Italy Minister Sees Light at End of Tunnel on Migrant Flows

Italy’s interior minister said on Tuesday he saw light at the end of the tunnel for curbing migrant flows from Libya after a slowdown in arrivals across the Mediterranean in recent months.

But a United Nations investigator said that Italy’s recent effort to draw up a code regulating the operations of humanitarian ships rescuing migrants at sea would cause more deaths.

The subject of immigration is dominating Italy’s political agenda ahead of general elections due before May next year, with public opinion increasingly hostile to migrants. Almost 600,000 migrants have arrived in Italy over the past four years.

“We are still under the tunnel, it’s a long tunnel, but I start seeing the light at the end of it,” Interior Minister Marco Minniti told a news conference.

Small drop in migrant arrivals

After a surge in migrant arrivals from Libya at the start of the year, the numbers have slowed. Data from the Interior Ministry on Tuesday showed that 97,293 people had reached Italy so far in 2017, down 4.15 percent from the same period in 2016.

Minniti said that these trends would continue in August but did not comment further.

Italy has approached the migrant problem with a dual track strategy, strengthening Libya’s efforts to fight smuggling and at the same time putting pressure on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) involved in rescue operations.

“It was important to intervene on the other side of the Mediterranean and we have focused on Libya. It seemed difficult, but it now appears that something is moving,” he added.

Italy offers instruction, upgrades

In Libya, Italy has trained members of the coastguard and upgraded its fleet, in line with the EU’s investments to support search and rescue operations at sea as well as those along its borders.

Minniti said that attention would also be given to the conditions of migrants brought back from sea to Libya and that Italy would start distributing aid in the cities of Sabratha and Zowarah, two hubs for the smuggling of migrants.

At home, the Italian government has introduced a code of conduct for the operations NGOs, demanding that armed police travel on their boats to help root out people smugglers.

Five out of the of eight groups operating in the southern Mediterranean agreed to the terms so far. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has refused to sign so far.

‘Code of conduct’

Hours earlier, a member of the United Nations largest body of independent experts said Italy’s policy could restrict the NGOs’ life-saving work and result in more deaths.

“This code of conduct and the overall action plan suggest that Italy, the EU Commission and the EU Member states deem the risks and the reality of deaths at sea a price worth paying in order to deter migrants and refugees,” Agnes Callamard said in a statement.

Minniti said he would meet his counterparts from Libya, Chad, Niger and Mali on Aug. 28 and that he would soon meet in Rome the mayors of the main Libyan cities involved.

“A democratic country (like Italy) does not chase migrants flows, but governs them … ungoverned flows threaten a country’s democracy,” Minniti said. “Italy is not retreating but remains firmly committed to rescues at sea.”


Iran’s Top General Makes Rare Visit to Ankara

In a rare visit, the head of Iran’s armed forces is in Turkey. The two neighbors have found themselves increasing rivals in Iraq and Syria, but both sides are trying to find common ground.

The chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces, Major General Mohammad-Hossein Baqeri, arrived in Ankara, leading a high-ranking military and political delegation, for three days of talks. It is the first visit by Iran’s chief of staff since the 1979 Iranian revolution.

Regional rivalries

Former Turkish ambassador to Iraq Unal Cevikoz now heads the Ankara Policy Forum. He says conflicts in Iraq and Syria have exacerbated regional rivalries.

“Iran is becoming a very important actor in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria,” he said. “It seems Iran has certain intentions. And when we look at the Turkish Iranian relations pertaining to the situation in Iraq and Syria, it is obvious Turkey and Iran are not on the same page.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has positioned himself as an advocate of Sunni Muslim rights in the region and has been in the forefront of criticizing Tehran’s policy in Iraq and Syria.

Erdogan has strongly criticized the treatment of Sunnis by Iraqi militia backed by Tehran. Ankara is one of the main supporters of Syrian rebels fighting the Damascus government supported by Iran.

The Iranian general’s visit comes as Tehran, Ankara and Moscow are cooperating in what is called the Astana process to resolve the Syrian civil war. The conflict is expected to be discussed during the visit.

Idlib enclave

Political columnist Semih Idiz of the Al Monitor website says talks will include the Syrian enclave of Idlib, one of the last areas the rebel forces control.

“Idlib is a potential hornets nest. There is infighting there between two radical Islamist groups,” said Idiz. “One is considered nominally more moderate and supported by Turkey and the other one more close to ISIS in sentiment. It is not clear how that is going to play out in Idlib and [Syrian President] Assad is going to take advantage of that.”

Idlib borders Turkey, and there are growing concerns in Ankara that if it is overrun by Syrian government forces Turkey could experience a major refugee influx, which could include many radical jihadists. Last week Ankara closed its border crossing into Idlib due to security concerns.

The aspirations of the region’s Kurds is also expected to be on the Iranian general’s agenda in Ankara, with both countries having large and restive Kurdish minorities. Next month’s independence referendum by Iraqi Kurds will provide common ground, with Tehran and Ankara strongly opposing the vote.


Norway PM Doubles Down on Tax Cuts in Bid for Second Term

With four weeks to go before an election that is too close to call, Norway’s Conservative prime minister, Erna Solberg, pledged on Monday to cut taxes to boost growth and job creation if she was re-elected.

In power as head of a minority coalition government since 2013, Solberg is attempting to become the first right-wing prime minister to win re-election since 1985.

While taxes, unemployment and a rural backlash against government reforms are hotly debated, opinion polls show a near dead heat between Solberg’s right-wing coalition and center-left parties seeking to replace it in a Sept. 11 vote for parliament.

Support for the main opposition Labor Party, which seeks to raise taxes on high earners and the wealthy, has slipped slightly in recent weeks, erasing the narrow lead held by the center-left in most polls during spring and early summer.

“We must get across the message that Norwegian politics won’t have to go left when it’s so obvious that the economy is improving and jobs are being created,” Solberg told Reuters on the sidelines of a news conference.

She highlighted spending on education and transport, as well as “growth-enabling tax cuts” as key priorities ahead.

The price of oil, Norway’s key export, fell by more than 70 percent from 2014 to 2016, lifting unemployment to a 20-year high of five percent last year, but crude has since staged a partial recovery and the jobless rate has eased to 4.3 percent.

The government increased spending from Norway’s $975 billion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, to aid the recovery, but the growth in public spending should moderate now that growth is normalizing, Solberg added.

Labor leader Jonas Gahr Stoere reiterated a plan to raise income and wealth taxes by up to 15 billion Norwegian crowns ($1.89 billion) to pay for public services while avoiding becoming too dependent on the wealth fund’s cash.

“It’s fair and necessary to do this,” he told independent broadcaster TV2, adding the money would be used to hire more teachers, improve care for the elderly and help combat climate change.

A survey published by TV2 on Monday, asking eligible voters who they believed would win, showed 50.3 percent expected Gahr Stoere to become prime minister, while 48.4 percent of those polled thought Solberg would stay in power.

An Aug. 11 poll by Respons on behalf of the newspaper Aftenposten showed Labour and two key backers, the Center Party and the Socialist Left, obtaining a combined 44.6 percent support, down from 46.3 percent in June. The government and its backers rose to 47.1 percent from 46.3 percent.

The outcome of the vote could ultimately be decided by the results for several small parties, including the right-leaning Liberals, the far-left Reds and the unaligned Green Party. All are battling to surpass a four-percent election threshold.

Leaders of all eight parties that currently hold seats in parliament, as well as the Red Party, are due to hold their first televised debate of the campaign at 1930 GMT.

($1 = 7.9371 Norwegian crowns)

Firefighters Battle Wildfires Across Greece

Firefighters battled more than 90 forest fires across Greece on Monday, an outbreak fed by dry winds and hot weather that saw blazes burning near Athens, in the Peloponnese, and on the Ionian islands of Zakynthos and


The fire near Athens was burning unchecked for a second day, damaging dozens of homes. It had started in Kalamos, a coastal holiday spot some 45 km (30 miles) northeast of the capital, and spread overnight to three more towns. A state of emergency was declared in the area.

On Zakynthos, an island popular with foreign tourists, several fires continued to burn for a fourth day and authorities declared a state of emergency. One minister said those fires had been set deliberately.

“It’s arson according to an organised plan,” Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis, who is the MP for Zakythnos, told state TV when asked to comment on the dozen fires burning on the island. “There is no doubt about it.”

It is not clear what caused the fires, and no investigation has begun into possible arson. Late July and August often see a outbreaks of forest and brush fires in Greece, where high temperatures help create tinder-box conditions.

Near Athens, authorities ordered a precautionary evacuation of two summer camps and homes in the area and evacuated a monastery after flames reached its fence on Monday. Hundreds of Kalamos residents fled, heading to the beach to spend the night.

“It was a terrible mess, that’s what it was. You could see homes on fire, people running, people desperate, it was chaos and the fire was very big,” a resident told Reuters TV.

Andreas Theodorou, a local councillor, said the blaze had damaged “several dozens of homes.”

“Help did not arrive fast enough, and if you don’t stop a forest fire so large as soon as it breaks out, it’s very hard to put it out,” he said.

The fire brigade said rugged terrain dotted with small communities made the fire fighting difficult.

In the Peloponnese region of Ilia, the site of Greece’s worst fires in 2007, which killed more than 70 people, blazes broke out in three areas on Monday, prompting the evacuation of a village.

Russian Security Agency Says It Foiled IS Attack Plot

Russia’s top domestic security agency said Monday it has thwarted suicide bombings in Moscow planned by the Islamic State group in Syria.

Four people have been arrested on suspicion of plotting attacks on Moscow transit system and shopping malls, the Federal Security Service, or FSB, said in a statement.

Those arrested included two would-be suicide bombers along with an Islamic State envoy and an expert in explosives. One of them is a Russian national and three others are from ex-Soviet Central Asia, the FSB said.

The agency released a video in which its agents inspect a house used by the group to make explosives while two suspects lie down on the floor in handcuffs. It didn’t say when the arrests took place.

The FSB said the attacks were planned by two senior IS militants who fight with IS. The agency didn’t give their nationalities, but their names given by the FSB appear to indicate they hail from the former Soviet Union.

In May, the FSB arrested another group of suspected IS members in May who were also accused of plotting terror attacks in the capital.

The arrests follow a suicide bombing in St. Petersburg’s subway that left 16 dead and wounded more than 50 in April.

President Vladimir Putin said in April that some 9,000 militants, about half of them from Russia and the rest from ex-Soviet Central Asian nations, have joined the Islamic State in Syria.

He emphasized that a key goal for the Russian military operation in Syria is to crush them there and prevent them from coming back home.

Critiques Fly as Tillerson Struggles to Define his Mission

In a wood-paneled stateroom in the Philippine presidential palace, Rex Tillerson sat across from a leader who boasts of hunting down drug dealers to personally kill. Whether he’d confront his host for letting police kill thousands — and how forcefully – was being closely scrutinized for proof the Trump administration has any commitment to human rights.

When the secretary of state ultimately broached it last week with President Rodrigo Duterte, he backed into it, rattling off U.S. death tolls and addiction rates that tell the story of America’s opioid crisis. Then he noted matter-of-factly that Americans have voiced concern about Duterte’s approach to his country’s drug war. He offered U.S. help, two of the meeting’s participants said.

To Tillerson’s critics, it was the latest underperformance by a secretary of state they see as abdicating traditional roles and aspirations of American diplomacy. To Tillerson, aides said, it was a concrete solution to a problem, rather than grandstanding for grandstanding’s sake.

Since taking office in February, Tillerson has earned praise from President Donald Trump despite policy differences, top Cabinet members and even some Democrats, including those who take solace in the tempering role he plays in an otherwise frenetic and unpredictable administration.

Yet he’s also stoked deep doubts about his leadership among many U.S. diplomats and the traditional foreign policy establishment, with a daily drumbeat of editorials like “Why Has Rex Tillerson Belly-Flopped as Secretary of State?” and “How Rex Tillerson is Wrecking the State Department.”

And so difficult has Trump made Tillerson’s job at times that it’s sparked talk of a “Rexit,” a potential early departure from the job. As with the histrionic headlines, Tillerson has brushed it all off, calmly telling reporters last month, “I’m not going anywhere.”

This account of Tillerson’s first six months draws on interviews with roughly two dozen State Department officials, foreign diplomats and other Tillerson associates. Some weren’t authorized to comment publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

In private conversations, Tillerson has taken issue with the approach of his predecessors, and especially John Kerry, whose high public profile, constant travel and impulse to plunge himself into every crisis became a running State Department joke.

Tillerson has told those in his orbit he can get more done if countries know they can negotiate in confidence without their positions being dissected in the press.

That argument hasn’t caught on among the chorus of diplomats and foreign policy scholars who have piled on, claiming he’s squandering the only real tool in his arsenal. After all, diplomats don’t have weapons at their disposal, only words.

There are questions about why he took the job if he doesn’t have a particular mark he hopes to leave on the world. In a Washington Post column entitled “Rex Tillerson is a Huge Disappointment,” former Bush administration official Michael Gerson asked, “Who would want to be known as the secretary of state who retreated from the promotion of justice and democracy?”

Many past secretaries reached eagerly and early for Nobel Peace Prize-worthy achievements. Tillerson’s most enthusiastic focus has been streamlining the State Department’s inner workings, a project expected to extend the rest of the year or longer.

“I think he came to the job with a feeling that America was approaching foreign policy with too much of a missionary zeal. We were telling the world what they ought to do,” said John Hamre, president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, where Tillerson served 11 years on the board. “He’s not a missionary for grand causes. He’s a pragmatist.”

Two decades ago, as Tillerson was rising through Exxon’s management, the oil company merged with Mobil to become the world’s biggest, with revenues exceeding many countries’ economies. Tillerson has told aides the State Department redesign is tougher than the merger ever was.

“This takes time,” said R.C. Hammond, a senior Tillerson adviser. “We’re not changing one light switch. We’re rewiring an entire house.”

On his first day as America’s top diplomat, Tillerson spoke in the marbled lobby of the State Department’s Harry S. Truman Building headquarters. He told assembled employees that he knew the election was “hotly contested” and that while all were entitled to their beliefs, it mustn’t overwhelm “our ability to work as one team.”

Much of the diplomatic corps was deeply suspicious of the new administration’s worldview. An astonishing 900 signed a rare “dissent memo” – before Tillerson even arrived – objecting to Trump’s initial travel ban on people from seven mainly Muslim countries.

Tillerson, the Exxon Mobil CEO until just weeks earlier, represented to some the prospect of a sober, levelheaded “adult in the room” for Trump’s national security decisions. As Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the Foreign Relations Committee’s top Democrat, put it in Tillerson’s confirmation hearing, “You don’t strike me as someone likely to be naive.”

Addressing State Department workers, Tillerson emphasized honesty, respect and accountability for all – themes borrowed from the Boy Scouts of America that he once led.

Then he started talking about efficiency. He predicted “changes to how things are traditionally done.” The mood in the room changed.

“Change for the sake of change can be counterproductive, and that will never be my approach,” Tillerson said. “But we cannot sustain ineffective traditions over optimal outcomes.”

When, two months later, Tillerson embraced a 37-percent cut to foreign aid and diplomatic spending, lawmakers of both parties balked, accusing him of weakening diplomacy and U.S. influence. Trump’s final proposed budget softened the cuts somewhat, but still calls for roughly one-third less money, fewer workers and consolidation of many offices.

Tillerson locked in his reputation as an under-the-radar secretary on his first trip abroad, when he told the one reporter allowed to travel with him he was “not a big media press access person” and said, “I personally don’t need it.”

In Texas, that approach paid off for Tillerson, and Exxon flourished. Corporations are rarely harmed by their CEOs avoiding the limelight.

But in Washington, the same approach has denied Tillerson the chance to define his own narrative — or to effectively calm the inevitable concerns when a workforce of 75,000 is told big cuts are coming.

“I will say this: It’s very Rex,” said Paul Tetreault, director of Washington’s Ford’s Theatre, where Tillerson was involved for a decade. “He is disciplined, he is methodical, he has a plan. You, me, we may not know what that plan is, but I think he does.”

Still, the vacuum has been filled by a steady stream of rumors, leaks and reports about impending changes that, left largely unchallenged by Tillerson, have reached sky-is-falling proportions. Among them:

– That promotion of a just and democratic world may be removed from the State Department’s mission statement. An early draft that relied on employee feedback didn’t include it, but officials say the final version likely will.

– That Tillerson wants to move passports and visas to the Homeland Security Department. Outside consultants recommended it, but Tillerson and Deputy Secretary John Sullivan oppose the move.

– That a micromanaging Tillerson has taken back all authorities previously delegated to subordinates. In fact, Tillerson rescinded a few, left most in place and issued a dozen-plus other new ones.

“There are elements of truth in some of these stories,” Sullivan, Tillerson’s deputy, said. “But then they’re twisted in a way that makes it sound as though the secretary is out of touch, mismanaging, whatever. I see him, when he’s in town, three or four times a day. The guy is committed to the mission.”

On one critique, even Tillerson agrees.

So slow has Trump’s administration been to staff the State Department that nearly the entire upper echelon of assistant secretaries who oversee specific regions and functions is vacant. Foreign embassies, reluctant to publicly criticize Tillerson, privately complain they have no point person- or only an “acting” official with limited authority.

“No,” Tillerson said last month when asked if he’s satisfied with the pace of hiring. “I’d like it to go faster.”

The empty offices are due in part to Trump, in part Tillerson. While political spats with the White House have stalled some of Tillerson’s preferred picks, in some cases he’s leaving positions vacant because they might be eliminated or combined with other posts in the overhaul.

Many “special envoys” and issue-specific offices are expected to be merged into related State Department bureaus. That’s sparked concern among some lawmakers and special interest groups but also enjoys support from some diplomats who have long complained about a notoriously unwieldy bureaucracy.

No secretary before Tillerson has faced the unique challenge of working for a president like Trump. So often does Trump contradict or undermine him that foreign diplomats have struggled to determine when Tillerson truly speaks for his boss.

No sooner had Tillerson tried to calm the nation by downplaying prospects for a North Korea military conflict than Trump reaffirmed his “fire and fury” threat and boasted about U.S. nuclear weapons.

But Trump also defends Tillerson, saying Friday they were “totally on the same page.” Tillerson often downplays signs of incongruity between their messages, and on North Korea, Tillerson says boss was merely “trying to support our efforts by ensuring that North Korea understands what the stakes are.”

There have been similar divisions over Qatar, Iran and the Paris climate accord.

In the Cabinet, it’s Tillerson who’s made the most concerted effort to translate Trump’s “America First” mantra into cohesive policy. In a May speech, Trump said alliances remain critical but that as the world changed economically and militarily over the last two decades, things grew “out of balance” and no longer serve U.S. interests as well.

What Tillerson said next fueled growing concerns that traditional values of human rights, democracy and global well-being were falling away under Tillerson and Trump. The secretary said America’s values are not its policies, and that forcing values on others too heavily “really creates obstacles” for U.S. interests.

Tillerson’s aides argue he’s actually promoting those values more effectively than his predecessors, by using a “light touch” and offering specific solutions or help rather than issuing demands or self-righteous lectures. In each case, aides said, Tillerson emphasizes why doing the right thing advances another country’s self-interests.

Six months in, Tillerson presides over a State Department deeply uneasy about its future, but still hopeful he’ll lead American diplomacy more successfully than the panicked editorials predict.

Insigniam, a consulting firm Tillerson hired for the department’s redesign, warned in a 110-page report that prolonged uncertainty would have negative repercussions. Tillerson says he’s mindful of that but hopes the uncertainty will ebb as the redesign takes shape.

“It’s to be expected that we will go through some morale issues early on,” Tillerson said this month. But, he added, “I cannot change what we’re doing from a policy standpoint, if that’s what’s behind people’s unhappiness.”

US Takes Another Look at Providing Lethal Weapons to Ukraine

Seeking leverage with Russia, the Trump administration has reopened consideration of long-rejected plans to give Ukraine lethal weapons, even if that would plunge the United States deeper into the former Soviet republic’s conflict.

The deliberations put pressure on President Donald Trump, who’s fighting perceptions he is soft on the Kremlin amid investigations into whether his campaign colluded with Moscow to interfere in the 2016 U.S. election.

The proposal, endorsed by the Pentagon and the State Department, reflects his administration’s growing frustration with Russian intransigence on Ukraine and a broader deterioration in U.S.-Russian ties. The tensions were seen most recently in Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s order for America to eliminate more than half its diplomatic personnel in Russia.

Awaiting Trump and his closest advisers is an authorization to provide Ukraine with anti-tank and potentially anti-aircraft capabilities, according to U.S. officials familiar with the plan. It’s not dramatically different from proposals rejected by President Barack Obama, who feared an influx of U.S. weapons could worsen the violence responsible for more than 10,000 deaths in Ukraine since 2014 and create the possibility of American arms killing Russian soldiers. Such a scenario could theoretically put the nuclear-armed nations closer to direct conflict.

While Obama was still in office, Trump’s campaign also rejected the idea of arming Ukraine, preventing it from being included in the Republican platform.

Now, however, it’s under discussion by Trump’s senior national security aides, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to talk about the matter publicly. While there is no deadline for a decision and one is not expected imminently, the debate is going on as U.S. and Russian diplomats prepare to meet as early as this coming week to explore ways to pacify eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists have fought the central government for three years.

“The Russians have indicated some willingness to begin to talk with us about a way forward on Ukraine,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said after seeing his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, last week in the Philippines.

Tillerson noted his recent appointment of a special representative for Ukraine, Kurt Volker, who will coordinate with Russia and European countries to give “full visibility to all the parties that we’re not trying to cut some kind of a deal on the side that excludes their interests in any way.”

Russia hawks in the U.S. and uneasy American allies have feared such a prospect since Trump took office after a campaign in which he questioned NATO’s viability and repeatedly expressed his wish for a new U.S.-Russian partnership. At one point, two years after Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region, Trump even challenged the notion that the Russians would “go into Ukraine.”

Volker has proposed a meeting with his Russian counterpart, Putin ally Vladislav Surkov, before the end of the month. Lavrov said after his talks with Tillerson that the meeting would be in Moscow. U.S. officials say no venue has been determined, with the neutral venues of Geneva or Vienna also in play.

Volker, a former U.S. ambassador to NATO who is known as a Russia hawk, supports arming Ukraine. Such action, he says, would boost the U.S. negotiating position in the east and offer Kiev the means to defend itself against any future aggression. Unsurprisingly, Russia opposes such assistance and warns of consequences.

“I hear these arguments that it’s somehow provocative to Russia or that it’s going to embolden Ukraine to attack. These are just flat out wrong,” Volker told an interviewer last month as he visited Europe on his first trip in his new post. He argued that arming Ukraine would help rather than hurt efforts to stop Russia from threatening or interfering in its neighbor’s territory.

All proposals in recent years have focused on arms that are deemed “defensive” in nature and none would appear to give Ukraine any strategic edge over Russia’s vastly superior military forces.

“We have not provided defensive weapons nor have we ruled out the option to do so,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said on Aug. 3. “That’s an option that remains on the table.”

A White House official would not comment on internal administration deliberations but noted that since the crisis began in 2014, the U.S. has provided Ukraine with support equipment for its forces and training and advice to further defense reforms.

Some U.S. officials say the idea is gaining currency because of Washington’s impatience with Russia and its start-and-stop implementation of a 2015 agreement designed to end the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The Minsk Accords were agreed to by Ukraine, France, Germany and Russia with the goal of enforcing a cease-fire in the east and introducing political reforms to give the area more political autonomy.

While the Obama administration allowed Europe to take the lead on the Minsk process, Volker has been empowered to make the U.S. a player in the effort.

The objective now is to change Russia’s strategic thinking, one official said, and providing defensive weapons to Ukraine would be one way to do that.

Portugal Asks for Help from Europe to Fight Fires

More than 3,000 firemen struggled to put out forest fires across Portugal on Sunday, after the country requested assistance from Europe to fight blazes that threaten to spread with more hot weather in the coming days.

Exceptionally dry and hot weather ignited Portugal’s worst fire disaster in memory early this summer, killing 64 people, and fires have continued to flare up in recent weeks with the arrival of each new hotter spell of weather.

Interior Minister Constanca Urbana de Sousa said the country sent the request for help to Europe late on Saturday because of concerns that high temperatures and high winds in the coming days could increase the number of fires.

The minister said the request was carried out “because of a question of prudence” due to the weather forecast for coming days, according to news agency Lusa. It covered requests for firefighting airplanes and firemen and is part of a European mechanism for cooperation to fight fires.

Emergency services said 268 fires broke out on Saturday, the highest number for any single day this year, with 6,500 firemen fighting to put them out. There are fears that many of them could flare up again later on Sunday, with higher winds and temperatures that hit in the afternoon.

The central district of Coimbra adopted a local state of emergency to deal with fires, as did four smaller municipalities in the region.

While fires have burned through the summer none has had the tragic impact of the one in late June, as emergency services have gone to far greater efforts to evacuate villages and shut roads early in affected areas.

But the country could face many more weeks of fires before the end of summer.

More than 140,000 hectares of forest have burned this summer in Portugal, more than three times higher than the average over the last 10 years, according to European Union data.

Danish Police Say No Body Found Inside Sunken Submarine

Danish police say they have not found the body of a missing Swedish journalist inside an amateur-built submarine that sunk off the Nordic country’s eastern coast last week.

Copenhagen police spokesman Jens Moller Jensen says Sunday that investigators uncovered no trace of 30-year-old freelance journalist Kim Wall in the UC3 Nautilus sub, which was raised and transported for investigation Saturday.


Police will now continue to search for Wall in the waters near the island in Copenhagen’s harbor where the sub’s owner Peter Madsen allegedly dropped her off late Thursday.


Madsen made a last-minute escape from the sinking sub and has denied any responsibility on the fate of Wall. He was arrested Friday on preliminary manslaughter charges.


Moller Jensen said there are indications that the Danish inventor deliberately sank his submarine.

Amid Criticism, UK Government Tries to Show Unity on Brexit

The British government tried to fight back Sunday against criticisms that it is divided and unprepared for Brexit, saying it will set out detailed plans for the U.K.’s exit from the European Union and issuing a joint statement by two Cabinet rivals over Europe.


Trade Secretary Liam Fox, a strong supporter of leaving the European Union, and the more pro-EU Treasury chief Philip Hammond, wrote in the Sunday Telegraph that they agreed there should be a “time-limited” transition period after Britain formally leaves the bloc in 2019, to avoid a “cliff-edge” for people and businesses.


Fox and Hammond said the transition period “cannot be indefinite; it cannot be a back door to staying in the EU.” They didn’t say how long the transition would last or what rules would apply during that period.


The government also said Sunday it wants to increase pressure on the 27 other EU nations to start negotiating a “deep and special” future relationship that would include a free trade deal between Britain and the EU.


The EU says those negotiations can’t start until sufficient progress has been made on three initial issues: how much money the U.K. will have to pay to settle its outstanding commitments to the bloc; whether security checks and customs duties will be instituted on the Irish border; and the status of 3 million EU nationals living in Britain.


The government’s Brexit department said Britain wants to show that progress on the preliminary issues has been made and “we are ready to broaden out the negotiations” by the time of an EU summit in October.


Brexit Secretary David Davis said that “with time of the essence, we need to get on with negotiating the bigger issues around our future partnership to ensure we get a deal that delivers a strong U.K. and a strong EU.”


The push comes after EU officials expressed impatience with the pace of Britain’s preparations.


The bloc’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, said last month there was “a clock ticking” on the talks. Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said last week that Brexit advocates “already had 14 months” to issue detailed proposals, but had not.


Barnier is due to meet Davis for a new round of negotiations at the end of August.


Britain voted to leave the EU in June 2016, but did not trigger the formal two-year exit process until March.


Prime Minister Theresa May then called a snap election in an attempt to increase her Conservative Party’s majority in Parliament and strengthen her negotiating hand. But voters did not rally to her call, leaving May atop a weakened minority government.


In recent weeks, with May on her summer vacation, members of her Cabinet have openly disagreed about what direction Brexit should take.


Opponents of Brexit have become increasingly vocal, arguing that the public or Parliament must get the chance to vote on any final deal between Britain and the EU.


David Miliband, who was foreign minister in Britain’s previous Labour government, said leaving the EU was “an unparalleled act of economic self-harm.”


Writing in The Observer newspaper, Miliband said there must be “a straight vote between EU membership and the negotiated alternative.”



Analysts Say Trump’s Mixed Russia Policy Still Taking Shape

U.S. President Donald Trump’s reluctant support for tighter sanctions against Russia, and recent comments about Russia, have been interpreted in Moscow as a turning point in hopes for improved relations. The tougher line, despite Trump’s continued apathy on alleged Kremlin interference in the U.S. election, dismissal of possible collusion, and flattery of President Vladimir Putin, raise the question: What is Trump’s Russia policy? VOA’s Daniel Schearf reports from Washington.

Turkmen Capital Targets Street Kids Ahead of International Games

Child beggars have long been part of the social fabric in Ashgabat, where some families acknowledge that they depend on such income for survival.

However, Ashgabat police have begun clearing the streets of those children as the Turkmen capital gears up for the Asian Indoor And Martial Arts Games (AIMAG) in September, according to residents and parents interviewed by RFE/RL.

Police officers, raiding the city in vans, order such children home and warn them not to return to the streets, said Ashgabat resident Amanmyrat Bugaev. 

An Ashgabat police officer within the juvenile-affairs department, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly, described the process as rounding up repeat offenders, taking them home in police vans, and warning the parents that forcing children to beg is a criminal offense.

The officer said that in some cases the department summons the parents and issues official warnings.

He acknowledged that the “main” goal was to preserve the country’s “image,” although he said the measures were also aimed at safeguarding children.

Only source of income

“A disabled person in a wheelchair begging for money damages the image of any country,” the officer said. “The main goal is to fight something that might damage the [national] reputation.”

Some parents who acknowledge benefiting from alms collected by their children complained that the government’s effort deprives their families of their only source of income.

Turkmenistan is a mostly rural, post-Soviet country whose jobs and economy are heavily dependent on the state. The wealth from its sizable natural-gas and other exports, including cotton, has largely failed to trickle down to its 5 million or so people.

RFE/RL’s Turkmen Service spoke with four parents — all Ashgabat residents — who said the money their children made on the streets helped the family survive.

“Apart from my disabled son, there are three other small children in our family,” said one unemployed woman whose disabled child spends hours in the streets every day seeking handouts from strangers. She said the family also “depends on the monthly social allowance he gets from the government.”

“We would work, but there are no jobs, so we send our children to the streets, hoping for kind people’s donations,” said the woman, who didn’t want to give her name.

Widespread unemployment

None of the parents would say how much their children made in a day on Ashgabat’s streets.

Unemployment is widespread in Turkmenistan, although the government doesn’t release official figures. Regional media have put the jobless rate in the country at around 50 to 60 percent. 

Turkmenistan wants to use the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, the brainchild of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, to boost its image as a regional sports hub. The isolated nation expects tens of thousands of foreigners to visit during the September 17-27 event. 

In the months leading up to the games, authorities have restricted the movement of provinces’ residents to the capital, ordered former inmates to stay away from the games’ venues, and tried to clear the city of stray dogs and cats.

Farangis Najibullah wrote this article, based on a report by RFE/RL’s Turkmen service.

Relatives Of Kursk Submarine Sailors Mark 17th Anniversary Of Disaster

Residents of St. Petersburg on Saturday paid homage to sailors from the Kursk nuclear submarine, which sank in the Barents Sea exactly 17 years earlier.

Relatives and friends of crew members gathered for a memorial service and a commemorative meeting at St. Petersburg’s Serafimovskoye Cemetery.

All 118 crew members aboard the nuclear-powered Kursk submarine died on August 12, 2000, after an explosion occurred as the crew was preparing to fire a practice torpedo.

The Russian Navy’s final official report concluded that the explosion was caused by the failure of a torpedo.

The Kursk was raised from the bottom of the Barents Sea in 2001.

Reporting includes information from TASS and Interfax.

MSF Suspends Mediterranean Rescues as Migrant Dispute Mounts

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said on Saturday it was suspending its migrant rescues in the Mediterranean because it felt threatened by the Libyan coastguard and the Italian government’s policies have made its job harder.

The aid group’s decision is the latest development in mounting tensions between Rome and NGOs as migration dominates Italy’s political agenda ahead of elections early next year.

“We are suspending our activities because now we feel that the threatening behaviour by the Libyan coastguard is very serious … we cannot put our colleagues in danger,” the president of MSF’s Italian arm Loris De Filippi told Reuters.

Almost 600,000 migrants have arrived in Italy over the past four years, the vast majority setting sail from lawless Libya in flimsy vessels operated by people smugglers. More than 13,000 migrants have died trying to make the crossing.

Charity boats have played a growing role in rescues, picking up more than a third of all migrants brought ashore so far this year against less than one percent in 2014.

However, Italy fears the groups are facilitating people smuggling and encouraging migrants to make the passage, and it has proposed a Code of Conduct governing how they operate.

Some groups, including MSF, have refused to sign the code.

They object to a requirement that Italian police officers be on their boats and that the boats must take migrants to a safe port themselves, rather than transferring them to other vessels to allow smaller boats to stay in the area for further rescues.

MSF operates one rescue ship in the Mediterranean, the Prudence, currently docked in the Sicilian port of Catania.

In the last six weeks the number of migrant arrivals in Italy has slowed sharply and Rome has begun collaborating more closely with the Libyan coastguard, which De Filippi said was threatening the NGOs and preventing them from working.

He said the Libyan coastguard had demanded the NGOs should leave an area of up to hundreds of kilometres around its coast, whereas previously they had been allowed to conduct search and rescue operations as close as 11 nautical miles to the mainland.

“Last year the coastguard fired 13 shots on our boat and that was in a situation that was much calmer than the present one,” said De Filippi.

He said MSF would continue its collaboration with another aid group, SOS Mediterranee, which operates a rescue ship in the Mediterranean with MSF doctors on board.

De Filippi said the Rome government’s Code of Conduct for NGOs and its support for the Libyan coastguard showed it was now mixing the humanitarian goal of saving lives with “a political and military intention” of reducing arrivals.

“We refuse to be co-opted into a system that blocks people from seeking safety and protection,” MSF tweeted, adding that the European Union’s immigration policies showed it was “determined to trap people in Libya.”

Oscar Camps, the founder of Proactiva Open Arms, another aid group active in the Mediterranean, also took aim at the EU, tweeting: “the first NGO out, this is just what the EU wants.”

An Italian government spokesman was not immediately available to comment, while Matteo Salvini, leader of the anti-immigrant Northern League, said MSF’s move meant there would be “thousands fewer illegal immigrants for Italians to maintain.”

Last week Italy began a naval mission in Libyan waters to train and support its coastguard, despite opposition from factions in eastern Libya that oppose the U.N.-backed government based in Tripoli.

General Khalifa Haftar, a commander aligned with an Eastern-based parliament, told Italian daily Corriere della Sera on Saturday the presence of Italian military vessels in Libyan waters was unacceptable but he would not attack them.

US Calls for Confidence-building Measures in Nagorno-Karabakh

Sixteen months after deadly clashes erupted in Azerbaijan’s autonomous breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, international mediators are saying it’s time for all parties to undertake confidence-building measures to jump-start the political settlement process.

Russia led mediation to settle the four days of shelling and rocket strikes between Azerbaijan’s military and Armenian-backed separatists over Nagorno-Karabakh. The clashes were the deadliest incidents since a 1994 cease-fire established the current territorial division. The brief but intense fighting of April 2016 claimed dozens of lives.

Since then, the United States, Russia and France, which co-chair the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Minsk Group for conflict mediation, have continued advocating diplomacy to secure a binding peace resolution.

Steps toward demilitarization are essential to deterring accidental flare-ups of violence between the groups, said Ambassador Richard Hoagland, U.S. co-chairman of the Minsk Group.

“When you have two armed groups facing each other in difficult terrain not very far apart, there is always the chance for some kind of accident to happen that then spirals out of control,” he recently told VOA’s Armenian and Azeri services. “I know that at this point it will be difficult to ask for total demilitarization, although that would be good, so what we have to do is to look for those things that can help to reduce the possibility of some kind of military accident that then gets out of control.”

Removal of snipers along both sides of the Karabakh line of contact, which separates Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, would be a logical first step, Hoagland said.

Allowing the presence of international observers and installing new electronic equipment that traces cease-fire violations, he said, would be a second realistic benchmark to achieve.

“There is an actual document [that maps out the peace process], and it’s a very comprehensive, but there are steps and steps and steps, and stages and stages,” he told VOA. “So I would hope that in the next highest level of negotiations, the two sides will look very seriously and say even if they can’t come to a final conclusion, here are things we can accomplish.”

U.S.-Russian coordination?

Although some observers describe the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as a rare point of shared strategic interests between the U.S. and Russia, others are skeptical.

Hoagland, however, struck an optimistic tone, saying the United States was continuing to work with Russia on this issue despite deteriorating relations between the two countries.

“I have seen absolutely no change in how we work together and how we regard each other,” he told VOA. “Just because sometimes the politicians are bumping up against each other, for us, the work continues and we do it arm in arm.

“Maybe at the top the headline news doesn’t look good, but when you get down to specific issues, specific problems to work on together, where we do cooperate, that continues and it continues today on Nagorno-Karabakh,” he added.

Although the conflict has yet to come under the focus of the President Donald Trump’s administration, former Ambassador John Herbst, director of the Atlantic Council’s Dinu Patriciu Eurasia Center, told VOA that might change in the coming six to 12 months.

While a planned U.N. General Assembly meeting between Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev may signal a loosening of tensions between the groups, Herbst said, “I still do not see any grounds for a reasonable settlement of the conflict.”

“Everyone knows that the overwhelming majority of the population of Karabakh are Armenians and they will have substantial autonomy, and this should be the basis of the settlement,” he said.  

Competing interests

The main obstacle to full settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the fact that there are too many interests involved in the problem, said analyst Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute, a public policy research group.

“If the problem was only about the two countries, it would probably have been settled, but states like Russia want to maintain the conflict,” he said.

Echoing that sentiment, Anna Borshchevskaya of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy said Armenian officials have complained that a Nagorno-Karabakh settlement has been hampered by Russian arms sales to both sides.

“Russia wants to play a serious role in this conflict, and if there is no conflict, there will be no such role,” she said.

Although Russian weapons deliveries to Baku remained a contentious issue throughout Armenia’s 2017 parliamentary elections, most political forces steered clear of the topic and the question of whether Armenia is more secure with Russia as an ally.

Russia plays an important role in the region as its former imperial and Soviet-era overlord. It is also the main seller of weapons to both Armenia, a close Moscow ally, and Azerbaijan, which has developed warm relations with ethnically kin Turkey.

The Kremlin has consistently stated that it intends to continue selling arms to both camps while supporting peaceful resolution of the conflict.

On July 17, Armenia’s president called Russian arms sales to Baku “the most painful side of Armenian-Russian relations.”


Armenian political scientist Suren Sargsyan said Baku officials need to assume a more proactive role in securing the front lines, touching on Hoagland’s calls for demilitarization as an example.

“Such an agreement has been reached between the parties,” she told VOA. “But the Azerbaijani side has not taken any practical steps in that direction for a long time. That is why the negotiation process goes to a deadlock.”

Fighting between ethnic Azeris and Armenians erupted in 1991 and a cease-fire was agreed to in 1994. But Azerbaijan and Armenia regularly accuse each other of carrying out attacks around Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Azeri-Armenian border.

On July 5, an Azeri woman and child were killed and another civilian wounded by Armenian forces near the boundary with Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan’s defense ministry said Wednesday.

Sporadic exchanges of fire in the fight for control over the region — inside Azerbaijan but controlled by ethnic Armenians — have stoked fears of a wider conflict breaking out in the South Caucasus, which is crossed by oil and gas pipelines.

This story originated in VOA’s Armenian service. Some information came from Reuters.

Slovenia to Hold Presidential Election in October

The next presidential election in Slovenia will be held on October 22 and the incumbent is expected to run for a second term.


Parliamentary speaker Milan Brglez on Friday formally set the date for the vote which must be held in the autumn. Recent opinion polls predict that President Borut Pahor will likely be re-elected if he chooses to run.


The 53-year-old Pahor is a former fashion model who has become known for his use of social media while in office.


The Alpine nation of 2 million people is the homeland of U.S. first lady Melania Trump.

Aid Agencies Warn Displaced Against Premature Returns to Syria

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is warning people against returning prematurely to war-torn Syria as the number of displaced going back to their homes reaches a record high.

An IOM report found more than 600,000 displaced Syrians have returned home in the first seven months of this year, nearly as many as the total number of returnees for all of 2016.

IOM spokeswoman Olivia Haedon said most of the returns are spontaneous, but not necessarily voluntary, safe or sustainable.

“As the security situation changes in different parts of the country, displacement can occur again,” she said. “As you noted, in the number of people who were displaced this year, which is over 800,000, some people are being displaced for the second or third time.”

The report said most of the people returning to their homes, 84 percent, are internally displaced, while 16 percent are returning refugees from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. It said an estimated two-thirds have returned to Aleppo Governorate. Others have gone mainly to Idleb, Hama, Raqqa, and Rural Damascus Governorates.

Haedon said people cite a variety of reasons for their decision to go home.

“They are going back with the hope that they can stay to protect their property and engage in a better, improved economic situation, or, protect themselves if they are leaving because of the area that they were living was less secure than the place that they originated from,” she said. “So, we do see that the people are hoping that they can stay for a longer term.”

Haedon said humanitarian organizations agree organized returns to Syria are not yet an option. Syria is not safe, she added, and the places to which people return are not equipped to provide essential services.

She said the IOM is not encouraging Syrians to go home.

Israel, Land of Milk and Honey – and Now Whiskey?

Israel has been known as the land of milk and honey since Biblical times – but the land of single malt whiskey? One appropriately named distillery is trying to turn Israel into a whiskey powerhouse.

Smooth, honey-brown whiskey is not the first thing that comes to mind when most people think of Israel. However, at the Milk and Honey Distillery, rows of casks proudly stamped “Tel Aviv” hold liters of the stuff.

The country’s first whiskey distillery is preparing to release Israel’s first single malt whiskey.


“It’s a young whiskey,” said Eitan Attir, the distillery’s CEO.


Attir says the brew is aged for three years and two months in virgin oak and old bourbon barrels at the company’s renovated former bakery in a rugged industrial area of south Tel Aviv.


“It’s complex for its age,” he said. “The taste feels like more than three years, more like seven or eight and again the story is much more important in this case. This is the first ever single malt whiskey that any distillery has released from Israel.”


Although wine has been produced in the Holy Land for millennia, and modern Israeli wines have gained international renown in recent years, whiskey production is new to the country.


Milk and Honey was founded in 2013 and began distilling small experimental batches of whiskey a year later. One hundred bottles from their first cask of Single Malt are set to be sold at an online auction starting August 11.


Whiskey is universally acceptable for religious Jews to consume, Attir says, and Milk and Honey’s drink is “ultra-kosher.”


“We don’t work on Saturday, we don’t work on Yom Kippur or Passover,” he said. “And we want to symbolize our being Jewish or Israeli and then we called it the Milk and Honey Distillery.”  


Warmer climate more amenable

The single malt was made in Israel from start to finish, according to the company’s website, though the ingredients, barrels and equipment were imported from the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere. The warmer climate in Israel allows for a speedier aging process in the barrel than whiskey made in colder climates, according to Ran Latovicz, an Israeli whiskey connoisseur and bar owner.  


“In colder climates like Scotland or Ireland, whiskey usually ages for about seven to 10 to 12 years before it’s even bottled because [it is] just the way, you know, it gets to its full potential,” he said.


The distillery believes it is well positioned to ride a wave of growing international interest in new world whiskeys, like rising stars from Taiwan or India, and hopes this initial offering whets the appetites of aficionados everywhere.

“There’s a huge demand nowadays for whiskey from other places around the world – new world whiskey. There’s more than 70 countries now with a minimum of one distillery and one of them is Israel,” Attir said.


Gal Kalkshtein, Milk and Honey’s founder and owner, said he hopes that once the whiskey starts getting shipped abroad in 2019, it will create a buzz for Israeli whiskies.


“We want to be recognized for our quality, not the gimmick,” he said.

EU Calls a Meeting of Ministers Over Egg Contamination

The European Commissioner in charge of food safety called Friday for an emergency meeting of ministers to discuss eggs contamination, appealing for an end to finger-pointing among member states over the scandal.

“Blaming and shaming will bring us nowhere and I want to stop this,” EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis from Lithuania said.

Andriukaitis said he hoped to convene a meeting before the end of September of the ministers and representatives of various national food safety agencies.

Millions of eggs recalled

Millions of eggs and egg-based products have been pulled from European supermarket shelves in at least 11 countries, since the scandal went public Aug. 1. So far, no one has reported falling sick from the tainted eggs.

Some national regulators have voiced concern that eggs contaminated with the insecticide Fipronil, which can harm the kidneys, liver and thyroid glands, have entered the food chain, mainly through processed products such as biscuits and cakes.

Meanwhile, police in the Netherlands arrested two people Thursday for allegedly using a banned pesticide as the investigation of contaminated eggs continues.

Belgian and Dutch authorities conducted raids at a number of poultry farms Thursday, but authorities did not provide details about which companies were targeted.

Eggs found across Europe

British food safety authorities believe around 700,000 contaminated eggs have been imported into the country, and the Food Standards Agency has issued a list of products in which the eggs could be found.

Danish authorities said 20 tons of contaminated eggs had been sold in Denmark, but cautioned that the eggs posed no risk to humans.

Smaller numbers of eggs were reported in Luxembourg and Slovakia, but authorities in those countries either destroyed the products containing the eggs or sent them back to their producers.

Authorities in Sweden, Switzerland, Romania and France also reported having found contaminated eggs.

With the contaminated eggs starting to surface in countries across Europe, Dutch and Belgian officials are facing growing questions about how the scandal started and whether the public has been kept fully aware.

U.S. Considering Lethal Defensive Arms to Ukraine

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is considering arming Ukraine with lethal defensive weapons that Kyiv could use against Russia-backed separatists. Opponents argue arming Ukraine risks escalating the conflict while supporters say better weapons would act as a deterrence to Russian aggression and give a psychological and political boost to Kyiv. The debate comes as Trump’s new envoy on Ukraine, Kurt Volker, is to visit Russia soon. VOA’s Daniel Schearf reports from Washington.

Experts Debate Pros and Cons of Lethal Arms for Ukraine

U.S. military experts are lining up on either side of a debate on whether to supply lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine, a move that would mark a turning point in U.S. policy on Kyiv’s 3-year-old conflict with Russian-backed separatists.

Supporters of the move, which is under active consideration by President Donald Trump’s administration, argue that it is long overdue. The current policy of supplying only non-lethal military gear has neither deterred Russian aggression nor created an opening for cooperation with Moscow to resolve the conflict, they argue.

“I don’t think Russia has given us a window for more positive cooperation on Ukraine,” said Molly McKew, an independent analyst with consulting firm Fianna Strategies. “Maybe other places. But, I certainly don’t see it.So, I think it’s time to reconsider what our strategy has been and what that means.

“And … Ukraine is not asking for foreign troops to come and stand beside them,” she told VOA’s Ukranian Service. “They’re asking for the ability to fight the war in the way that they know they need to fight.”

Other advocates argue that sending a message of strength would be timely after Russia retaliated against U.S. sanctions by expelling U.S. Embassy staff from diplomatic property in Moscow and demanding their numbers be reduced by 755 people by September 1.

But opponents of the move worry that supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine could escalate the conflict and provoke retaliation from the Kremlin, which has already denounced the possibility.

“I think it would make much more sense to re-think some of the aid and capabilities that are being given … and not plan them for a short-term fight, since major battles in the fronts are now passed,” said Michael Kofman, a researcher at CNA Corporation, a private research organization.

He said the U.S. should “think much more about the medium and long term of the Ukrainian military and the kind of Ukrainian military we would like to help them build.”

Kurt Volker, the Trump administration’s special envoy to Ukraine, rejected the argument that lethal arms sales would provoke Russia during a July 25 interview with Current Time, a Russian-language network jointly operated by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and VOA.

“I hear these arguments that it’s somehow provocative to Russia or that it’s going to embolden Ukraine to attack,” he said. “These are just flat out wrong. First off, Russia is already in Ukraine, they are already heavily armed. There are more Russian tanks in there than in Western Europe combined. It is a large, large military presence. And, there’s an even larger military presence surrounding Ukraine from Russian territory.”

Analysts on both sides agree that Russia’s overwhelming military advantage over Ukraine means the supply of U.S. weapons would provide more of a political and morale boost for Kyiv than a defense one.

Nevertheless, Moscow is likely to raise the issue with Volker, a former U.S. ambassador to NATO, when it gets the chance. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the special envoy is expected to visit Russia for talks on Ukraine in the near future, although U.S. officials have yet to confirm the trip.

“It will be interesting because Mr. Volker has been in a number of capitals already including Kyiv, Paris, Berlin, London,” Lavrov said. “We would be interested to see what impression the U.S. special envoy has on the current state of affairs.”

During a trip to Ukraine last month, Volker visited front-line areas in the east where Ukrainian troops have been in a stand-off against Russia-backed separatists for the past three years.

He blamed Russian aggression for the violence, which has killed more than 10,000 people since 2014, when Russian forces seized Ukrainian military bases in Crimea, annexed the Black Sea peninsula, and began covert support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Freed Russian Activist Calls for Boycott of Presidential Elections

A Russian activist freed from prison this week after serving a four-and-a-half-year term said he plans to keep pressuring President Vladimir Putin, and he is encouraging activists to boycott next year’s elections.

Speaking Thursday at a press conference, Leftist Russian opposition figure Sergei Udaltsov said Russian elections are “dishonest” and called for a “consolidated boycott of the elections.”

“The authorities change electoral law like a swindler. They cut off candidates they don’t like from the polls,” he told reporters.

The 40-year-old Udaltsov led a banned leftist organization in street protests in 2011 and 2012 to oppose Putin’s election to a third presidential term. He was convicted in 2014 of fomenting mass riots and served his prison term in full.

Udaltsov said Thursday he would avoid participating in any street-level protests, but he would continue to oppose Putin’s government and press forward in support of various social issues.

“It would be short-sighted of me in my position to come out all guns blazing and call for people to protest,” he said. “You would laugh at me and think I lost my mind — that I spent too much time in jail and now I call for others to protest again.”

While Udaltsov said he would not engage in street protests, he did say he still would be active in the movement and “by fall you will hear about our protests and about our campaign.”

Putin is widely expected to run again in the March presidential contest, with his strongest opposition coming from Alexei Navalny, an anti-corruption politician. Navalny has announced his intentions to run, though he may be unable to participate given his arrest record.

Udaltsov said he would not support Navalny in the upcoming election.

Dutch Police Make Arrests in Contaminated Eggs Case

Dutch police arrested two suspects on Thursday as part of an investigation into the illegal use of a potentially harmful insecticide in the poultry industry, the Dutch prosecution service said.

Millions of chicken eggs have been pulled from European supermarket shelves as a result of the scare over the use of the insecticide fipronil, and hundreds of thousands of hens may be culled in the Netherlands.

Prosecutors said in a statement they had conducted raids at eight locations in the Netherlands and Belgium, confiscating cars and seizing bank accounts and real estate.

The arrested suspects were directors at Dutch company Chickfriend, which is at the center of the scandal. Officials at the company could not be reached for comment.

Raids were conducted at locations linked to Chickfriend, which allegedly used the pesticide, as well as potential suppliers.

The company directors are suspected of threatening public health and possession of a prohibited pesticide, prosecutors said.

The company directors are suspected of threatening public health and possession of a prohibited pesticide, prosecutors said.


Bosnia’s Muslims, Jews, Christians Chide Politicians

Bosnia’s religious leaders say politicians are standing in the way of peaceful coexistence between Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities trying to forgive and forget after the atrocities of a devastating 1990s war.

Hundreds of churches, mosques and synagogues bear witness to more than five centuries of Bosnia’s multi-faith past, and the capital Sarajevo is known locally as a “small Jerusalem” with its main ethnic groups – Orthodox Serbs, Catholic Croats and Muslim Bosniaks – all worshiping within meters of each other.

But Mufti Husein Kavazovic, head of the Islamic community in Bosnia, says people of faith cannot achieve peace alone.

“It is up to political elites to do more. For a start, it would be good that they stop their ideological manipulation of religion for their own political goals. It is up to us, of course, not to allow them to do that,” he said.

Even though nationalists from all three ethnic groups still insist on exclusivity for their own groups, religious leaders are keen to heal rifts after the 1992-1995 war in which about 100,000 civilians were killed and millions displaced.

Friar Zeljko Brkic at Kraljeva Sutjeska – among the oldest Franciscan monasteries in Bosnia and dating from 1385 – said: “Bosnia can only survive as a multi-ethnic state, no matter how much politicians try to convince us that this is not possible.”

His Orthodox, Jewish and Muslim peers agree.

“It is very important that we have here different cultures and religions, and that based on that we can easily build and verify our own identities,” said Nektarije, a deacon at the Orthodox monastery Zitomislici in what is now the Catholic Croat-dominated southern part of the country.

Jakob Finci, the president of the Jewish community in Bosnia, gives Sarajevo as an example of close cooperation, citing Muslims there helping Jews to hide during War World II and Jews providing food for people of all faiths in the three-year siege by Bosnian Serb forces.

“Sarajevo is the best proof that living together is possible and that it represents the only way of life for us,” he said.

This week, about 120 leaders from 27 countries arrived in Sarajevo to take part in a meeting of the youth-led Muslim Jewish Conference, founded by Ilja Sichrovski in Vienna in 2010.

“We feel at home here,” Sichrovski said.

Migrant Boy Called ‘Little Picasso’ Shows Works in Serbia

A 10-year-old refugee, who has been nicknamed “the little Picasso” for his artistic talent, is holding his first exhibition — and donating all the money raised to a sick Serbian boy.

Farhad Nouri’s drawings and photographs were put on display Wednesday in Belgrade, where he has lived in a crowded migrant camp with his parents and two younger brothers for the past eight months.

The family was forced to flee conflict and poverty in their home country of Afghanistan two years ago, traveling through Greece and Turkey before arriving in Serbia.

The boy’s gift for art was spotted during language and painting workshops in Belgrade that were organized by local aid groups for refugees and migrants.

“We quickly realized how talented he was and sent him to a painting school as well as a three-month photography workshop, so this is a retrospective of what he learned there,” said Edin Sinanovic from the Refugees Foundation, a local NGO.

Among Nouri’s works exhibited in the garden of a Belgrade cafe were his drawings of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Harry Potter. His photographs mostly include scenes from around Belgrade.

In addition to holding his first exhibition, “Farhad wanted to help someone, so he chose to dedicate it to a six-year-old Serbian boy who needs funds for his therapy after brain cancer,” Sinanovic said.

Nouri, who is dreaming of one day moving to Switzerland to become a painter and a photographer, said he wanted to help someone else as well to show how important it is to be good to other people.

“We all need kindness,” he said.

Polish President at Loggerheads With Ruling Party Over Army

Polish President Andrzej Duda has blocked the appointment of new generals, in a fresh sign of tension between the head of state and the ruling nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party that originally backed him.

Duda cited problems with a proposed new command system under government reform plans as his reason on Tuesday for blocking the appointments. His move came two weeks after he unexpectedly vetoed two controversial bills intended to reform the judicial system.

A source close to Duda’s administration said the nominations concerned around a dozen generals.

Deputy Defense Minister Tomasz Szatkowski said his ministry had invited the National Security Bureau, which advises the president, to help work on the army reform proposals.

“We are always available to the Bureau for additional clarifications or consultations,” Szatkowski told Reuters.

But some security analysts said Duda – who won the presidency in 2015 thanks to the support of PiS – was keen to demonstrate again his independence as both president and as commander in chief of Poland’s armed forces.

“This is probably less about the generals and more about the fact that the president decided it would be appropriate to say loudly and publicly that all options for a dialogue with the Defense Ministry have been exhausted,” said Marek Swierczynski, a security analyst at Polityka Insight, a think-tank.

NATO frontline

The spat comes as Poland plays host to more NATO troops as part of efforts to bolster the alliance’s eastern flank in the face of a more assertive Russia. Moscow has seized Ukraine’s Crimea region and backs armed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The Polish Defense Ministry presented a new defense concept in May that envisages significantly beefing up its armed forces and overhauling their command system. The president and the National Security Bureau have yet to respond to those plans.

Halina Szymanska, Duda’s chief of staff, told the state TVP Info news channel there was no conflict between the president and the Defense Ministry, but added: “First the work on building the new command and control structures needs to be completed and only then personnel decisions will be taken.”

Tomasz Siemoniak, a former defense minister in the Civic Platform government that lost power to PiS in 2015, said Duda’s stance was a challenge to the authority of PiS leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the most powerful man in Poland.

“The PiS leader is facing a difficult decision as to which side to support because this confrontation [between the president and Defense Ministry] is disastrous to the ruling camp and will be devastating for the military,” he told Reuters.

About a quarter of the Polish top brass has quit since PiS took power, citing disagreements with Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz over personnel and other decisions.

Swierczynski put the current vacancy rate among generals at nearly 50 percent, and he added that Duda’s decision to make his disagreement with the Defense Ministry public could harm Poland’s image in NATO as a stable, reliable ally.

“If we show that we cannot reach a compromise on such a key issue as national security … what does that say?”

Putin in Abkhazia as Georgia Mourns Losses from War With Russia in 2008

Russian President Vladimir Putin traveled to Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia Tuesday to express his support for separatists there and in South Ossetia on the ninth anniversary of a deadly five-day war between Moscow and Tbilisi.

The Georgian government protested against the Kremlin leader’s visit to Abkhazia’s Black Sea resort Pitsunda, and the foreign ministry in Tbilisi denounced Putin’s “cynical action.” NATO said Putin’s trip was “detrimental to international efforts to find a peaceful and negotiated settlement” of the war the two countries fought in 2008.

The foreign ministry said Putin’s trip to Abkhazia was a gesture meant only “for legitimization of forceful change of borders of the sovereign state (Georgia) through military aggression, ethnic cleansing and occupation.”

Georgia sees both Abkhazia and South Ossetia as its sovereign territory, and most of the world agrees. Russia is one of only four nations to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states. Venezuela, Nicaragua and Nauru are the only states to side with Russia on the issue.

Minister urges calm

Georgia maintains that Abkhazia and South Ossetia have been illegally integrated into Russia’s military, political, economic and social system.

Despite Putin’s appearance just 400 kilometers from Tbilisi Tuesday, some Georgian officials counseled calm. “We must not be provoked,” said Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, the minister for reconciliation and civil equality. Writing in the journal Foreign Policy, he noted: “We should keep the peace, as it is vitally important for us.”

Georgia and Russia have never restored diplomatic relations since the brief but deadly war nine years ago. A fact-finding mission commissioned by the European found that more than 400 Georgians were killed during five days of clashes, and nearly 1,750 others were wounded; casualties among Russians and residents of Abkhazia were in the same range, and overall, 150,000 Georgians were displaced from their homes.

Just outside Tbilisi, Georgian leaders marked the anniversary Tuesday by laying wreaths at a military cemetery to honor soldiers who died in the conflict.

Addressing the gathering, President Giorgi Margvelashvili vowed that no Georgian would ever tolerate Russian occupation, and he emphasized his government’s commitment to peaceful negotiations with the aim of fully reintegrating the entire country.

Multiple protests, in Georgia and abroad

Less than 400 meters from Russian military garrisons in South Ossetia, several hundred Georgians linked arms to form human chain along a main road leading into the Russian-controlled territory, according to BBC.

At United Nations headquarters in New York, Georgian-American demonstrators called for a coordinated international response to growing Russian military aggression in Eastern Europe.

Based on the bitter memories of subsequent Russian expansionist moves, such as its invasion of Crimea in 2014, Daniel Kochis of the Washington-based Heritage Foundation said the U.S. should have levied sanctions against Russia as far back as 2008, when it intervened in Georgia.

“I think the administration (of former President George W. Bush) was caught very flat-footed in Georgia,” Kochis said. “We didn’t learn a lesson from Russian actions; we didn’t impose any sort of sanctions and I don’t think we were strong enough discussing illegal actions by Russia. Again, we saw this sort of aggression a few years later in Crimea, and by then, of course, Russia had learned many lessons from the war with Georgia.”

Recent U.S. and EU sanctions against Russia for its actions in Ukraine suggest that Russia may now anticipate consequences for such actions.

US had few options in 2008

Jeffrey Mankoff of Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies said the U.S. administration in 2008 had few military or diplomatic choices.

“The U.S. denounced Russian actions in Georgia in 2008, but did not move in a kinetic way,” Mankoff said. “But I also think the U.S. did not have a lot of options: Russia moved very quickly and the fighting was over in five days.”

The Bush and Obama administrations’ efforts to normalize ties with Russia despite its aggressive move into Georgia, Mankoff said, may have militarily emboldened Moscow.

“It is an issue for debate and I do not fault any of them for going down that path [of seeking normalized relations), but the Russians took a lesson (away from Georgia),” Mankoff added. “They determined they could get away with a similar scenario in Ukraine. In some ways, it has been a miscalculation, and it got Russia bogged-down in a conflict in Ukraine. But, ultimately, it has also changed the contours of (Western relations with Russia) in pretty fundamental ways, in a way that the invasion of Georgia did not.”

Abkhazia broke away from Georgia in the early 1990s as the Soviet Union collapsed. In 2008, Russia sent troops into Abkhazia and South Ossetia, claiming that Georgian authorities had abused local residents.

Russia’s forceful intervention gave both regions de-facto independence from Tbilisi, and Moscow has since tightened its control. Despite international condemnation, Russia keeps thousands of troops in the breakaway regions; Georgia considers them an occupation force. The standoff is not static: Georgian authorities have accused Moscow and the separatists of seizing additional territory in recent months.

Pence visit contrasted with Putin’s

On his visit Tuesday, the third since the 2008 war, Putin said he would ease border controls and customs procedures between Russia and Abkhazia, to encourage travel and facilitate trade.

The Kremlin leader’s visit contrasted with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s trip last week to Tbilisi, where he was warmly received. Pence strongly reaffirmed Washington’s support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and denounced Russia’s “aggression” and “occupation” of Georgian territory.

An independent fact-finding mission on the conflict by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights said the brief war killed 171 Georgian servicemen, 14 policemen, and 228 civilians, leaving 1,747 wounded.

“Sixty-seven Russian servicemen were killed, and 283 were wounded, and 365 South Ossetian servicemen and civilians (combined) were killed,” the report said. The conflict also left an estimated 150,000 people internally displaced.

This story originated in VOA’s Georgian Service.

Some information is from AP and Reuters.


History Unearthed as London’s Mail Rail Line Opens to Public

Deep below London’s bustling streets, a piece of once-vital communications technology will soon be roaring back into life after years of disuse — a train.

The train operates on the “mail rail” line — a 6.4-mile underground train track that once transported letters and parcels 70 feet below ground to and from sorting offices on the east and west sides of the city 22 hours each day.

The line, construction of which began in 1915, ceased operations in 2003. It will be opened to the public next month as a tourist attraction, part of the new Postal Museum in the city’s Clerkenwell district.

“Mail rail originally came about because mail was being delayed in London due to congestion in the streets above us,” Adrian Steel, director of the Postal Museum and mail rail, told Reuters.

Visitors can now ride a section of the old track in specially built trains, and explore an engineering depot turned exhibition space.

“One of the biggest jobs we’ve had is finding a way of taking people through these narrow tunnels that were never meant for people to pass through in a way that’s not completely uncomfortable or dangerous,” Steel said.

Apart from their role in delivering mail, the tunnels played a useful role during World War I and World War II.

Construction of the line was halted when war broke out and the space was instead used to store valuable artifacts, and was relied on heavily to avoid mail disruption during the blitz of World War II.

Aside from its unique history, another aspect of the mail rail line sets it apart from other London underground train lines — an absence of rats.

“It’s a rodent-free terminal and under London which is unusual,” Steel said. “Because there were no people on the trains, there is no food for the rats and mice.”

Rail mail at London’s Postal Museum opens to visitors on Sept. 4.

In Croatia, Harvesting Salt the Centuries-old Way

Dozens of glistening pools in a small village on Croatia’s Adriatic coast stand testament to its annual salt harvests from seawater, which use a method largely unchanged for centuries.

The salt works facility in Ston, which says it is the oldest in Europe, consists of 58 pools and covers about 430,000 square meters where the waters of the Adriatic are allowed to seep in and then evaporate, leaving salt behind.

The first of two salt harvests this year kicked off on Tuesday, with around 35 tourists, friends and family of workers raking salt across the pans into gleaming white piles, before transferring to a nearby warehouse by wooden carts.

They expect to harvest some 200 tons of salt in the harvest, with most of it used for industrial purposes while the rest is sold in local markets for use in cooking.

Germany Welcomes Turkey’s OK for Lawmakers to Visit Troops

Germany has welcomed Turkey’s decision to allow lawmakers to visit German troops stationed at a NATO airbase near the Turkish city of Konya.


Turkey has been blocking German lawmakers’ requests to visit their troops in the country in recent months amid souring relations between Berlin and Ankara.


German news agency dpa quoted the country’s defense minister as saying Tuesday that it was “a good solution” that the seven lawmakers could take part in a visit by NATO officials September 8.


Ursula von der Leyen noted that the nine German troops were part of a NATO air surveillance mission supporting the alliance’s fight against the Islamic State group.


A spat over lawmaker access to German troops at the Incirlik base prompted Germany to move troops from there to Jordan.