Category: ЄС
європейські новини
Путін своїм указом збільшив чисельність армії РФ до 1,5 мільйона військових
Президент Росії Володимир Путін підписав указ, який збільшує штатну чисельність Збройних сил РФ на 180 000 осіб
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«Радий дізнатися, що Дональд Трамп у безпеці й не постраждав. Найкращі побажання йому і його родині»
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Колишнього депутата Ради Деркача призначили сенатором у Росії
У 2023 році президент Володимир Зеленський припинив громадянство України для Андрія Деркача. Він перебуває у розшуку
Президент Ірану візьме участь у саміті БРІКС у Росії
Про візит стало відомо на тлі ще більшої напруженості у відносинах із Заходом, пов’язаної з військовою співпрацею між Росією й Іраном
У США сталася стрілянина поблизу місця, де Трамп грав у гольф
«Президент Трамп перебуває у безпеці після пострілів поблизу нього. Наразі жодних подробиць»
Туск розпорядився запровадити в постраждалих від повені регіонах Польщі стан стихійного лиха
Через масштабну повінь Польща звертатиметься за допомогою до ЄС
У Венесуелі затримали групу іноземців за підозрою у підготовці замаху на Мадуро
Ці арешти відбуваються на тлі загострення напруженості між Венесуелою, США та Іспанією через суперечливі президентські вибори у Венесуелі 28 липня
РФ за останній тиждень не просунулася істотно до Покровська – розвідка Британії
«На сході України російські війська поступово просувалися в район Вугледара і на південний схід від Покровська. Однак за останній тиждень Росія не просунулася істотно до самого Покровська»
Robot begins removing Fukushima nuclear plant’s melted fuel
tokyo — A long robot entered a damaged reactor at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant on Tuesday, beginning a two-week, high-stakes mission to retrieve for the first time a tiny amount of melted fuel debris from the bottom.
The robot’s trip into the Unit 2 reactor is a crucial initial step for what comes next — a daunting, decades-long process to decommission the plant and deal with large amounts of highly radioactive melted fuel inside three reactors that were damaged by a massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Specialists hope the robot will help them learn more about the status of the cores and the fuel debris.
Here is an explanation of how the robot works, its mission, significance and what lies ahead as the most challenging phase of the reactor cleanup begins.
What is the fuel debris?
Nuclear fuel in the reactor cores melted after the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant’s cooling systems to fail. The melted fuel dripped down from the cores and mixed with internal reactor materials such as zirconium, stainless steel, electrical cables, broken grates and concrete around the supporting structure and at the bottom of the primary containment vessels.
The reactor meltdowns caused the highly radioactive, lava-like material to spatter in all directions, greatly complicating the cleanup. The condition of the debris also differs in each reactor.
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, or TEPCO, which manages the plant, says an estimated 880 tons of molten fuel debris remains in the three reactors, but some experts say the amount could be larger.
What is the robot’s mission?
Workers will use five 1.5-meter-long pipes connected in sequence to maneuver the robot through an entry point in the Unit 2 reactor’s primary containment vessel. The robot itself can extend about 6 meters inside the vessel. Once inside, it will be maneuvered remotely by operators at another building at the plant because of the fatally high radiation emitted by the melted debris.
The front of the robot, equipped with tongs, a light and a camera, will be lowered by a cable to a mound of melted fuel debris. It will then snip off and collect a bit of the debris — less than 3 grams). The small amount is meant to minimize radiation dangers.
The robot will then back out to the place it entered the reactor, a roundtrip journey that will take about two weeks.
The mission takes that long because the robot must make extremely precise maneuvers to avoid hitting obstacles or getting stuck in passageways. That has happened to earlier robots.
TEPCO is also limiting daily operations to two hours to minimize the radiation risk for workers in the reactor building. Eight six-member teams will take turns, with each group allowed to stay maximum of about 15 minutes.
What do officials hope to learn?
Sampling the melted fuel debris is “an important first step,” said Lake Barrett, who led the cleanup after the 1979 disaster at the U.S. Three Mile Island nuclear plant for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and is now a paid adviser for TEPCO’s Fukushima decommissioning.
While the melted fuel debris has been kept cool and has stabilized, the aging of the reactors poses potential safety risks, and the melted fuel needs to be removed and relocated to a safer place for long-term storage as soon as possible, experts say.
An understanding of the melted fuel debris is essential to determine how best to remove it, store it and dispose of it, according to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Experts expect the sample will also provide more clues about how exactly the meltdown 13 years ago played out, some of which is still a mystery.
The melted fuel sample will be kept in secure canisters and sent to multiple laboratories for more detailed analysis. If the radiation level exceeds a set limit, the robot will take the sample back into the reactor.
“It’s the start of a process. It’s a long, long road ahead,” Barrett said in an online interview. “The goal is to remove the highly radioactive material, put it into engineered canisters … and put those in storage.”
For this mission, the robot’s small tong can only reach the upper surface of the debris. The pace of the work is expected to pick up in the future as more experience is gained and robots with additional capabilities are developed.
What’s next?
TEPCO will have to “probe down into the debris pile, which is over a meter thick, so you have to go down and see what’s inside,” Barrett said, noting that at Three Mile Island, the debris on the surface was very different from the material deeper inside. He said multiple samples from different locations must be collected and analyzed to better understand the melted debris and develop necessary equipment, such as stronger robots for future larger-scale removal.
Compared to collecting a tiny sample for analysis, it will be a more difficult challenge to develop and operate robots that can cut larger chunks of melted debris into pieces and put that material into canisters for safe storage.
There are also two other damaged reactors, Unit 1 and Unit 3, which are in worse condition and will take even longer to deal with. TEPCO plans to deploy a set of small drones in Unit 1 for a probe later this year and is developing even smaller “micro” drones for Unit 3, which is filled with a larger amount of water.
Separately, hundreds of spent fuel rods remain in unenclosed cooling pools on the top floor of both Unit 1 and 2. This is a potential safety risk if there’s another major quake. Removal of spent fuel rods has been completed at Unit 3.
When will the decommissioning be finished?
Removal of the melted fuel was initially planned to start in late 2021 but has been delayed by technical issues, underscoring the difficulty of the process. The government says decommissioning is expected to take 30-40 years, while some experts say it could take as long as 100 years.
Others are pushing for an entombment of the plant, as at Chernobyl after its 1986 explosion, to reduce radiation levels and risks for plant workers.
That won’t work at the seaside Fukushima plant, Barrett says.
“You’re in a high seismic area, you’re in a high-water area, and there are a lot of unknowns in those (reactor) buildings,” he said. “I don’t think you can just entomb it and wait.”
Місія SpaceX Polaris Dawn успішно повернулася на Землю
Вперше приватна особа, «космічний турист», здійснила вихід у відкритий космос
Голова комітету НАТО: Україна має вагомі військові причини завдавати глибших ударів по РФ
«Відповідно до статуту ООН і відповідно до права збройних конфліктів, якщо на вас нападає інша держава, то вам дозволяється захищатися. Цей захист не зупиняється на ваших кордонах. Вам дозволено атакувати ворога на його власній території»
На півдні Польщі через сильні опади евакуйовують людей і зупиняють рух транспорту
За даними влади Опольського воєводства, у суботу вранці критичний рівень перетнула вода відразу у кількох невеликих ріках регіону
Папа Франциск назвав кандидатів у президенти США «противниками життя»
За статистичними даними, католики становлять близько 21% населення США
Іран повідомив про успішний запуск супутника в космос
Сполучені Штати заявляли, що запуски супутників Іраном суперечать резолюції Ради безпеки ООН
У Тунісі відбулися масові акції за вільні вибори
Демонстранти скандували гасла «Геть диктатора Саїда, і «Без страху і терору вулиці належать народу»
У Білому дому відреагували на погрози Путіна щодо можливого застосування ЗСУ далекобійних ракет
«Війна в Україні може завершитись в момент, коли Росія виведе свої війська»
Блінкен: RT збирає кошти для армії Росії й намагається втрутитися у вибори в Молдові
«Ми вважаємо, що RT майже напевно розширить свої приховані спроможності, щоб спробувати маніпулювати наслідками прийдешніх виборів у Молдові»
Польща запропонувала Україні позику на ремонт військової техніки – Сікорський
«Узгодження між міністрами фінансів вже відбулися. У будь-який момент з позики можна скористатися»
Apple faces challenges in Chinese market against Huawei’s tri-fold phone
Taipei, Taiwan — The U.S.-China technology war is playing out in the smartphone market in China, where global rivals Apple and Huawei released new phones this week. Industry experts say Apple, which lacks home-field advantage, faces many challenges in defending its market share in the country.
The biggest highlight of the iPhone 16 is its artificial intelligence system, dubbed Apple Intelligence, while the Huawei Mate XT features innovative tri-fold screen technology. But at a starting price of RMB 19,999, about $2,810, the Mate XT will cost about three times as much as the iPhone 16.
According to data from VMall, Huawei’s official shopping site, nearly 5.74 million people in China preordered the Mate XT as of late Thursday, 5½ days after Huawei began accepting preorders.
But in a survey conducted on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo by Radio France International, half of the 9,200 respondents said they would not purchase a Mate XT because the price is prohibitive. An additional 3,500 said they are not in the market for a new phone now.
“I suggest that Huawei release some products that ordinary people can afford,” a Weibo user wrote under the name “Diamond Man Yang Dong Feng.”
The iPhone 16 is not available for preorder until Friday, but some e-commerce vendors in China have promised to deliver the new devices to consumers within half a day to two days of sale.
In the competition between Apple and Huawei, iPhone 16 has some inherent disadvantages, said Shih-Fang Chiu, a senior industry analyst at the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research.
“Apple’s strength is information security and privacy, but this is difficult to achieve in the Chinese market, where the government can control the data in China’s market to a relatively high degree. In the era of AI mobile phones, this will bring challenges to Apple’s development in the Chinese market,” Chiu said.
Apple’s AI service on its iPhone 16 will roll out at a gradual pace in different languages, first in English and other languages later this year. The Chinese version will not be available until 2025.
There are other challenges Apple faces as well, Chiu added, such as regulatory controls, consumer sentiment favoring local brands and weakening spending power amid China’s economic slowdown.
According to Counterpoint Research’s statistics, Huawei held a market share of 15% in the second quarter of 2024, surpassing Apple’s 14% market share. That compares with Apple’s 17.3% share in 2023 as reported by the industry research firm International Data Corporation China, or IDC China.
Ryan Reith, the program vice president for IDC’s Mobile Device Tracker suite, said in a written response to VOA that the iPhone 16 has not made significant hardware upgrades and that AI applications alone are not attractive because consumers have GPT and other AI solutions.
AI applications are also another hurdle. Analyst Chih-Yen Tai said iPhone 16’s AI services involve personal data collection, information application and cloud computing, which will require collaboration with Chinese service providers.
That, along with the ban on Chinese civil servants and employees at state-owned enterprises from using their iPhone at work in recent years, will affect the sales of Apple products, said Tai, the deputy director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Evaluation at Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research in Taipei.
“China’s patriotism has led to a strong number of preorders” for Huawei’s tri-fold phones, Tai said.
“The competitors in China will sell the idea [to consumers] that iPhones will soon be edged out of the premium smartphone market. So, in the next stage, the affordable iPhone versions will be the key to whether it [Apple] can return to China or its previous glorious sales era,” Tai said.
Tzu-Ang Chen, a senior consultant in the digital technology industry in Taipei, said use of Huawei’s HarmonyOS operating system surpassed that of Apple’s iOS in China in the first quarter of this year, representing China’s determination to “go its own way” and create “one world, two systems.”
“The U.S.-China technology war has extended to smartphones,” Chen said. “IPhone sales in China will get worse and worse, obviously because Huawei is doing better, and coupled with patriotism, Apple’s position in the hearts of 1.4 billion people will never return.”
He said that as China seeks to develop pro-China markets among member countries of the Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa, China-made mobile phones may become their first choice.
VOA’s Adrianna Zhang contributed to this report.
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