Південна Корея може посилити підтримку України через війська КНДР у Росії – ISW
Публікуючи висновок, аналітики ISW посилаються на заяву південнокорейського голови МЗС Чо Те Юля
європейські новини
Публікуючи висновок, аналітики ISW посилаються на заяву південнокорейського голови МЗС Чо Те Юля
Причини аварії поки невідомі, у прокуратурі кажуть, що проводять перевірку
Правоохоронці провели понад 60 обшуків, чотирьох людей затримали на 72 години
The state of California has passed several laws attempting to regulate artificial intelligence, including AI used to create realistic looking but manipulated audio or video — known as a deepfake. In this U.S. election season, the aim is to counter misinformation. But it has raised concerns about free speech. From California, Genia Dulot has our story.
«Звинувачення проти пана Шонова абсолютно безпідставні, а його засудження є кричущою несправедливістю»
Негода вже стала «найгіршою» повінню в Європі з 1967 року, коли в Португалії загинули щонайменше 500 людей в результаті стихії
За Баденок проголосували 53 806 партійців, за ексміністра імміграції Роберта Дженріка – 41 388
За словами речниці Білого дому, Вашингтон і надалі підтримуватиме Ізраїль
Поліція заявила, що вже встановила номер і країну, з якої надходили дзвінки, а також встановила адреси, з яких були відправлені електронні листи
Другий тур виборів президента Молдови має відбутися 3 листопада
У Валенсії близько 500 солдатів були розгорнуті для пошуку людей, які все ще вважаються зниклими безвісти
Цього року слово стало популярним завдяки однойменному альбому англійської поп-співачки Charli XCX
У порушенні законів підозрюються двоє співробітників фірми, зареєстрованої в Клайпеді
«Китай не має підстав стверджувати, що виступає за мир, оскільки дає Росії змогу вести найбільшу війну в Європі за останні десятиліття»
The navigation systems of thousands of passenger aircraft are being disrupted every day as they fly close to conflict zones, according to researchers. They are warning that the blocking or “spoofing” technology behind it could put lives at risk. Henry Ridgwell has more from London.
ADAMA, ETHIOPIA — Residents in Ethiopia’s Oromia region say access to phone communication and internet service has been disrupted for months as government forces fight against two rebel groups.
The disruption of mobile phone calls and internet data has been concentrated in conflict-hit Oromia zones, where government forces have engaged in fighting against the Oromo Liberation Army, or the OLA.
A resident from South Oromia of Guji Zone Wadera Wereda, who spoke to VOA on condition of anonymity for safety reasons, said phone and internet data connections have been cut in his area due to the fighting.
He said there was fighting on Monday and the week before in Wadera Wereda, where regional security personnel including local police were killed. Other residents confirmed the same clashes without giving specific casualty figures. Local authorities could not be reached for comment.
The data outage and network disruptions were also reported in the North Shewa Zone administration of Oromia region.
“The zone has been under network blockade for the last two months due to the insurgency,” said a second resident from Dera Wereda in North Shewa, who also sought anonymity due to safety reasons.
Residents also said people who lost their SIM cards or want replacements could not do so at local telecom offices because the conflict has affected supplies. Network disruptions also impacted schools in the area that access materials online.
He says his school had to transfer all its grade-12 students this year to neighboring Wereda due to a lack of service.
“We cannot manage to send their details and credentials to relevant bodies,” with the downed service, he told VOA in a phone interview.
Journalists have waited for hours to speak to residents in Kelem Welega Zone, whose network is down during morning hours. One resident traveled to Dembi Dolo, about 620 kilometers west of the capital, Addis Ababa, to speak with the media about the network outages.
The disruptions have been present since the yearslong fighting between federal forces and the OLA began in 2019. In one of the latest deadliest attacks, suspected OLA fighters killed as many as 17 pro-government militiamen in the West Showa zone of Oromia on October 17, according to residents and local officials.
A second rebel group, Fano, is also fighting in the neighboring Amhara region, which spills over on either side.
Residents say as the intensity of the clashes increases, the network situation becomes worse, as the government resorts to shutting down communication.
“It’s a very unfortunate tactic that is usually used by governments that are struggling with legitimacy issues,” said Horn of Africa security analyst Samira Gaid.
“It only serves to convince the masses that the government has something to hide. Rather than controlling the narrative or news reporting, it elevates mistrust in government, adds to misinformation and disinformation, and contributes to groups becoming more covert with their communications,” she told VOA.
Ethiopia’s state-run communication outlets have not responded to repeated VOA requests for comment.
Speaking at a press conference in Addis Ababa last month, Frehiwot Tamiru, CEO of Ethio Telecom, admitted that such problems exist in conflict areas. She declined to give specific answers, referring reporters to other government entities.
In June, the company said it has repaired and restored service to dozens of mobile stations that had previously been damaged in the western region of the country.
This story originated in VOA’s Horn of Africa Service.
У скарзі Трампа стверджується, що телеканал показав дві різні відповіді Гарріс на запитання про війну між Ізраїлем і «Хамасом» у Газі
Акція протесту у Тбілісі на проспекті Руставелі відбудеться 4 листопада
Обвинувачений визнав провину частково
«Ми не приймаємо жодних обмежень щодо того, з ким ми співпрацюємо. Нам не подобається політика санкцій»
LONDON — The European Union is investigating Chinese online retailer Temu over suspicions it’s failing to prevent the sale of illegal products, the 27-nation bloc’s executive arm said on Thursday.
The European Commission opened its investigation five months after adding Temu to the list of “very large online platforms” needing the strictest level of scrutiny under the bloc’s Digital Services Act. It’s a wide-ranging rulebook designed to clean up online platforms and keep internet users safe, with the threat of hefty fines.
Temu started entering Western markets only in the past two years and has grown in popularity by offering cheap goods — from clothing to home products — that are shipped from sellers in China. The company, owned by Pinduoduo Incorporated, a popular e-commerce site in China, now has 92 million users in the EU.
Temu said it “takes its obligations under the DSA seriously, continuously investing to strengthen our compliance system and safeguard consumer interests on our platform.”
“We will cooperate fully with regulators to support our shared goal of a safe, trusted marketplace for consumers,” the company said in a statement.
European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager said in a press release that Brussels wants to make sure products sold on Temu’s platform “meet EU standards and do not harm consumers.”
EU enforcement will “guarantee a level playing field and that every platform, including Temu, fully respects the laws that keep our European market safe and fair for all,” she said.
The commission’s investigation will look into whether Temu’s systems are doing enough to crack down on “rogue traders” selling “noncompliant goods” amid concerns that they are able to swiftly reappear after being suspended. The commission didn’t single out specific illegal products that were being sold on the platform.
Regulators are also examining the risks from Temu’s “addictive design,” including “game-like” reward programs, and what the company is doing to mitigate those risks.
Also under investigation is Temu’s compliance with two other DSA requirements: giving researchers access to data and transparency on recommender systems. Companies must detail how they recommend content and products and give users at least one option to see recommendations that are not based on their personal profile and preferences.
Temu now has the chance to respond to the commission, which can decide to impose a fine or drop the case if the company makes changes or can prove that the suspicions aren’t valid.
Brussels has been cracking down on tech companies since the DSA took effect last year. It has also opened an investigation into another e-commerce platform, AliExpress, as well as social media sites such as X and Tiktok, which bowed to pressure after the commission demanded answers about a new rewards feature.
Temu has also faced scrutiny in the United States, where a congressional report last year accused the company of failing to prevent goods made by forced labor from being sold on its platform.
До санкційного списку включено 15 найменувань товарів, серед яких – тверде ракетне паливо, корпуси ракет, камери згоряння та силові установки
Розслідування відкрили на основі звернень опозиції, ЦВК та неурядових організацій, а також інформації в медіа
Один із двох підозрюваних є заступником голови міської ради Марнеулі, де, за повідомленнями, були порушення на виборчій дільниці
У Парижі за останні кілька років це вже сьомий процес, пов’язаний із геноцидом проти народності тутсі в Руанді в 1994 році
The crowd-sourced fact-checking feature of Elon Musk’s X, Community Notes, is “failing to counter false” claims about the U.S. election, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) said in a report Wednesday.
Out of the 283 misleading posts that CCDH has analyzed on the digital social media platform, 209 or 74% of the posts did not show accurate notes to all X users correcting false and misleading claims about the elections, the report said.
“The 209 misleading posts in our sample that did not display available Community Notes to all users have amassed 2.2 billion views,” CCDH said, urging the company to invest in safety and transparency.
X did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
X launched its “Community Notes” feature last year, which allows users to comment on posts to flag false or misleading content, in effect crowd-sourcing fact checking to users rather than a dedicated team of fact checkers.
The report comes after X lost a lawsuit brought by CCDH earlier this year that faulted it for allowing a rise in hate speech on the social media platform.
Social media platforms, including X, have been under scrutiny for years over the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories, including false information about elections and vaccines.
Secretaries of state from five U.S. states urged billionaire Musk in August to fix X’s AI chatbot, saying it had spread misinformation related to the November 5 election.
Musk, who endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in July, himself has been accused of spreading misinformation. Polls show Trump is in a tight race with Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris.
Банк запровадив обмеження для своїх клієнтів у Росії. Перекази у доларах та євро закриті, строкові вклади більше не відкриваються, депозити активно скорочуються
Також існує «велика ймовірність» того, що КНДР намагатиметься замінити свої застарілі технології або обладнання
Незважаючи на заяви про невинуватість, 6 вересня утримання Фаріда Мехралізаде під вартою було продовжено до 19 грудня
Влада досі не може назвати остаточну кількість зниклих безвісти