social Democrat rival Anke Rehlinger now hopes to finish first, and polls suggest she could win a majority for an alliance with the opposition Left Party.

The two women currently govern together in a “grand coalition” of the biggest parties, an alliance similar to Merkel’s at the national level.

Governor’s race important

Kramp-Karrenbauer is one of only five conservative governors in Germany’s 16 states. Losing her would be a worrying signal for the national campaign and for two bigger state elections in May — in Schleswig-Holstein and Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia, both led by the Social Democrats.

Merkel has barely mentioned Schulz so far, but warned at a rally in Saarland on Thursday against a left-wing coalition there.

“We don’t want the clocks to go back on Sunday; we want the clocks to be put forward,” she said.

Fillon Pelted With Eggs, Sinking Poll Numbers

Francois Fillon’s aides used an umbrella to shield him from eggs thrown by protesters in southwest France on Saturday as the beleaguered conservative fell further behind centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-rightist Marine Le Pen in opinion polls.

The contrast between former front-runner Fillon, embroiled in a financial scandal, and new poll favorite Macron was striking as both candidates campaigned 29 days before the first round of France’s unpredictable presidential election.

Addressing a rally in the French island of La Reunion, in the Indian ocean, Macron departed from typical campaign speeches by inviting members of the audience — including a 6-year old who asked him “How do you get to be president?” — on stage to ask questions on a wide range of issues.

“It’s historic, we need to decide whether we want to be afraid of the century that has just started … or want to bring fresh ambition to France,” the 39-year-old former investment banker said to chants of “Macron President!”

Macron, a former economy minister to Socialist President Francois Hollande, set up his own centrist party last year.

Macron leads in polls

He has shot to first place in opinion polls since Fillon was put under investigation over suspicions he misused public funds by paying his wife hundreds of thousands of euros as a parliamentary assistant for work she may not have done. Fillon denies any wrongdoing.

Fillon slipped to 17 percent in a BVA poll published Saturday, which saw Macron getting 26 percent of the first-round vote, up 1 percentage point from a week ago with Le Pen at 25 percent, down one point.

The number of undecided voters for the first round remains high, with 40 percent of voters still undecided.

The poll showed Macron winning a second round vote with 62 percent of the vote versus 38 percent for Le Pen, who is to hold a rally in the northern France city of Lille on Sunday.

The poll was carried out partly before a TV interview Thursday night in which Fillon, 63, accused Hollande of leading a smear campaign against him.

Voters throw eggs, bang pans 

Met by some 30 protesters throwing eggs and banging pots and pans to shouts of “Fillon in prison” in the southwest France town of Cambo-les-Bains, Fillon told reporters: “Those protests are an insult to democracy … the more they protest, the more French voters will support me.”

Meanwhile, a faction of the centrist UDI party, which is allied with Fillon’s The Republicans, was kicked out of the party Saturday for rallying behind Macron.

The BVA poll also showed far-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon gaining ground in the first round, up 2 points from a week earlier to 14 percent, now 2.5 points ahead of the ruling Socialist Party’s candidate Benoit Hamon.

Pro-EU Demonstrators Rally in London Against Brexit, Despite Terrorism Threat

Tens of thousands of pro-EU demonstrators rallied in London, despite heightened concerns about the terrorism threat, to mark the European Union’s 60th anniversary — just days before Britain’s exit from the EU is expected to formally begin.

Organizers said about 80,000 people joined the march calling for Britain to stay in the EU on March 25.

The demonstration came four days before British Prime Minister Theresa May said she would formally start Britain’s exit negotiations by invoking Article 50 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.

Hundreds of blue EU flags were carried by protesters in the procession as it stretched through central London.

Banners carried by the demonstrators had slogans like “I am European,” and “I’m 15 — I want my future back!”

The protesters fell silent as they moved through Parliament Square, where a British-born terrorist earlier this week drove a car through crowds of people before crashing into a fence and stabbing a police officer to death.

One banner raised in front of Britain’s Parliament said, “Terrorism won’t divide us — Brexit will.”

About 10,000 EU supporters also marched in Rome on March 25 while about 4,000 gathered in Berlin.

Some material for this report came from AFP, BBC and AP.

«Батьківщина» йде на місцеві вибори у квітні – рішення з’їзду партії

Партія ВО «Батьківщина» ухвалила рішення взяти участь у місцевих виборах, які відбудуться 30 квітня. Рішення було ухвалене сьогодні на 14-му з’їзді партії у Києві.

«Вибори до місцевих громад – це не просто вибори, це захист наших маленьких громад від знищення», – заявила перед делегатами з’їзду лідер «Батьківщини» Юлія Тимошенко.

За підсумками з’їзду рішення про висування кандидатів в депутати місцевих рад у багатомандатних виборчих округах та кандидатів на посаду міських голів відбуватиметься на зборах та конференціях місцевих організацій «Батьківщини».

17 березня партія «Блок Петра Порошенка «Солідарність» також ухвалила рішення про участь у місцевих виборах.

За даними КВУ, у жовтні 2015 року найбільше депутатів у місцеві органи потрапили від «Блоку Петра Порошенка» та «Батьківщини».

Раніше Центральна виборча комісія призначила вибори місцевих голів та депутатів у 40 об’єднаних територіальних громадах на 30 квітня 2017 року.


Упродовж дня бойовики 39 разів стріляли на Донбасі – штаб АТО

У прес-центрі штабу АТО повідомили, що підтримувані Росією бойовики від початку доби і до 18-ї години суботи здійснили 39 обстрілів на Донбасі. Про це йдеться в повідомленні прес-центру на сторінці у Facebook.

«Епіцентром вогневого протистояння став маріупольський напрямок. Вже вночі, захисників Мар’їнки противник обстріляв з танку, а зранку почав активно застосовувати артилерію та міномети», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Загалом під обстріли, зокрема і з важкого озброєння, потрапили території поблизу населених пунктів Водяне, Павлопіль, Широкине, Новотроїцьке, Талаківка, Авдіївка, Новгородське, Зайцеве, Троїцьке, Кам’янка, Луганське.

В угрупованні «ДНР» заявили, що українські військові за минулу добу випустили по підконтрольних бойовикам територіях понад 700 снарядів та мін. Луганські сепаратисти повідомили про понад 170 боєприпасів, якими були уражені підконтрольні їм території з боку ЗСУ за попередню добу.

Останнім часом у низці місцевостей на лінії зіткнення на Донбасі сталося помітне загострення бойових дій, яке не припинилося й попри чергові домовленості, досягнені у Тристоронній контактній групі. І українські силовики, і сепаратисти заперечують свою вину. Сторони конфлікту звинувачують одна одну у порушеннях і провокаціях.


У Києві відбулася акція солідарності з білоруською опозицією

Близько 20 громадських активістів прийшли 25 березня до посольства Білорусі в столиці України. Вони провели акцію солідарності з білоруськими опозиціонерами, які в Мінську намагалися відсвяткувати День Волі, 99-ту річницю проголошення Білоруської народної республіки.

Як повідомив Радіо Свобода один із учасників акції, жодних петицій чи звернень до посольства активісти не передавали.

У Мінську опозиція намагалася 25 березня провести святкування Дня Волі, але до оголошеного заздалегідь місця збору поруч із Національною академією наук змогли потрапити переважно журналісти. Потенційних учасників акції зупиняли кордони міліції.

Після цього до тисячі активістів стали рухатися до центру Мінська з іншого місця, але невдовзі були зупинені міліцією, відбулися масові затримання. Кореспондент Радіо Свобода Валерій Калиновський порівняв кількість затриманих, яких на його думку кількасот, із затриманнями під час протестів 2006 і 2010 років.

Belarus Activists Arrested Before Planned Protest

Riot police in the Belarusian capital have raided the office of a human-rights group hours ahead of an attempt by opposition activists to mount a large protest march.

Authorities banned the demonstration planned for Saturday afternoon and dozens of police detention trucks were deployed in the center of Minsk.

The authoritarian former Soviet republic has seen an unusually persistent wave of protests over the past two months against President Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled since 1994. After tolerating the initial protests, authorities cracked down. Lukashenko this week alleged that a “fifth column” of foreign-supported agitators was trying to bring him down.

About midday Saturday, police raided the office of the Vesna human rights group. About 30 people were detained, said Oleg Gulak of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, another rights organization.

Brexit Chills EU’s 60th Anniversary Celebration in Rome

Leaders of the European Union met in Rome Saturday to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the bloc’s founding treaty and demonstrate that the EU can survive the impending departure of major power Britain.

Under heavy security as the Italian capital braced for anti-EU protests later in the day and the risk of attacks such as that by an Islamic State follower in London last week, the 27 national leaders gathered in the Campidoglio palace where the six founding states signed the Treaty of Rome, March 25, 1957.

Britain absent

Conspicuous by her absence was British Prime Minister Theresa May, who will write to EU summit chairman Donald Tusk on Wednesday formally to announce that its second-biggest economy will leave the Union in negotiations over the coming two years.

Britain shunned the new European community at its creation, but finally joined in 1973. Its people voted to quit last June.

Without the so-called Brexit, it might have been a modestly hopeful summit in the palazzo where old foes France and Germany, with Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, signed the original treaty.

All the bloc’s economies are growing after a slump that has blighted the past decade and recent border chaos has largely abated as refugees are, for now, being held in check.

But Brexit has undermined the self-confidence of a union that has helped bring peace and growing prosperity to the continent, and has encouraged eurosceptic nationalists challenging governments from Stockholm to Sicily.

Frictions amplified

It has also amplified the petty frictions among the more than two dozen national governments and obliged leaders’ aides to water down a grand birthday declaration of unity.

After days of carping from Poland and Greece, seeking to show home voters they were getting Brussels to give assurances about equal treatment and social welfare, the Rome Declaration the 27 will sign just before noon (1100 GMT) offers ringing phrases about peace and unity.

“We have united for the better,” the text concludes. “Europe is our common future.”

But it may disappoint those who think more ambition and coordination is the answer to malaise.

At the Vatican Friday, Pope Francis told them that their union had achieved much in 60 years but that Europe faced a “vacuum of values.” He condemned anti-immigrant populism and extremism that he said posed a mortal threat to the bloc. 

London Attacker Had Worked in, Visited Saudi Arabia

The man who killed four people outside Britain’s Parliament was in Saudi Arabia three times and taught English there, the Middle Eastern country’s embassy said. 


A Saudi Embassy statement released late Friday said that Khalid Masood taught English in Saudi Arabia from November 2005 to November 2006 and again from April 2008 to April 2009. 


The embassy said that he had a work visa. It said he returned for six days in March 2015 on a trip booked through an approved travel agent.


The Saudi Embassy said that he wasn’t tracked by the country’s security services and didn’t have a criminal record there.

Before taking the name Masood, he was known as Adrian Elms. He was known for having a violent temper in England and had been convicted at least twice for violent crimes.


Masood, who at 52 is considerably older than most extremists who carry out bloodshed in the West, had an arrest record dating to 1983. The violence came later, first in 2000 when he slashed a man across the face in a pub parking lot in a racially charged argument after drinking four pints, according to a newspaper account.

Masood’s last conviction was in 2003, also involving a knife attack. It’s not clear when he took the name Masood, suggesting a conversion to Islam. 

Hundreds of British police have been working to determine his motives and possible accomplices. Two people remain in custody for questioning. They are two men, aged 27 and 58, who were arrested in the central English city of Birmingham, where Masood was living. Authorities haven’t charged or identified the two men. Others who were arrested in connection with the investigation have been released.


Details about how he became radicalized aren’t clear. His time in Saudi Arabia may provide clues. He was also jailed in Britain and may have become exposed to radical views while an inmate.

Cambodia’s ‘Buzzfeed’ Attracts Silicon Valley Investment

Khmerload, a Cambodian entertainment news website modeled after the American media giant Buzzfeed, has become the country’s first local tech startup to attract the backing of Silicon Valley investors.

A $200,000 investment to be exact.

The money came from 500 Startups, a global venture capital seed fund and startup accelerator founded by PayPal and Google alumni, Dave McClure and Christine Tsai, who took notice of the website, launched five years ago.

The grant pushed the company’s value to more than $1 million, according to In Vichet, Khmerload’s founder and CEO.


Several sites, and growing

Vichet, also the CEO and founder of Cambodia’s popular Little Fashion ecommerce site, said he convinced investors that Khmerload had growth potential, enough for a return on the investment.

“We showed them that we are in the top three websites in Cambodia,” said Vichet, who did his graduate work in economics at the University of Michigan. “We also have traction in Myanmar, where we recently expanded. So they see that we have done a lot while already generating revenue. They saw our potential.”

Khailee Ng, the Southeast Asia-based managing partner of 500 Startups, said Khmerload’s probable growth extends far beyond Cambodia’s borders.

“Getting to the top media position behind Facebook and Google’s properties with such a lean budget is something not many entrepreneurs across Southeast Asia have done,” Ng said.

“I’ve actually never seen anything quite like it. To be profitable, yet have increasing traffic growth rates? This investment decision is easy,” he added. 

The $1 million may not seem like much compared with the $1.7 billion value of Buzzfeed, until measured against Cambodia’s per capita income of $1,070, according to the latest World Bank estimate.

More Cambodians on internet

The 500 Startups grant comes as more and more Cambodians are using the internet and Facebook, according to an Asia Foundation study that found most go online exclusively through their smartphones. This mimics trends for sites like Buzzfeed.

Khmerload has gained more than 17 million page views per month in Cambodia, allowing it to expand into Myanmar last year, opening a sister site, Myanmarload, which already generates about 20 million page views per month.

It has also carried out a successful pilot in Indonesia, said Vichet, and was incorporated in Singapore as Mediaload.

However, Khmerload’s Buzzfeed-style approach of viral content and quick clicks has led to criticism.

Content diversifying

Vichet admits that the site originally relied heavily on tabloid and entertainment content or, as he put it, “nonpolitical content,” an important distinction in a nation where the constitution provides for a free press, but where the state closely monitors the media and — one way or another — controls its content.

But as the site has grown to reach millions, he says, it has diversified to include more informative content, including educational materials and technology news.

And 500 Startups is no doubt aware of Cambodians growing embrace of the online world. In 2000, an estimated 6,000 Cambodians used the internet. Today, the company estimates 5 million active users in Cambodia.

Tech startups are also on the rise. About 120 have sprung up in Cambodia, along with some 10 co-working spaces in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, according to Thul Rithy, founder of Phnom Penh-based co-working spaces SmallWorld and Emerald Hub.

Mediaload’s next moves include expansions into Vietnam and Laos, Vichet said. He’s also keen to help other Cambodians obtain Silicon Valley investment.

“Even with a good idea, it is really hard for Cambodians to get an investment from [Silicon Valley], as there is no precedent of success,” Vichet said. “I hope I can deliver good returns to them so that in the future they will invest in other Cambodian technology startups.”

This report was originally published by VOA’s Khmer Service.

Єврокомісар на зустрічі з українським посадовцем розкритикував зміни до закону про е-декларації

Комісар ЄС із питань Європейської політики сусідства і переговорів про розширення Йоганнес Ган розкритикував ухвалені Верховною Радою України в четвер зміни до законодавства про електронні декларації, що, зокрема, мають запровадити необхідність електронного декларування статків і для громадських активістів у сфері боротьби з корупцією.

Як написав він у твітері, про це йшлося в його розмові з віце-прем’єр-міністром із питань європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції України Іванною Климпуш-Цинцадзе.

За його словами, вони мали «добрий обмін думками про важкі виклики, що постають перед Україною, і про разючі успіхи, досягнені в реформах».

Як заявив єврокомісар, у цьому вирішальну роль відіграють організації громадянського суспільства, що борються з корупцією. «Електронні декларації повинні боротися з корупцією в державній і місцевій адміністрації, а не перешкоджати роботі громадянського суспільства. Зміни до закону про електронні декларації – це крок назад, а не вперед, і їх треба переглянути», – написав Ган.

У четвер із критикою змін до закону виступило посольство США в Україні. Воно написало у твітері: «Е-декларації для найвищих державних службовців – потужний крок у просуванні реформ в Україні. Члени громадянського суспільства відіграють життєво важливу роль у забезпеченні прозорості; робити їх мішенню – робити крок назад».

У п’ятницю Верховна Рада не підтримала пропозицію голови парламентського комітету з питань запобігання корупції Єгора Соболєва – він хотів скасувати ухвалений у четвер закон про необхідність електронного декларування для антикорупційних активістів, що також має звільнити від електронного декларування, зокрема, солдатів і сержантів Збройних сил України і дати можливість для офіцерів, що перебувають у зоні АТО, відтермінувати подачу декларацій до повернення до пунктів постійної дислокації.

Прихильники закону наголошують, що борці з корупцією мали б бути чисті перед законом, і в такому разі електронне декларування нічим їм не загрожує.

Тим часом у соцмережах поширювали копії офіційно не підтверджених документів, із яких, якщо їм вірити, мали випливати значні зарплати борців із корупцією, що існують на західні ґранти, суми яких іноді перевищують суми викритих активістами зловживань.

Віце-прем’єр закликала єврокомісара зберегти й посилити санкційний тиск на Росію

Віце-прем’єр-міністр із питань європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції України Іванна Климпуш-Цинцадзе закликала комісара ЄС із питань Європейської політики сусідства і переговорів про розширення Йоганнеса Гана до консолідації зусиль Європейського союзу у збереженні і посиленні санкційного тиску на Росію з метою мирного врегулювання конфлікту на основі повного виконання мінських домовленостей, повідомила прес-служба українського уряду.

За повідомленням, Іванна Климпуш-Цинцадзе детально поінформувала сторону ЄС щодо загострення безпекової ситуації на сході України, збільшення кількості обстрілів українських позицій із забороненої зброї та втрат серед військових і цивільного населення.

«Сторони окремо обговорили питання брутального захоплення бойовиками українських підприємств на непідконтрольних територіях сходу України, а також кроки, які були вжиті українською владою у відповідь», – мовиться в повідомленні.

Віце-прем’єр-міністр перебуває з візитом до європейських і євроатлантичних інституцій у Брюсселі.

London Attack Stokes Tensions Over Race, Religion, Immigration

As police race to identify what motivated a 52-year-old British-born father to carry out Wednesday’s attack at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, a debate is simmering over issues of identity, religion and immigration — hot topics in the wake of the vote to leave the European Union.

With police and press helicopters still buzzing overhead, thousands of Londoners gathered Thursday night in Trafalgar Square to grieve for the victims but also to express determination that life in the city will carry on as normal.

Musharaf Ahmed was one of hundreds of Muslims attending the vigil.

“These attacks — they don’t have any space in Islam,” he said. “Islam teaches the opposite. Islam teaches peace. The meaning of Islam is peace.”



The attacker, Khalid Masood, was a Muslim convert, born and raised just outside London under the name Adrian Russell Elms.

Masood, a father of three, had previous convictions for violence but no history of terrorism.

The Islamic State group claimed online that its propaganda inspired the attack. The head of the London Metropolitan Police Counterterrorism unit Mark Rowley said Friday major questions remain unanswered.

“What led him to radicalize?” he asked. “Was it through influences in our community, influences from overseas or through online propaganda?”

Those questions echo the same deep concerns in the wake of the London bombings in July 2005 also carried out by British citizens. Who is to blame? The state, or the community? Professor Lee Marsden of the University of East Anglia has studied motivating factors behind past terror incidents.

“I think it’s very easy to try to apportion blame,” Marsden said. “But the reality is with lone-wolf attacks, or when people are below the radar, these type of events can occur.”

The Westminster attack came at a volatile moment. Populist, anti-immigrant groups are energized by Britain’s exit from the European Union. Within hours of the attack, leaders of the far right UK Independence Party blamed immigration, even though the attacker was born in the UK.

“Groups which are in mainstream political life, particularly on the right wing of political parties, will use this event to try to pursue an anti-immigrant agenda,” Marsden said.

“As we saw in Brexit,” he added, “a lot of the debate around immigration was not specifically around Eastern European immigration which is clearly the main result of the European Union, but actually an opportunity to attack ethnic minorities within the country.”

Hayyan Bhaba, an adviser to the government on extremism, said it is vital to break down the divisions in British society. Engaging in conversation “between a lot of the frustrated communities” and having a positive dialogue can lead to “common ground,” he added.

Analysts say those divisions extend beyond Britain and across Europe as the continent struggles with issues of immigration and integration.

Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydlo drew a link Thursday between the London attack and European Union migrant policy, claiming the assault vindicated Warsaw’s refusal to take in refugees.