Turkey’s Nationalist Opposition to Back Erdogan in 2019 Election

Turkey’s nationalist opposition said on Monday it would back President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the 2019 election, signaling continued right-wing support crucial to his narrow victory in a constitutional referendum last year.

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), the smallest of parliament’s four factions, backed the vote to grant Erdogan sweeping executive powers, helping it squeak by with a margin of 51.4 percent.

“The MHP will not submit a presidential candidate,” MHP leader Devlet Bahceli told a news conference. “The MHP will take a decision to support Erdogan in the presidential elections.” Turks will vote for both president and parliament next year.

Bahceli has said he wants a reduction in the minimum 10 percent vote required for a party to enter parliament.

Over the past two decades he has brought the MHP more toward the mainstream and away from its early reputation for ties to rightist street gangs.

The party is now looking to fend off a challenge from Meral Aksener, an ex-interior minister and prominent nationalist who last year founded her own party after breaking with the MHP.

One recent poll suggested that Aksener’s party could eclipse the MHP and deprive it of the 10 percent threshold.

Bahceli said the MHP would consider an alliance with Erdogan’s AK Party if such a request came from the AKP.

The MHP won as much as 18 percent in the 1999 parliamentary election, but slipped below the threshold with 9.5 percent in 2002. It has exceeded 10 percent in elections since and took 11.9 percent in the November 2015 vote.

Founded by an ex-colonel involved in a 1960 military coup, the MHP espouses a mix of Turkish nationalism and skepticism toward the West. It is virulently opposed to autonomy for Turkey’s Kurdish minority.

The MHP support base once included sympathizers of the “Grey Wolves,” a nationalist youth group that fought street battles with leftists in the 1970s. Mehmet Ali Agca, who tried to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981, was a group member.

Romanian Prime Minister Thwarted in Reshuffle Attempt

Romania’s prime minister failed Monday to deliver the government reshuffle he planned as the powerful leader of his party ruled that any changes would have to wait until the end of the month.

There has been mounting speculation in Bucharest that Premier Mihai Tudose wants to replace Liviu Dragnea, the current chairman of the Social Democratic Party who is facing corruption charges, with a committee of regional leaders.


In an open letter published in Romanian media, senior party member Nicolae Badalau urged colleagues to back efforts to make the party more democratic, to be run by “a collective party leadership.”


Dragnea, who can’t serve as prime minister due to a 2016 conviction for vote-rigging, still enjoys the support of most regional party bosses.

While playing down talk of rifts in the party and denying he personally had a tense relationship with the prime minister, Dragnea said any reshuffle had to be conducted through normal party channels.


Dragnea said the Social Democrats would hold another party meeting at the end of the month. Tudose said he would present his plans to reshuffle the government then.


Separately, prosecutors froze Dragnea’s assets in November amid a probe into the misuse of European Union funds. He denies wrongdoing.

Last year, huge anti-government protests erupted over moves to restructure Romania’s justice system, which critics say would make it harder to crack down on high-level corruption.


Dragnea and his allies back the proposals.



Saved by A Ukrainian Family, Jewish Boy Lived to Become a Nobel Laureate

January 27 is the day the international community observes Holocaust Remembrance Day by recalling the horrors committed during World War II by Nazi Germany and the bravery of those who risked their lives to save persecuted Jews and others from Nazi death camps. Tatiana Vorozhko and Kostiantyn Golubchyk of VOA’s Ukrainian Service tell the amazing story of a Jewish boy who was saved by a Ukrainian family and later grew up to be a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry.

UK’s May says She Has no Concerns About Trump’s Mental State

British Prime Minister Theresa May has dismissed concerns about Donald Trump’s mental fitness, saying the U.S. president acts in what he sees as the best interests of his country.


A new book by journalist Michael Wolff quotes prominent Trump advisers as questioning the president’s competence.


Asked in an interview whether she thought concerns about Trump’s mental state were serious, May said: “No.”


She said that “when I deal with President Trump what I see is somebody who is committed to ensuring that he is taking decisions in the best interests of the United States.”


In the BBC interview broadcast Sunday, May reaffirmed that Trump would visit Britain. She did not give a date, or say whether it would be a full state visit or a lower-key working trip.



Historic Iron Church in Istanbul Reopens After Restoration

Turkey’s president and the Bulgarian prime minister have unveiled the historic Iron Church in Istanbul after a seven-year restoration project.


In Sunday’s opening ceremony, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the 120-year-old Sveti Stefan Church remains the “single example” of a church built on an iron skeleton.


The cross-shaped Bulgarian church was built on the banks of Istanbul’s Golden Horn in 1898 with 500-tons of prefabricated iron components shipped from Austria. Its restoration since 2011 cost an estimated $3.5 million.

Erdogan said the church contributes to the “beauty and wealth of Istanbul” and is the latest example of Turkey’s efforts to restore synagogues, chapels and churches.


Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said his country would work to “normalize and improve” Turkey-European Union relations as his country assume the EU’s presidency.



Germany’s Merkel Embarks on New Talks to Form Government

German Chancellor Angela Merkel embarked Sunday on talks with the center-left Social Democrats on forming a new government, with leaders stressing the need for speed as they attempt to break an impasse more than three months after the country’s election.


Merkel’s conservative Union bloc and the Social Democrats have run Germany together for the past four years. But the Social Democrats vowed to go into opposition after a disastrous election result Sept. 24, and only reluctantly reconsidered after Merkel’s attempt to build a coalition with two smaller parties collapsed in November.


The effort to form a government has already become post-World War II Germany’s longest ahead of the preliminary talks starting Sunday.


Leaders aim to decide by Friday whether there’s enough common ground to move on to formal coalition negotiations _ a move that would require approval by a Jan. 21 congress of the Social Democrats, many of whom are deeply suspicious of another coalition. Those negotiations, if they happen, would likely take weeks and the Social Democrats have promised to hold a ballot of their entire membership on any coalition deal that emerges.


If the parties don’t form a coalition, the only remaining options would be for Merkel’s conservatives to lead an unprecedented minority government, or a new election.


“I think we can succeed,” Merkel said as she arrived for the talks. “We will work very quickly and very intensely … and always have in mind what people in Germany expect of us – they of course expect of politicians that they solve their problems.”


“I am going into these talks with optimism, but it is clear to me that a huge amount of work lies ahead of us in the coming days,” she added.

The Social Democrats’ leader, Martin Schulz, said his party will take a “constructive and open-ended” approach.


“We are not drawing red lines, but we want to implement as many red policies as possible in Germany,” he said, referring to the party’s color. “Germans are entitled to have this go quickly.”


Kosovo War Rape Survivors Say Justice Elusive Despite Compensation

In January 2018, Kosovo women who were raped by Serbian forces during the 1998-99 armed conflict will begin receiving recognition and compensation for their suffering. For nearly two decades, the women hesitated to tell their stories for fear of being marginalized, stigmatized and shunned. VOA’s Edlira Bllaca and Keida Kostreci report that the trauma is part of the women’s daily lives, and few perpetrators have been convicted for their crimes. Keida Kostreci narrates.

Russia High Court Upholds Election Ban for Opposition Leader

Russia’s Supreme Court has upheld a ruling barring opposition leader Alexei Navalny from running in the March presidential election.

The high court upheld the Central Election Commission’s decision banning Navalny from running because of his conviction on criminal charges.  

Navalny and his followers say those charges were politically motivated.

Navalny has called for demonstrations across Russia on January 28 to protest the country’s upcoming presidential vote.  

Polls say that incumbent President Vladimir Putin will likely win another six-year term when the election is held on March 18.

Navalny contends that Putin, who has spent the last 17 years as either president or prime minister, has been in power too long.  The opposition leader says Putin’s popularity is largely due to biased state media and an electoral system that excludes legitimate opponents.

Putin, a former KGB officer, is running as an independent, a decision some observers believe would enhance his image as a leader of a nation instead of a party political figure.

Allies have praised Putin for restoring national pride and enhancing Russia’s position as a global leader with military interventions in Syria and Ukraine.


Georgia Ex-president Vows to Fight Tbilisi if Extradited From Ukraine

Ex-Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili is vowing to fight the Georgian government if Ukrainian officials move to extradite him to Georgia in light of his conviction by a Tbilisi court Friday.

The court tried and convicted Saakashvili in absentia of abusing his pardon powers while in office. Georgia’s prosecutor says Saakashvili, who was in office from 2004-2013, tried to cover up evidence in the 2006 murder of Sandro Girgvliani. The 28-year-old banker was found dead outside of Tbilisi with multiple injuries after he was seen arguing in a bar with high-ranking Interior Ministry officials.

In 2008 Saakashvili pardoned four Georgian law enforcement officers convicted in Girgvliani’s murder. Georgian prosecutors claim the pardons failed to follow the procedures of a parliamentary commission on pardons and that the pardons were ultimately part of a deal to cover up evidence in an investigation of the banker’s death.

Saakashvili: Pardons were no cover-up

In an exclusive interview with VOA’s Georgian Service, Saakashvili again denied that the 2008 pardons were part of a cover-up.

“Of course [that] did not happen, but even if it had happened it would not have been a crime,” he said, describing presidential power of pardon as unlimited, “one of the very few powers that are totally unlimited for any president in the world.”

Presidential pardons, the power to absolve a convict of their conviction, while common, vary by country according to constitutional statues.

Saakashvili also called Friday’s sentencing a politically motivated conspiracy that “has nothing to do with legality.”

“Nobody ever has tried a former president for using right to pardon,” he said. “What we see is a joint effort by the Ukrainian and Georgian oligarchs. President Poroshenko went to Tbilisi last summer, [and since] he thinks that I am his main problem, he asked them to speed up the cases against me. And that’s when they came up with this case.”

It is not known whether Poroshenko and his Georgian counterparts ever discussed Saakashvili’s case. Shortly after Poroshenko’s July 2017 visit to Tbilisi, however, Kyiv officials stripped Saakashvili, who was on U.S. soil at the time, of his Ukrainian citizenship.

In August he flew to Poland before marching across the Ukrainian border surrounded by a throng of his political supporters who moved border guards aside and ultimately transported him to Kyiv, where he now lives as the world’s only stateless ex-president.

​Renewed extradition dialogue

While Saakashvili’s legal turmoil has followed him from his native Georgia to his adopted home country of Ukraine, Friday’s ruling represents his first prison sentence. Ukrainian officials on Friday said they would consider Georgia’s extradition request, though legal procedures would have to be followed.

According to Saakashvili’s government-appointed lawyer, Sofio Goglichidze, the ruling violates “a number of legal provisions and the constitution.”

“It is obvious that political persecution is going against Mikheil Saakashvili,” Goglichidze said in an interview with RFE/RL. “It was impossible to deliver a guilty verdict in the case in accordance with the law.”

Andriy Lysenko, spokesman for the Ukrainian prosecutor general, told Reuters by phone: “[Ukrainian] prosecutors are in the process of arranging a date for Saakashvili’s questioning due to Georgia’s request to extradite him.”

But Saakashvili’s lawyer in Ukraine, Ruslan Chornolutskiy, told RFE/RL that his client’s legal status should prevent his extradition to Georgia.

“According to Ukrainian laws, a person who was a Ukrainian citizen and for the last several years resided in Ukraine cannot be extradited,” Chornolutskiy told RFE/RL. “That is what the law says on foreigners and individuals without citizenship, as well as the international convention that Ukraine has ratified.”

If extradited to Georgia, Saakashvili says he will start a “peaceful fight” to remove the government of billionaire and former prime minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili from power.

“Ivanishvili is very reluctant to get me in Georgia because I am not going to sit quietly in a prison cell,” he told VOA. “For God’s sake, I am a founding father of modern Georgia. I have a huge support among populist there and also among majority of law enforcement and armed services. I am going to call for getting rid of Ivanishvili’s government if they extradite me there. I will do it. I am saying it openly. We will do it peacefully, but we will do it.

“I am not going to allow them to execute the wish of [Russian President] Vladimir Putin by punishing me through the hands of the Georgian jail administration and law-enforcement,” he said.

As Georgia’s president, Saakashvili lost a five-day war in which Russian forces drove deep into Georgia in 2008. He has since referred to himself as Putin’s “biggest enemy in the post-Soviet space.”

Since Saakashvili’s September return to Ukraine, he has led a number of anti-corruption protests against the government.

This story originated in VOA’s Georgian Service.

Senators Call for Criminal Probe Into Author of Salacious Trump Dossier

Two U.S. senators have called for a criminal investigation of a former British spy who authored a salacious report about Donald Trump when he was a businessman, a report known as the Steele Dossier.

The letter, released on Friday by Republicans Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham, adds to the turmoil that has plagued the Trump administration and will likely deepen the bipartisan rancor in Congress over both the dossier and also interactions between Trump associates and Russian officials. 

In their letter, the two called on the Justice Department to investigate Christopher Steele for what they alleged were false statements Steele made about how the dossier was circulated. 

“This referral does not pertain to the veracity of claims contained in the dossier,” the senators said in a statement.

Steele and his lawyers could not immediately be reached for comment. 

Former British spy

Steele, a former MI6 officer with deep experience in Russia, was hired by a Washington-based political research firm known as Fusion GPS in the summer 2016. 

Fusion had earlier been retained by a Republican donor interested in gathering embarrassing political dirt on Trump, but after Trump won the Republican nomination, Fusion was hired by a law firm with connections to the Democratic Party. 

Steele’s research, which focused on Russia and Trump’s ties there, resulted in a 35-page report that circulated among political operatives and reporters in Washington for months until BuzzFeed published the entire dossier online in January 2017. 

News reports have said the FBI had considered paying Steele for more research but later decided not to. 

Trump has repeatedly denied the allegations in the dossier. Some Republicans have also asserted that the dossier was what prompted the FBI to open its criminal investigation in July 2016 into Russia’s interactions with Trump-connected officials, something contradicted by court documents and other public statements. 

Grassley calls for inquiry

Grassley, who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, earlier called for a Justice Department investigation of Fusion GPS, suggesting the firm was involved in a Russian-linked lobbying campaign to undermine the 2012 U.S. Magnitsky Act, which punishes Russians deemed to be human rights abusers. 

In an opinion piece published in The New York Times on Tuesday, the founders of Fusion GPS accused Republican lawmakers of trying to obscure Trump’s Russian connections and called on Grassley to release transcripts of their testimony to the Judiciary Committee. 

The Judiciary Committee is one of three congressional panels investigating interactions between Trump associates and Russian officials. 

The FBI probe, now taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller, has resulted in two indictments and two guilty pleas, including from Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

Turkey Seeks Reset With EU

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of two senior Turkish officials who have made or are making trips to European Union countries in what analysts say is a diplomatic offensive to reset relations with the 28-member bloc.

The EU is Turkey’s No. 1 import and export partner. Relations between Ankara and the EU, however, have been strained in part over human rights in Turkey, a controversial referendum last year to extend his powers, refugee migration and Turkey’s quest for visa-free travel for its citizens across the EU.

Erdogan met Friday in France with counterpart Emmanuel Macron for talks on Syria and trade, and he signed a series of contracts. The two presidents also witnessed the signing of an agreement in which Turkish Airlines will purchase 25 jets from Airbus.

In a recent interview, Macron confirmed he regularly speaks with Erdogan, conversations that analysts say the Turkish president values. “The steps we have taken until now with Mr. Macron are all in the right direction and I have a lot of hopes in Mr. Macron,” Erdogan said to reporters before leaving for Paris.

Message from Kalin

Turkey has been seeking to join the European Union but cannot do so unless certain criteria required for membership have been met. Ahead of the Paris visit, Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin, speaking to the France 24 news channel, sent a message to the EU: “As Turkey, we see EU membership as a strategic aim; however, in recent years, not much progress has been made in this regard, due to several reasons. We want to overcome these troubles.”

Ankara’s ongoing crackdown following a failed coup in 2016 has resulted in tens of thousands of arrests and the jailing of dozens of people, including journalists. The crackdown threatens the collapse of the troubled relations with the EU.

Ahead of Erdogan’s visit, Macron offered thinly veiled criticism of Turkey. “Freedom of the press is not only being damaged in dictatorships but also in some democratic European states as well,” he told reporters.

Human rights concerns are set to be an even bigger obstacle to Ankara’s bid to smooth over relations with Europe’s other major powerhouse, Germany. German-Turkish relations all but collapsed last year over Ankara’s accusations that Berlin was harboring hundreds of people linked to a 2016 coup attempt. Berlin, meanwhile, has likened the arrest and jailing of a number of its citizens, including two journalists and a human rights activist, to hostage taking.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is scheduled to visit his German counterpart, Sigma Gabriel, on Saturday in Goslar, Germany.

“Both sides have an interest in a new start in the bilateral relationship as we live in a time full of challenges,” Cavusoglu wrote this week in an op-ed piece for a German newspaper. “It is not the time for bullhorn diplomacy.”

Following a surprise meeting between the Turkish and German foreign ministers in November at the Turkish Mediterranean Sea resort of Antalya, both sides have started to take tentative steps to ease tensions. Three Germans being detained have been released. Deniz Yucel, a journalist for German newspaper Die Welt, remains incarcerated, although his conditions have improved with the ending of months of solitary confinement.

‘Very difficult’ path ahead

Despite such steps, experts warn Ankara faces a protracted process in improving relations with the EU.

“It will be very difficult to bring normalcy to Turkish-German relations,” said international relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul’s Kadir Has University.

The release of Yucel is seen by analysts as key by Berlin to any substantive progress. Erdogan has previously said that as long as he remains in power, Yucel will never be free.

Given its growing isolation, however, Turkey could be set to make more gestures to Europe.

Turkey faces a similar situation with its other key Western ally, the United States. Until now, Ankara has been happy to look to Moscow to send the message that Ankara can do without its traditional allies. But growing dependence on Moscow is coming at an increasing cost.

“Russia is the leading engine, and Turkey is the wagon of the Russian policy,” said international relations professor Huseyin Bagci of Ankara’s Middle East Technical University. “Unfortunately at the moment, Turkey is just doing and repeating what Russia is saying. So Turkey is very strongly under the influence of Russia, which has never been the case in the last 25 years.”

While Ankara has found some common ground with Moscow in the region, the countries are historical rivals, as is the case with Iran, another country with whom Turkey has started to develop warming relations.

“Turkey and Iran have issues that could flare up anytime,” said political columnist Semih Idiz of the Al Monitor website.

Observers say Ankara now could be realizing the precarious situation it is facing and a realization of the need for a more balanced diplomatic approach. They say the cost could be high, with European countries expected to press for an easing up on the crackdown.

Migrants Huddle in Riviera, Hoping to Cross Border

The Italian Riviera, like its French counterpart, is known for its resorts, glamour and beauty. But away from the tourists, hundreds of migrants and refugees willingly endure grim conditions and risk their lives, making repeated attempts to cross the border.

Queen’s Granddaughter Zara Tindall Is Expecting 2nd Child

Officials say Queen Elizabeth II’s granddaughter Zara Tindall and her husband Mike Tindall are expecting their second child.

Buckingham Palace said Friday the queen and the royal family are “very pleased” with the news.

The pregnancy comes just over a year after Tindall suffered a miscarriage shortly before Christmas in 2016. She is an Olympic silver medal winner in equestrian events and the daughter of Princess Anne. Her husband is a former England rugby player.

They have a three-year-old daughter named Mia.

Watchdog: Russian Airstrikes Kills Civilians in Syria

Nearly 30 civilians, including children, have been killed by airstrikes in the rebel stronghold of Eastern Ghouta, outside the Syrian capital, Damascus.

The Britain-based watchdog Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which closely monitors the Syrian civil war, said most of the airstrikes were carried out by Russian jets.

There was no immediate confirmation by the Russian military, which is providing air support to government forces fighting rebels.

A government forces base, the only one in the region, was surrounded by rebels earlier this week. Syrian state television said “army units had launched an assault to break the siege.”

Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory, said “violent clashes were taking place” Thursday close to the base, which is believed to hold some 250 government soldiers.

Eastern Ghouta, home to 400,000 residents, has been cut off from food and medical aid since 2013.

Last week, the Syrian government allowed Red Cross to evacuate 29 critically ill patients, including 18 children and four women suffering from heart disease, cancer, kidney failure and blood diseases, in addition to cases requiring surgery not available in the besieged area.

The United Nations had called for an emergency evacuation of nearly 500 patients and an end to the siege to allow access for humanitarian medical and food aid.   

Turkish Banker Conviction Threatens US-Turkey Ties

Ankara has slammed the conviction in the U.S. of a Turkish banker for violating U.S. sanctions on Iran.

“This is the scandalous verdict of a scandalous case,” Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalin told reporters at the presidential palace. “Unjust and unfortunate,” said the Turkish foreign ministry in a statement, adding, “the evidence was fake and open to political exploitation.”

Mahir Unal, the spokesman for Turkey’s ruling AKP, pointed the finger directly at Washington. “The purpose of the case in United States is interference in the internal affairs of Turkey. This case is a violation of international law and a legal disaster. It is clear that this decision has no provision for us,” tweeted Unal.

But Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has in the past been at the forefront of condemning the case, has remained silent on the verdict.

That silence is telling, claimed political consultant Atilla Yesilada of Global source partners.

“Erdogan was misled by his advisers, who told him Mr. [Hakan] Atilla would be acquitted. Now he understands that if the United States really intends to kick Turkey in the shin, they have received the perfect excuse to do so. At this point, he realizes it’s not wise to antagonize the United States. Now I am sure there are high-level contacts with Washington on how to make this case ago away,” said Yesilada.

On Wednesday, Mehmet Hakan Atilla, who headed international banking at the Turkish state-owned Halkbank, was convicted by a New York court on 5 of 6 charges of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran. With prosecutors presenting evidence of several Turkish banks involved in extensive laundering of money to avoid Iranian sanctions, analysts warn the door is open to a potential wide range of financial sanctions.

Such measures range from fines on Turkish banks to extensive restrictions on banks’ ability to borrow from U.S. financial markets. Turkey borrows on average about $16 billion a month to sustain existing loans and meet its financial obligations.

Joon Kim, the acting U.S. attorney in Manhattan, speaking after the conviction, made clear there would be consequences. “Foreign banks and bankers have a choice: You can choose willfully to help Iran and other sanctioned nations evade U.S. law, or you can choose to be part of the international banking community transacting in U.S. dollars. But you can’t do both.”

“Best-case scenario is a couple of billion dollars in fines against Halkbank for violating sanctions and the American administration closing the file, and that’s the end of it,” said consultant Yesilada.

The Turkish finance minister, Mehmet Simsek, already has guaranteed that any fines would be covered by the government.

Despite international investors reportedly closely watching the New York case, Turkish financial markets Thursday were largely unaffected by Wednesday’s verdict.

The experience of previous foreign banks caught violating U.S. sanctions suggests the repercussions could be severe for Turkish banks. 

In 2015, the French bank BNP Paribas was fined about $9 billion for violating U.S.-Iranian sanctions. An economist specializing on financial matters relating to Turkey — working for an international bank and speaking anonymously — warned that given the scale of the violations outlined by prosecutors in the New York case, Halkbank could face fines of up to $40 billion. Last year Turkey’s Haber Turk newspaper reported U.S. authorities were considering a similarly large fine. 

Observers single out the Halkbank case from previous sanction-busting cases. During the New York trial, the prosecutor witness implicated Turkish government involvement in sanctions violations, including then-Prime Minister Erdogan.

“If the Trump administration wants to portray this as a state crime, as Ankara systematically violating Iranian sanctions, I don’t think anyone can stop them,” said political consultant Yesilada.

Analysts suggest the price of leniency by Washington could be Ankara having to cool its warming relationship with Moscow, and Tehran, as well as the toning down of its hostility toward the Syrian Kurdish militia, which has been backed by the U.S. in fighting Islamic State militants.

Ankara accuses the militia of being terrorists linked to an insurgency in Turkey. Both issues have contributed to recent deep strains in U.S.-Turkish relations. But Washington’s decision in December to restore normal visa services after being severely curtailed was seen as a sign of its commitment to improving ties.

Even if Ankara can come to an agreement with the White House, Congress still remains a problem. 

“The American Congress acts independently of both the judiciary and the executive, and the information I receive from my sources in the United States, it’s extremely angry with Turkish behavior, and it might consider a sanction law against Turkey,” warned consultant Yesilada. “But I think the financial markets collectively don’t think that the United States does want to push this any further. There, I don’t agree with the markets, but as the American game plan is crystallized over the coming weeks, market sentiments will change to a negative.”

UK Ponders What to Do with Homeless Ahead of Royal Wedding

A political storm is brewing ahead of Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s May 19 wedding over whether to crack down on homeless people and beggars in the well-to-do English town of Windsor.

Homeless charities are reacting angrily to borough councilor Simon Dudley’s call for police to clear the streets so the town makes a favorable impression on visitors drawn to see what they can of the royal nuptials.

They reject his assertion that the homeless in Windsor are living on the streets by choice, a view expressed in a letter Dudley sent to police and to Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. Greg Beales, a spokesman for Shelter, says Thursday that punishing the homeless is “totally counter-productive.”

Dudley says beggars and homeless people are creating a “hostile atmosphere” in Windsor.

Turkey Rejects US Conviction of Turkish Banker

Turkey dismissed Thursday a U.S. court conviction of a Turkish banker in connection with a billion-dollar plot to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran.

The court in New York City convicted Mehmet Hakan Atilla on four counts of conspiracy, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, plus one count of bank fraud. The 47-year-old Turkish national was acquitted on a charge of money laundering.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said Thursday the ruling was unfair and unfortunate, and also an unprecedented interference in Turkey’s internal affairs.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Twitter the jury’s decision does not carry legal value in Turkey.

The case has strained relations between Turkey and the United States.

Atilla is a deputy general manager at Turkey’s state-run Halkbank. U.S. prosecutors charged him with helping to facilitate a deal in which Iran traded oil and gas for gold, moving some of the transactions through U.S. banks without their knowledge.

Atilla was heard on telephone recordings setting up fake food and agriculture deals with Iran to disguise deals that were really sales of oil. Atilla’s lawyer said his client was merely “a hapless pawn” in those deals, blaming Atilla’s boss, Reza Zarrab, instead. 

Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian trader who has admitted arranging the deals, told the court he paid about $50 million in bribes in 2012 to the Turkish finance minister to push the deals through. Zarrab testified that he believed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was aware of the scheme.

Erdogan said the case is an American conspiracy to blackmail Turkey, a strategic partner with the United States in Middle East affairs.

Iran and the United States have had chilly relations since the Iran hostage crisis from 1979-1981, in which 52 Americans were held by student activists in Iran for 444 days until a release was negotiated. The United States now bans most financial dealings with Iran, which is a major oil-producing nation.

Turkey Orders Arrests of Dozens of its Soldiers

Turkish prosecutors have issued arrest warrants for 70 people, including 58 serving soldiers, in an investigation targeting supporters of the U.S.-based cleric accused of orchestrating an attempted coup in July 2016, state media said Thursday.

The operation was focused on the central Turkish province of Konya, with police carrying out simultaneous raids at addresses across 27 provinces, state-run Anadolu news agency reported.

Twelve of the 70 suspects had previously been expelled from the Turkish armed forces, Anadolu said.

Police operations to detain suspects accused of links to the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen have been a near daily occurrence since the failed putsch of July 15, 2016, in which Gulen has denied any involvement.

Since then more than 50,000 people, including thousands of security personnel and civil servants, have been jailed pending trial and some 150,000 suspended or dismissed from their jobs.

Rights groups say the crackdown has been exploited to muzzle dissent. The government says the measures have been necessary because of the security threats Turkey has faced since the failed coup, in which 250 people were killed.

Turkish Banker Convicted of Laundering Iran-Turkey Deals Through US Banks

A Turkish banker has been convicted in a U.S. court for participating in a billion-dollar plot to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran.

A court in New York City has convicted Mehmet Hakan Atilla on four counts of conspiracy, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, plus one count of bank fraud. The 47-year-old Turkish national was acquitted on a charge of money laundering.

The case has strained relations between Turkey and the United States.

Atilla is a deputy general manager at Turkey’s state-run Halkbank. U.S. prosecutors charged him with helping to facilitate a deal in which Iran traded oil and gas for gold, moving some of the transactions through U.S. banks without their knowledge.

Atilla was heard on telephone recordings setting up fake food and agriculture deals with Iran to disguise deals that were really sales of oil. Atilla’s lawyer said his client was merely “a hapless pawn” in those deals, blaming Atilla’s boss, Reza Zarrab, instead.

Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian trader who has admitted arranging the deals, told the court he paid about $50 million in bribes in 2012 to the Turkish finance minister to push the deals through. Zarrab testified that he believed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was aware of the scheme.

Erdogan said the case is an American conspiracy to blackmail Turkey, a strategic partner with the U.S. in Middle East affairs.

Iran and the United States have had chilly relations since the Iran hostage crisis from 1979-1981, in which 52 Americans were held by student activists in Iran for 444 days until a release was negotiated. The United States now bans most financial dealings with Iran, which is a major oil-producing nations.

Storm Disrupts Traffic at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport

A storm disrupted air traffic at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport on Wednesday, with many flights canceled or delayed.

Airlines canceled 176 out of a total of more than 1,200 incoming and outgoing flights on Wednesday morning, a spokesman for the Dutch national airport said.

That number was expected to rise, as the storm would grow stronger during the day, with wind gusts reaching speeds of up to 120 kph (75 mph).

Flights that were not canceled faced an average delay of about an hour, the airport said.

Schiphol is Europe’s third busiest airport in number of total passengers per year, after London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle.

Agencies: Russian Military Helicopter Crashes in Syria, Two Dead

A Russian military MI-24 helicopter crashed in Syria on Dec. 31 due to a technical fault, killing both pilots, Russian news agencies cited the Ministry of Defence as saying on Wednesday.

The helicopter crashed en route to the Hama air base, RIA news said, citing the ministry.

Windstorm Battering France Hits Electricity Supplies

France’s national electricity provider says a violent windstorm has left some 200,000 households without electricity across the country, including 30,000 in the Paris region.

The windstorm, Eleanor, battered northern France Wednesday with winds reaching over 140 kilometers per hour. Photos of destroyed cars, collapsed scaffolding and uprooted trees have appeared across social media.

Some 2,000 agents have been deployed to reconnect the energy supplies in the 49 French departments that have been placed on high alert.

Winds of up to 117 km/h also battered Paris’ biggest airport Charles de Gaulle. Paris’ airport authority said that flights have been disrupted with slight delays stemming from precautions being taken to safely get travelers into aircraft.

Bulgaria President Vetoes Anti-corruption Law

President Rumen Radev on Tuesday vetoed anti-graft legislation passed by Bulgaria’s parliament, saying the bill failed to offer the means to effectively investigate corruption networks.

Radev acted only a day after Bulgaria, the European Union’s poorest country, assumed the six-month, rotating presidency of the bloc for the first time since it joined the EU in 2007.

Bulgaria has made scant progress towards stamping out graft and organised crime, and the European Commission, the EU’s executive, has repeatedly rebuked the Black Sea country for failing to prosecute and sentence allegedly corrupt officials.

According to Transparency International, Bulgaria is the EU’s most corrupt country.

The legislation, approved by parliament on Dec. 20, entailed the creation of a special anti-graft unit meant to investigate persons occupying high public office as well as assets and conflicts of interest.

But analysts said the unit’s objectivity could be limited by the fact its management would be appointed by parliament under the legislation, and it therefore might not be truly independent and could by used by those in power to persecute opponents.

“I believe that the adopted law not only does not create an adequate legal basis for tackling corruption but will even make it difficult to fight it,” Radev, who was elected in November 2016, said in a statement.

“No doubt, the president has strong arguments (to veto the law),” political analyst Petar Cholakov said.

Some analysts, however, expect parliament to overturn Radev’s veto.

Kornelia Ninova, leader of the main opposition Socialist Party, endorsed Radev’s veto saying it gave “a golden chance” for the government and its majority in parliament to produce effective anti-corruption legislation.

“If we do not tackle corruption, we cannot solve any of the other problems — poverty, health, education, demography,” Ninova said. Officials from the ruling center-right coalition had no immediate comment on Radev’s move.

The new law also focuses on improving control and accountability of law-enforcement agencies, and the government in Sofia is hoping Bulgaria will be able to change opinions and remove its tarnished image during its EU presidency.

Corruption has deterred foreign investment since communism collapsed in Bulgaria in 1989, and the EU has kept Sofia as well as neighboring Romania — for the same rule-of-law failings — outside its Schengen zone of passport-free travel.


UN Security Council Welcomes 6 New Members     

The U.N. Security Council has welcomed six new non-permanent members — Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Peru, and Poland.

The six new countries, voted on by the 193-member General assembly for two-year terms, will have a strong voice in matters dealing with international peace and security during their time on the U.N.’s most powerful body.

“Peace and security are difficult to achieve,” Kazakh envoy Kairat Umarov, who took the rotating presidency in January, told council members at a special ceremony.  “You are going to have a real chance to make a difference.”

Flags of the six new member countries were installed outside the council chambers Tuesday in a ceremony arranged by Umarov.

The U.N. Security council has 15 members — five of which (China, France, Russia, Britain, and the United States) hold permanent membership and veto power.  Egypt, Japan, Senegal, Ukraine, and Uruguay finished their terms last year, while the Netherlands takes over for Italy to finish a term the two countries shared.

Moldovan Court Suspends President in Political Standoff

Moldova’s Constitutional Court has temporarily stripped the country’s pro-Moscow president of his duties for his refusal to endorse new ministers in a political standoff.

President Igor Dodon rejected the court’s Tuesday ruling, which said his powers should be given to the Parliament speaker or prime minister. He accused the court of being “a political tool, not a constitutional body.”


Dodon is at odds with the ruling coalition, which favors closer relations with the European Union and the U.S.


In October, the court suspended his powers after he refused to appoint another minister. This time, Dodon said the ministerial candidates were incompetent, claiming some were involved in a 2014 scandal in which $1 billion was siphoned from Moldova’s banking system.


The ruling coalition asked the court to suspend Dodon’s powers so ministers could be appointed.

2017 Safest Year on Record for Commercial Passenger Air Travel

Airlines recorded zero accident deaths in commercial passenger jets last year, according to a Dutch consulting firm and an aviation safety group that tracks crashes, making 2017 the safest year on record for commercial air travel.

Dutch aviation consulting firm To70 and the Aviation Safety Network both reported Monday there were no commercial passenger jet fatalities in 2017. “2017 was the safest year for aviation ever,” said Adrian Young of To70.

To70 estimated that the fatal accident rate for large commercial passenger flights is 0.06 per million flights, or one fatal accident for every 16 million flights.

The Aviation Safety Network also reported there were no commercial passenger jet deaths in 2017, but 10 fatal airliner accidents resulting in 44 fatalities onboard and 35 persons on the ground, including cargo planes and commercial passenger turbo prop aircraft.

That figure includes 12 people killed on Dec. 31 when a Nature Air Cessna 208B Grand Caravan aircraft crashed minutes after takeoff into a mountainous area off the beach town of Punta Islita, Costa Rica.

In comparison, there were 16 accidents and 303 deaths in 2016 among airliners.

The deadliest incident last year occurred in January when a Turkish cargo jet smashed into a village in Kyrgyzstan as it tried to land at a nearby airport in dense fog, killing 35 on the ground and all four onboard.

The Aviation Safety Network said 2017 was “the safest year ever, both by the number of fatal accidents as well as in terms of fatalities.”

Over the last two decades aviation deaths around the world have been steadily falling. As recently as 2005, there were 1,015 deaths aboard commercial passenger flights worldwide, the Aviation Safety Network said.

The United States last recorded a fatal airline passenger jet crash in February 2009, when Colgan Air Flight 3407 crashed short of the runway in Clarence Center, New York, killing 49 onboard and one person on the ground.

In 2016, 412 people were killed in the United States in aviation accidents — nearly all in general aviation accidents and none on commercial passenger airlines.

The last fatal passenger jet airliner accident worldwide took place in November 2016 near Medellin, Colombia and the last commercial passenger aircraft crash to kill more than 100 people occurred in October 2015 in Egypt.

Minister: UK May Use Taxes to Get Tech Giants to Do More to Fight Extremism

Britain may impose new taxes on tech giants like Google and Facebook unless they do more to combat online extremism by taking down material aimed at radicalizing people or helping them to prepare attacks, the

country’s security minister said.

Ben Wallace accused tech firms of being happy to sell people’s data but not to give it to the government which was being forced to spend vast sums on de-radicalization programs, surveillance and other counter-terrorism measures.

“If they continue to be less than co-operative, we should look at things like tax as a way of incentivizing them or compen­sating for their inaction,” Wallace told the Sunday Times newspaper in an interview.

His quotes did not give further details on tax plans. The newspaper said that any demand would take the form of a windfall tax similar to that imposed on privatized utilities by former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s government in 1997.

Wallace accused the tech giants of putting private profit before public safety.

“We should stop pretending that because they sit on beanbags in T-shirts they are not ruthless profiteers,” he said. “They will ruthlessly sell our details to loans and soft-porn companies but not give it to our democratically elected


Facebook executive Simon Milner rejected the criticisms.

“Mr. Wallace is wrong to say that we put profit before safety, especially in the fight against terrorism,” he said in an emailed statement. “We’ve invested millions of pounds in people and technology to identify and remove terrorist content.”

YouTube, which is owned by Google, said it was doing more every day to tackle violent extremism.

“Over the course of 2017 we have made significant progress through investing in machine learning technology, recruiting more reviewers, building partnerships with experts and collaboration with other companies,” a YouTube spokeswoman said.

Deadly attacks

Britain suffered a series of attacks by Islamic extremists between March and June this year that killed a total of 36 people, excluding the attackers.

Two involved vehicles ramming people on bridges in London, followed by attackers stabbing people. The deadliest, a bombing at a concert in the northern city of Manchester, killed 22 people.

Following the second bridge attack, Prime Minister Theresa May proposed beefing up regulations on cyberspace, and weeks later interior minister Amber Rudd traveled to California to ask Silicon Valley to step up efforts against extremism.

“We are more vulnerable than at any point in the last 100 years,” said Wallace, citing extremist material on social media and encrypted messaging services like WhatsApp as tools that made life too easy for attackers.

“Because content is not being taken down as quickly as they could do, we’re having to de-radicalize people who have been radicalized. That’s costing millions. They can’t get away with that and we should look at all the options, including tax.”

Facebook said it removed 83 percent of uploaded copies of terrorist content within one hour of its being found on the social media network.

It also highlighted plans to double the number of people working in its safety and security teams to 20,000 by the end of 2018.

YouTube said that progress in machine learning meant that 83 percent of violent extremist content was removed without the need for users to flag it.


2 Die from Fireworks in Germany, No Repeat of Mass Groping

Two people have died from fireworks injuries during New Year celebrations in Germany, but the country avoided a repeat of the mass groping in Cologne in 2016 amid heightened security and efforts to protect women from sexual harassment.

In the Brandenburg region outside Berlin, police said Monday that a 35-year-old man died after igniting fireworks, and a 19-year-old suffered fatal head injuries after he set off a homemade device.


Multiple fireworks injuries also were reported across the country.

Police in Cologne said there were seven cases of sexual harassment, while Berlin police reported 13 and seven arrests as several hundred thousand people celebrated at the city’s Brandenburg Gate.

Police sought to prevent a repeat of New Year 2016 in Cologne, when hundreds of women were groped and robbed, mostly by groups of migrants. There were also concerns about possible terror attacks in the wake of the attack on Dec. 19, 2016 in which an asylum seeker drove a truck into a Berlin Christmas market and killed 12 people.

Police barred large bags from barricaded-off pedestrian party areas in Berlin and Frankfurt.


Other fireworks incidents included serious eye injuries to a 14-year-old girl after fireworks were thrown at a group of people in the town of Triptis in the Thuringia region in the east, the dpa news agency reported.


Hand surgeons at Berlin’s trauma hospital worked continuously in three operating rooms through the night treating 21 people, including five with amputation injuries, dpa reported.

Six officers in Berlin suffered temporary hearing loss when a firework was thrown at them during the arrest of a suspect. The 22-year-old man was believed to have thrown a firecracker that blew a hole in a police car’s rear windshield.


Police said they also arrested a 16-year-old girl after she repeatedly threw fireworks at police and confiscated 44 illegal pyrotechnic devices they found in her possession.


Police in Leipzig turned water cannon on a group of up to 50 disorderly people who threw firecrackers at them.

New Year Celebrations around the World

New Zealand, Australia, and surrounding Pacific Islands were among the first places to ring in 2018 with fireworks displays, parties, and other festivities. Nearly 1.5 million people gathered to watch a rainbow fireworks display above Sydney’s iconic Harbour Bridge and opera house.

Fugitive Catalonian Leader Seeks Talks With Spain

Catalonia’s fugitive former president has called for Spanish authorities to open negotiations regarding the restitution of what he calls his “legitimate government.”

Carles Puigdemont said via social media channels from Brussels on Saturday that Spain should “recognize the election results of Dec. 21 and start negotiating politically with the legitimate government of Catalonia.”

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy deposed Puigdemont and his Cabinet after Catalonia’s regional parliament voted in favor of a declaration of independence from the rest of the country in October.

But pro-secession parties, including one led by Puigdemont, won the most seats in elections last week.

Puigdemont fled to Belgium to avoid a judicial investigation into suspicions of rebellion by him and his government. He did not say Saturday if he plans to return to Spain, where an arrest warrants awaits him.

Rajoy said Friday that he plans to convene Catalonia’s newly elected parliament Jan. 17.

In-house rules of Catalonia’s parliament require that a candidate to form a government be present.