Perry Staying Busy, Gaining in Enthusiasm at Energy Department

Rick Perry twice ran for president and appeared as a contestant on TV’s Dancing with the Stars.

But since becoming President Donald Trump’s energy secretary, Perry has kept a low profile and rarely has been seen publicly around Washington. Comedian Hasan Minhaj joked at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner that Perry must be “sitting in a room full of plutonium waiting to become Spider-Man. That’s just my hunch.”

In truth, Perry has been busy — but far away from the capital.

He has toured Energy Department sites around the country, represented the Trump administration at a meeting in Italy and pledged to investigate a tunnel collapse at a radioactive waste storage site in Washington state.

Perry has visited a shuttered nuclear waste dump at Nevada’s Yucca Mountain and cautiously began a yearslong process to revive it.

Asia trip

On Thursday, Perry embarked on a nine-day trip to Asia, where he planned to check on the progress made since a 2011 nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, Japan, and reaffirm the U.S. commitment to help decontaminate and decommission damaged nuclear reactors. Perry also was to represent the United States at a clean-energy meeting in Beijing.

The former Texas governor says he’s having the time of his life running an agency he once pledged to eliminate. Perry has emerged as a strong defender of the department’s work, especially the 17 national labs that conduct cutting-edge research on everything from national security to renewable energy.

“I’m telling you officially the coolest job I’ve ever had is being secretary of energy … and it’s because of these labs,” Perry, 67, told an audience last month at Idaho National Laboratory, one of several he has visited since taking office in March.

“If you work at a national lab … you are making a difference,” Perry said.

The energy chief soon will have a chance to back up those words when he and other officials head to Capitol Hill to defend a budget proposal that slashes funding for science, renewables and energy efficiency.

Paris accord

Perry probably will be asked to defend Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate accord. Perry said Thursday that the U.S. remains committed to clean energy and that he was confident officials could “drive economic growth and protect the environment at the same time.”

The administration has called for cutting the Office of Science, which includes 10 national labs, by 17 percent. The proposed budget would reduce spending for renewable and nuclear energy, eliminate the popular Energy Star program to enhance efficiency and gut an agency that promotes research and development of advanced energy technologies.

Perry, who served 14 years as Texas governor, likened the spending plan to an opening offer that he expects to see significantly changed in Congress.

“I will remind you this is not my first rodeo when it comes to budgeting,” he said during a recent tour of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. “Hopefully we will be able to make that argument to our friends in Congress — that what DOE is involved with plays a vital role, not only in the security of America but the economic well-being of the country as we go forward.”

Energy lobbyist Frank Maisano said Perry’s actions show instincts honed in his tenure as Texas’s longest-serving governor.

“He’s trying to find out what he needs to find out — hearing about these issues from the front lines,” Maisano said.

While Perry will never match the scientific expertise of his most recent predecessors at the Energy Department, nuclear physicists Steven Chu and Ernest Moniz, his political skills may offset that knowledge gap, Maisano said.

Renewable energy support

During his Oak Ridge visit, Perry pledged to be “a strong advocate” for Oak Ridge and other labs. He has spoken out in favor of renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, noting that while he was governor, Texas maintained its traditional role as a top driller for oil and natural gas while emerging as the leading producer of wind power in the United States and a top 10 provider of solar power.

Abigail Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, said she had “a very positive conversation” with Perry at a meeting in April.

“He was very interested in our technology and how it can be utilized,” she said in an interview.

Perry also “knew exactly where Texas was in solar installation,” Hopper said — No. 9 in the nation, compared with its top ranking among wind-producing states.

Hopper, a former Interior Department official under President Barack Obama, said she and Perry did not discuss her federal service — but did talk about how national labs can boost the solar industry.

“It was good to make that connection between the research and how it translates into the marketplace,” she said. “He gets it.”

Порошенко підписав закон про вищу освіту для абітурієнтів з окупованих територій

Президент України Петро Порошенко підписав закон «Про внесення змін до закону України «Про вищу освіту» щодо забезпечення права на здобуття вищої освіти осіб, місцем проживання яких є тимчасово окупована територія України», який 16 травня ухвалив парламент, повідомляє прес-служба президента.

«Закон передбачає, що для осіб, місцем проживання яких є тимчасово окупована територія та які отримали документ про загальну середню освіту, прийом на навчання до одного з вищих навчальних закладів, розташованих на території Запорізької, Миколаївської, Одеської та Херсонської областей, здійснюється на конкурсній основі за результатами вступних випробувань у межах установлених квот прийому до вищих навчальних закладів (наукових установ) України», – йдеться у повідомленні.

А розмір квоти для абітурієнтів з окупованих територій, відповідно до документу, у вищих навчальних закладах, розташованих на території Запорізької, Миколаївської, Одеської та Херсонської областей, «встановлюється в обсязі 1 тисяча місць державного замовлення та розподіляється між зазначеними вищими навчальними закладами у порядку, визначеному Кабінетом міністрів України», додають у прес-службі.

Закон набирає чинності на наступний день після його опублікування та вступає в дію через місяць із дня набрання ним чинності.

Раніше аналітик Центру громадянської освіти «Альменда» Олег Охредько розповів, що у вишах України не можуть назвати конкретну кількість бюджетних місць за кримською квотою для абітурієнтів з півострова. Через це кримчани не можуть остаточно ухвалити рішення щодо вступу.

7 лютого 2017 року Міністерство освіти і науки анулювало ліцензії 71 вишу, що розташовані на тимчасово непідконтрольній органам державної влади України території Донецької й Луганської областей, а також на територіях анексованого Росією Криму й міста Севастополя.

Суд продовжить розглядати справу Кернеса в липні

Чергове засідання суду Київського райсуду Полтави у справі щодо міського голови Харкова Геннадія Кернеса і його охоронців, яких звинувачують у викраденні, побитті і загрозі вбивством двох учасників Євромайдану, призначене на 3 липня, повідомляє портал «Судова влада України».

Засідання заплановане на 11:00 під головуванням судді Андрія Антонова.

Наприкінці травня суддя Київського райсуду Полтави Юрій Куліш відмовив у задоволенні клопотання держобвинувачення про відвід судді Андрія Антонова. Прокуратура просила про відвід судді, називаючи ого упередженим.

2 березня 2015 року прокуратура заявила, що харківського міського голову підозрюють у викраденні людини, катуванні, погрозі вбивством.

26 березня 2015 року Генпрокуратура передала до суду обвинувальний акт у кримінальному провадженні стосовно Кернеса і двох його охоронців.

Харківський міський голова Геннадій Кернес заявляє, що кримінальне провадження проти нього є сфабрикованим.


Штаб Навального в Москві працює надворі, бо в офісі вночі замінили замки – Ляскін

У ніч на суботу в приміщенні московського передвиборного штабу опозиціонера Олексія Навального замінили замки, співробітники працюють надворі, повідомив соратник політика Микола Ляскін. Також він зазначив, що на власника приміщення чинився тиск, але не уточнив, ким саме.

Московський штаб Олексія Навального діє з 29 травня. Його відкриття кілька разів переносилося через проблеми з орендодавцями. На початку травня власник приміщення в Москві, в якому спочатку знаходився штаб, вирішив розірвати договір оренди.

Олексій Навальний має намір брати участь у виборах президента Росії в 2018 році. Його передвиборчі штаби відкрилися в десятках міст, і, як повідомляє російська служба Радіо Свобода, у деяких з них на соратників опозиціонера і співпрацюють з ними орендодавців тиснули. Так минулого тижня в Іркутську побили сина бізнесмена, який здає приміщення під штаб Навального. У березні в Санкт-Петербурзі підпалили двері штабу політика. В Уфі двері передвиборчого штабу закидали яйцями, а в Томську співробітникам штабу залили монтажною піною двері квартир і глушники в автомобілі.

Наприкінці квітня на самого Навального напали в Москві. Невідомі облили політика зеленкою, він отримав хімічний опік ока. Через кілька днів після цього опозиціонеру видали закордонний паспорт, і він відправився на операцію до Барселони.

Вибори президента Росії заплановані на березень наступного року.

4 травня прокремлівський Всеросійський центр дослідження громадської думки, відомий за російським скороченням ВЦІОМ, опублікував результати опитування, згідно з яким роботу Путіна на посаді президента Росії позитивно оцінюють 81 відсоток росіян – на 4 відсотки менше, ніж на початку 2017 року. Пізніше «Левада-Центр» оприлюднив дослідження, за яким більше половини росіян хотіли би бачити Путіна на посту президента і після 2018-го.

Згідно з результатами опитування, шість відсотків проголосували б за лідера ЛДПР Володимира Жириновського, три відсотки за лідера КПРФ Геннадія Зюганова, а два – за опозиціонера Олексія Навального.

ГПУ заявляє про затримання на хабарі керівника відділу міжрегіональної митниці

Генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко заявляє про затримання на хабарі керівника відділу міжрегіональної митниці Державної фіскальної служби України.

Він повідомив, що затримання провели військова прокуратура Львівського гарнізону спільно з оперативними співробітниками Управління захисту економіки Нацполіції. Як заявив Луценко, чиновника затримали «під час одержання чергового місячного збору неправомірної вигоди від службових осіб Львівської митниці у розмірі 60520 доларів США і 10 тисяч гривень».

«Прикметно, що ця посада створена центральним офісом ДФС саме для боротьби з корупцією місцевих митників. Військова прокуратура довела: хабарі збирають і перші, і другі», – написав Луценко у Facebook і закликав уряд провести системні зміни усієї митної служби.

У березні від посади відсторонили голову ДФС Романа Насірова. Правоохоронні органи звинувачують його в тому, що він упродовж 2015–2016 років, діючи в інтересах депутата Верховної Ради Олександра Онищенка, надав керівникам регіональних і територіальних органів ДФС незаконну вказівку ухвалювати безпідставні рішення про розстрочення податкового боргу трьом компаніям. Такими рішеннями державі завдано збитків на суму майже 2 мільярди гривень. Захист Насірова і він сам ці звинувачення заперечують.


Malta Votes in Election Tied to Panama Papers Scandal

Maltese voters went to the polls a year early Saturday in a snap election called by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat following an official investigation into allegations his wife owned a company related to the Panama Papers scandal.

Surveys showed Labour Party’s Muscat was likely to win a second, five-year term. But polls indicated one-fifth of voters were undecided, giving the National Force made up of the Nationalist Party and newly formed Democratic Party a slight chance.

The Panama Papers scandal, which detailed offshore companies and other financial data of the rich and powerful, exposed Malta’s energy minister and Muscat’s chief of staff as having acquired a company in Panama.

Muscat called new elections and ordered a magisterial inquiry midway through Malta’s first-ever stint at the presidency of the European Council after allegations surfaced in April that his wife also owned a company in Panama. The Muscats deny the allegations.

Setting up an offshore company is not illegal or evidence of illegal conduct, but shell companies can be used to avoid taxes or launder money.

After the publication of the Panama Papers last year, Muscat was criticized for retaining Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi and chief of staff Keith Schembri, whose names figured in the document dump. They acknowledged that they acquired the companies but deny wrongdoing.

Since then, two other magisterial inquiries have been opened after money laundering and kickback allegations were made against Schembri by opposition Nationalist leader Simon Busuttil. Schembri denies any wrongdoing.

None of the investigations had finished before Saturday’s vote.

During the campaign, Busuttil, Muscat’s prime challenger, charged that accusations of corruption had hurt Malta’s financial services industry and would continue to damage the island’s reputation.

Many Businesses Critical of Trump Decision to Leave Climate Accord

Dozens of U.S. companies spoke out against President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord. Analysts say the improving economic case for renewables has boosted support for green energy in the once-skeptical business community; but, as VOA’s Jim Randle reports, some coal companies supported the president’s action.

This Year, No US Pressure to Avoid Russia’s Davos

For three years after Russia annexed Crimea, Washington officials quietly cautioned major U.S. firms about attending the annual St. Petersburg forum, where investors mingle with President Vladimir Putin and his lieutenants.

This year, the first forum since Donald Trump became U.S. president, such cautions were not issued, according to four people familiar with preparations for U.S. companies to attend.

Washington’s policy toward Russia is essentially unchanged under Trump, with the United States committed to maintaining sanctions on Moscow unless it complies with international demands about Ukraine.

Change in tone

But its approach this year to the St. Petersburg event — often described as Russia’s version of the Davos forum in Switzerland — reveals a change in tone, according to some people who follow U.S.-Russia trade relations.

Daniel Russell, the head of the U.S.-Russia business council, when asked if U.S. companies were feeling less pressure from the administration to stay away, said: “I think that’s right.

“Some of the companies, particularly in 2015, received calls from the U.S. government not to attend and I think that attitude has certainly changed,” he said.

The change in tone fits with promises Trump made during his election campaign to pursue friendlier ties with Russia.

Any sign of warming toward the Kremlin is highly sensitive for the White House, since Congress and the FBI are conducting inquiries into whether members of the Trump team had improper contacts with Russian officials before Trump’s inauguration.

Trump has denied doing anything wrong.

Asked about contacts with companies planning to attend the forum, a State Department spokesperson said: “We have an open dialogue with the business community, and ultimately companies are free to make their own decisions, in line with applicable laws and regulations.”

The forum in St Petersburg was in its second day Friday and there were signs of a more substantial U.S. presence than in previous years since the March 2014 annexation of Crimea.

US ambassador attends

U.S. ambassador to Russia John Tefft was at the forum, though he did not have a speaking slot. No U.S. ambassador attended in 2014, 2015 or 2016.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. embassy in Moscow said his attendance was a routine part of his ambassadorial duties.

Major U.S. companies who sent senior executives, including oil major Exxon, Boeing, Chevron and JPMorgan, were represented at a similar level to last year, but several delegates at the forum said they estimated the U.S. presence to be numerically bigger than in previous years.

“We see a much larger number of people from the U.S., Canada,” said Kirill Dmitriev, chief executive of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a state body that works with foreign investors.

“There is a better understanding (among foreign investors) that sanctions really did not work, the Russian economy continues to grow, Russia represents an attractive market and people should work with Russia,” he told Reuters.

Russian economy growing

Several U.S. delegates said that, politics aside, they were drawn to the forum by the fact the Russian economy had returned to growth after a slowdown.

The forum is a prestige project for Putin, a native of St. Petersburg. Foreign executives typically use their presence to signal to the Kremlin their enthusiasm for investing in Russia.

In 2014, when the Ukraine crisis first started, U.S. Cabinet officials including Secretary of State John Kerry made personal calls to chief executives of U.S. firms asking them not to attend, said a former U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The next year, senior U.S. officials below Cabinet level were charged with persuading American executives not to attend, and in 2016, U.S. officials brought up the issue in a low-level manner, the former official said.

The account of those conversations was confirmed by a second former official who served in the administration of former U.S. President Barack Obama.

The guidance in later years was not necessarily to stay away, but that executives who did attend should keep their presence low-key, said several other people familiar with the discussions.

Ian Colebourne, who is CEO for Deloitte in the Commonwealth of Independent States and sits on the U.S.-Russia business council, said he was aware of officials giving guidance to executives in previous years, but added: “I haven’t heard anything this year.”

Two other sources familiar with the preparations for U.S. companies to attend also said there had been no guidance before this year’s forum, in contrast to previous years.

Green light?

The lack of contact from the U.S. government this year is being interpreted among business executives as meaning: “You can go,” said one of the two sources.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce did not receive any guidance from the administration about whether or not to participate in the event, a source with the Chamber said.

Still, some companies that did attend exercised caution, keeping a low profile.

The head of U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil, Darren Woods, did not join the table of panelists at the main oil session of the forum. It was chaired by the head of Kremlin oil major Rosneft, Igor Sechin, who is on the U.S. sanctions list.

Like his predecessor as Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, now Trump’s Secretary of State, Woods made only brief remarks from the floor in a discussion about the energy industry.

Among other U.S. companies at the forum, JPMorgan Chase & Co., sent Daniel Pinto, Chief Executive Officer of its corporate and investment business, while Boeing sent Bertrand-Marc Allen, president of its international arm.

U.S. oil major Chevron sent its vice president for business development, Jay Pryor. He was also at the forum last year. A company representative did not reply to questions about any guidance from the administration.

“Let’s say the seniority of some of the teams is more senior this year, certainly compared to some prior years and that’s a positive sign,” Deloitte’s Colebourne said of the U.S corporate presence.

Robert Dudley, chief executive of BP, a British company with substantial business in the United States, said his impression was that this year there were more representatives of U.S. companies at the forum than previously.

“That would suggest they are not feeling that kind of pressure,” to curb their presence, he said.

What’s Truly Italian? Food Fight Foils ‘Made in Italy’ Plan

For the Italian government, it seemed like a recipe for success: create an official “Made in Italy” logo to defend the country’s finest food exports from an army of foreign impersonators.

On supermarket shelves worldwide, a star-shaped logo would mark out real Italian cheeses, hams, pasta and sparkling wines from those that only look or sound Italian, such as Parmesan made in New Zealand or Prosecco bottled in Brazil.

But Rome has discovered that even the simplest recipe can go wrong. Instead of unifying Italy’s food industry against a common enemy that is bagging billions of euros in sales, the government’s proposal for a Made in Italy certification quickly created bitter divisions.

A row has erupted over what it means to be truly Italian — should every single raw ingredient be made in Italy, for example — and now the project could be ditched altogether for lack of an industry consensus, according to two industry ministry sources who declined to be named as talks with food firms are ongoing.

“For now there is no final decision on whether to go ahead with the Made in Italy sign, we are studying it, we are doing technical checks,” said one of the sources, an industry ministry official who is working on the project.

“We will launch it only if it fully meets the requests of producers,” he said, adding that the food industry was split into several groups with conflicting views on the project.

The ministry announced the project at the end of last year, and began consultations with food producers in March, in response to industry complaints that foreign-made foods masquerading as Italian produce were costing the country billions of euros in lost export sales.

A logo guaranteeing Italian origin would enable exporters to grab some of the roughly 60 billion euros ($67 billion) in annual global sales generated by foreign imitations, according to Italy’s food producers’ lobby, Federalimentare.

Marketing experts agree. Brand Finance, a global consultancy that compiles an index of the world’s most valuable brands, estimates it could add up to 5 percent to the enterprise value of small- and medium-sized Italian food companies.

“Domestic companies would surely gain from such a logo given that Italy has a high reputation in the food sector and many of them are not well known outside the country,” said Massimo Pizzo, Italy managing director for Brand Finance.

However, Federalimentare’s members could not agree on a definition of Italian-made. Some took a hard line, insisting products be made entirely in Italy from ingredients sourced at home, while others argued for a less stringent approach.

‘If we open the door’

The consortium of producers of Parmigiano Reggiano, the king of Italian cheeses, insists on rigid standards for everyone.

“If we open the door to products with foreign ingredients, we are not talking of real Made in Italy … this is not the kind of help we are looking for,” said Riccardo Deserti, chairman of the consortium.

Under the consortium’s rules, recognized across the European Union, cheese can only be marketed as Parmigiano Reggiano, or by its English name Parmesan, if it is made according to a precise method within a restricted area around the town of Parma.

The consortium of Prosecco wine producers takes a similar stance, rejecting the idea of being put in the same authenticity category as products made with foreign raw materials.

On the other hand, some firms believe traditional Italian production methods should be enough to qualify for the logo.

Barilla, the world’s biggest pasta maker, wants to carry the Made in Italy logo though 16 of its 30 plants are abroad, including in the United States and Russia.

“We are Italian, we pay taxes in Italy and we run our foreign plants following the rules of the Italian quality,” Paolo Barilla, vice chairman of the family-owned business, told a food conference in March. A Barilla spokesman declined to make any further comment for this story.

One of Italy’s most identifiable food brands, the high-end food chain Eataly, draws a finer line on the issue.

It recently opened its first store in Moscow where an embargo on some European food imports forced it to make some cheeses from local ingredients. It sells mozzarella and burrata made in Russia, but not Parmigiano.

Olive and oak

Italian food producers can at least agree on one thing: Foreign rivals are competing unfairly by marketing distinctly Italian products, using words and symbols that suggest an Italian origin but listing the real provenance in fine print.

They point the finger at goods such as New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra’s Perfect Italiano range of Parmesan and Mozzarella cheeses or Garibaldi Prosecco made in Brazil by the Garibaldi Winery Cooperative.

“I totally agree with the idea of a Made in Italy sign,” Eataly founder Oscar Farinetti told Reuters at the inauguration of the store, but did not say whether he sided with the Italian-made purists or the likes of Barilla.

Contacted by Reuters, a Fonterra spokesperson said the group markets the two cheeses using their Italian names and featuring the Italian flag because they were launched by Natale Italiano, an Italian who migrated to Australia in the 1920s.

“While the brand is proud of its heritage, its packaging is evolving away from featuring the Italian flag,” Fonterra said.

The group did not disclose the turnover of the Perfect Italiano products.

Garibaldi Winery did not respond to emailed requests for comment.

The Rome government had proposed a Made in Italy logo employing the symbols of the Italian republic: a star framed by olive and oak branches.

The project, however, was constrained by EU rules.

The government planned to include products if their last “significant transformation” happened in Italy, the ministry official said — meaning, for example, sausages produced in Italy using imported meat would qualify for the label while ham made in a foreign plant of an Italian producer would not.

This would bring the logo into line with the European Customs Code governing country-of-origin labeling, but the plan satisfied neither side in the food fight; the purists balked at the idea of foreign ingredients being allowed, while other firms argued the rules were too stringent.

Hence the impasse that threatens the project.

“Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t use a different standard from the one used in Europe,” said the source.

В «Опозиційному блоці» підтверджують часткову втрату зору в Королевської

Партія «Опозиційний блок» підтверджує, що в народного депутата від цієї політичної сили Наталії Королевської лікарі діагностували опік сітківки ока і часткову втрату зору після того, як 2 червня її облили зеленкою в Одесі.

Раніше про це повідомила депутат Одеської облради Ірина Ковалиш.

Невідомі облили Королевську зеленкою в Одесі біля готелю, де в проходив з’їзд платформи «Жінки за мир» за її участю.

В «Опозиційному блоці» засудили напад, заявили, що він «замовлений владою», і закликали «знайти і покарати його виконавців».

Минулого року у Слов’янську на Донеччині 9 травня Наталію Королевську облили зеленкою, водою та закидали яйцями.

ЄС планує надати Україні ще 50 мільйонів євро допомоги – Йоганнес Ган

Європейський союз розглядає нову програму допомоги Україні на 50 мільйонів євро, заявив комісар Євросоюзу з питань європейської політики сусідства Йоганнес Ган 2 червня у Дніпрі.

«Зараз разом із віце-прем’єр-міністром ми обговорюємо нову програму допомоги вартістю 50 мільйонів євро. Це свідчення того, що ми будемо продовжувати підтримувати Україну. Своїм візитом я хотів запевнити вас, що конфлікт, який відбувається в Україні, далеко не забутий, а якраз навпаки», – зазначив Йоганнес Ган.

Він додав, що від початку конфлікту в Україні Європейський союз із різних джерел надав країні приблизно 400 мільйонів євро допомоги.

За словами Гана, переважно ця допомога була спрямована на гуманітарні питання, однак також використовувалась для того, щоб підтримати приймаючі громади, куди переселялись внутрішньо переміщені громадяни.

Єврокомісар також поінформував, що 2 червня побував у Маріуполі, де мав можливість побачити результати впровадження проектів коштом Євросоюзу, зокрема, це реконструйована поліклініка і створений соціальний гуртожиток.

Відповідаючи на запитання Радіо Свобода щодо планів підтримки в Україні громадських активістів і медіа, які провадять антикорупційну діяльність, Йоганнес Ган зазначив, що Євросоюз надає постійну фінансову підтримку організаціям громадянського суспільства в Україні, зокрема, тим, що займаються питаннями боротьби з корупцією.

«У цьому контексті хочу згадати, що в листопаді відбудеться саміт українського партнерства і у рамках цього саміту буде проводитись конференція, присвячена питанням підтримки неурядових організацій, питанням боротьби з корупцією. Це ще одне свідчення того, що боротьба з корупцією стоїть дуже високо у нашому порядку денному», – додав він.

1-2 червня єврокомісар з питань європейської політики сусідства Йоганнес Ган відвідує Україну. У рамках візиту він, зокрема, дав старт програмі «Антикорупційна ініціатива ЄС в Україні», на яку ЄС виділив 16 мільйонів євро.

Scientists Say Evidence Clearly Shows Climate is Changing

Reacting to President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement, leading scientific organizations say evidence clearly shows the world’s climate is changing and urgent measures must be taken to slow the warming of the planet.

The organizations say the scientific evidence is clear that human activity is behind the changing climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an independent scientific assessment body, warned that without additional efforts beyond those already in place, warming by the end of the century will lead to very high risk of severe, widespread and irreversible impacts.

IPCC spokesman Jonathan Lynn said the scientific body finds that limiting climate change would require substantial and sustained reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which together with adaptation can limit climate change risks.

“In its analysis of decision-making to limit climate change and its effects, the IPCC noted that climate change is a problem of the commons, requiring collective action at the global scale,” he said. “Effective mitigation will not be achieved if individual players advance their own interests independently. … It is not clear at this stage how the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement will affect future emissions.”

Deon Terblanche, head of the Atmospheric Research and Environment department at the World Meteorological Organization, said global warming will continue for as long as the world emits greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere

“Even a reduction in the emissions will not lead to a reduction in the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere because there is a cumulative effect and CO2 remains in the atmosphere for hundreds of years,” said Terblanche. “… The climate will continue to warm in any case.”

In a worst-case scenario, he warned the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement could result in an additional warming of the atmosphere of 0.3 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial level.

White House May Return Diplomatic Compounds Seized From Russia

The Trump administration is considering handing back two Russian diplomatic compounds along the U.S. East Coast after they were seized last year as punishment against the country, according to a report.

The compounds, one in coastal New York and the other along Maryland’s Eastern Shore, were believed by the Obama administration to have been used for intelligence purposes and were vacated on December 29 when former president Barack Obama sanctioned Russia for its alleged role in trying to sway the 2016 presidential election.

President Donald Trump is now deciding whether to return the two compounds to Moscow in exchange for certain concessions from Russia, according to reports in The Washington Post and Reuters.

According to several unnamed sources cited in the reports, Trump administration officials have spoken to Moscow about returning the compounds if Russia lifts a freeze on the construction of a U.S. consulate in St. Petersburg and stops harassing American diplomats in Russia.

The deal-making process is still in its early stages, though, and R.C. Hammond, a top aide to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, told the Post that “the U.S. and Russia have reached no agreements.”

Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov said Wednesday Russia may try to take back the property through legal action “if these steps are not somehow adjusted by the U.S. side.”

The next senior-level meeting between the two sides will come later in June, and the issue is expected to be prominent on the agenda.

UK Police Search Car in Manchester Attack investigation

British police investigating the Manchester Arena attack cordoned off an area around a car significant to the investigation as they hunted Friday for clues about the suicide bomber’s movements.

Officers put a 100-meter (100-yard) cordon in place around a white Nissan Micra in southern Manchester. They want to piece together Salman Abedi’s preparations for the attack at the Ariana Grande concert that killed 22 people — and to learn whether others helped him.

“This is potentially a significant development in the investigation,” Detective Chief Superintendent Russ Jackson said. “We are very interested in anything people can tell us about the movements of this car, and who was in it, over the past months.”

Police were also interested in “who may have had access to the car or who may have gone to and from it.”

As a precaution, people were being evacuated from the nearby Ronald McDonald House, which offers accommodation for families with children who are being treated in the hospital. A local hospital remained working as usual and even managed to host a visit by Prince William, who met with children wounded in the attack.

The second-in-line to the throne later visited Manchester Cathedral, where he praised the grit of the city and those who responded to the attack.

“Manchester’s strength and togetherness is an example to the world,” he wrote in a book of condolence. “My thoughts are with all those affected.”

William also met with police officers, expressing his gratitude for the actions of those first on the scene of the blast. Among them was 47-year-old police constable Michael Buckley, who treated the wounded even as he frantically searched for his own child.

Buckley was off duty and waiting for his 15-year-old daughter Stephanie when the bomb exploded. He found himself in an arena’s foyer, which he described as a scene of “absolute devastation.”

“I knew my daughter was in there somewhere,” he said.

Even so, he tried to help others and kept trying to contact her in the confusion. She had suffered a concussion and some crush injuries.

“I eventually met her in a hotel in the early hours of the morning,” Buckley said. “She just ran to me and grabbed hold of me but I couldn’t hold her because I was covered in other people’s blood.”

In a city traumatized by the events of last week, police have released new security camera images of the Manchester bomber’s last moments, hoping to jog the memories of the public to see if someone might remember something.

Even those who knew Abedi struggled to explain his actions. His cousins, Isaac and Abz Forjani, expressed shock in a BBC interview.

“It’s not easy being connected to 22 lost, innocent lives,” Isaac Forjani said. “The fact that the person that did this is related to us by blood is something that’s going to stay with me for the rest of my life.”

The two brothers were arrested by police after the attack and released without charge.

Ten men, aged between 18 and 44, remain in custody on suspicion of terrorism offences in connection with the attack. Six others, including a 15-year-old boy, have been released without being charged.

US Trade Deficit Rises to Highest Level Since January

The U.S. trade deficit rose in April to the highest level since January. The politically sensitive trade gap with China registered a sharp increase.


The Commerce Department said Friday that the U.S. trade gap in goods and services climbed 5.2 percent to $47.6 billion in April from March. Exports dropped 0.3 percent to $191 billion, pulled down by a drop in automotive exports. Imports rose 0.8 percent to $238.6 billion as Americans bought more foreign-made cellphones and other consumer goods.


So far this year, the trade deficit is up 13.4 percent from a year earlier to $186.6 billion. Exports are up 6.1 percent to $765.6 billion this year, but imports are up more _ 7.5 percent to $952.2 billion. So far in 2017, the United States is running a $268.7 billion deficit in goods and an $82.1 billion surplus in services such as banking and tourism.


The deficit in goods with China rose by 12.4 percent to $27.6 billion in April.


The Trump administration has vowed to reduce the trade deficit, blaming the gap between exports and imports on abusive practices by America’s trading partners.


President Donald Trump recently has singled out Germany for criticism, saying it is unfairly benefiting from a weak euro. When a country’s currency is weak, its products enjoy a price advantage in foreign markets. The trade deficit with Germany rose 4.3 percent in April to $5.5 billion.



Investors Bet Trump Climate Withdrawal to Boost US Drilling

The price of oil has fallen sharply as investors bet that President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement will increase the country’s oil and gas production.

The cost of a barrel of crude slumped 2.4 percent, or $1.18, to $47.18 in electronic trading in New York on Friday, hours after Trump said the U.S. would immediately stop implementing the Paris deal. He said his administration could try to renegotiate the existing agreement or try to create a new one that is more favorable to the U.S.

The deal would have required the U.S. to reduce polluting emissions by more than a quarter below 2005 levels by 2025, potentially limiting the growth of high-emissions industries like oil and gas production. Economists, however, say that the climate deal would likely help create about as many jobs in renewable energy as it might cost in polluting industries.

U.S. oil production has already been increasing in recent months since the price of crude came off lows last year, making expensive shale oil extraction more economically viable.

“Now that U.S. President Trump has announced that the U.S. will be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, it is expected that the U.S. will expand its oil production even more sharply,” said analysts at German bank Commerzbank.

The increase in U.S. production is neutralizing the efforts of the OPEC cartel and other major oil-producing nations, like Russia, to support prices by limiting their output. OPEC and 10 other countries led by Russia agreed last week to extend for nine months, to March, a production cut of 1.8 million barrels a day initially agreed on in November.

On Friday, the head of Russia’s state-controlled Rosneft oil giant said that that a rise in shale oil output in the U.S. would likely offset the effect from the OPEC and Russian production cuts.

Speaking at an economic forum in St.Petersburg, Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin said that the OPEC and Russian cuts fall short of “systemic measures that would lead to long term stabilization.”

He said that thanks to increasing efficiency, U.S. shale oil producers would likely deliver an additional 1.5 million barrels of crude a day to the market in 2018.

Has India’s Currency Ban Stopped Its Economic Momentum?

The heated debate over India’s cash ban continues, with critics saying it slowed an economy that was growing, while the government says economic momentum was barely affected.

Critics say the scrapping of 86 percent of the country’s currency last November cost India its status as the world’s fastest growing economy.


According to data released this week, from January to March, growth plunged to 6.1 percent – lower than China’s 6.9 percent growth in the same period.

Overall growth for the last financial year, which began in April 2016 and ended in March 2017, however, stood at 7.1 percent.


Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has tried to distance the disappointing economic numbers from the currency ban, citing other factors.

“There was some slowdown visible, given the global and domestic situation, even prior to demonetization in the last year,” he told reporters.


The slowdown affected almost all sectors of the economy, with farming, manufacturing and services all taking a hit. With people scrambling to get access to new notes, consumption slowed sharply, impacting both small shopkeepers and large businesses.

The government, however, is encouraged by forecasts that the economy is expected to recover swiftly on the back of monsoon rains, which are expected to be plentiful, and a slew of major reform measures.


As economists estimated growth this year will rebound to 7.4 percent, the government pointed out that India’s economy is still among the world’s top performers. Jaitley said given the global scenario, “7 to 8 percent growth, which at the moment is the Indian normal, is fairly reasonable and by global standards very good.”

There are widespread expectations of a major economic boost from India’s most ambitious tax reform action since independence – the launch of a nationwide tax that will replace a plethora of levies starting July 1.


The World Bank said this week the reform would lower the cost of doing business for firms and reduce logistics costs.


In the coming year, “we actually have very strong fundamentals of the Indian economy, GDP growth being up, exports have revived and there has been continued reform momentum,” said Frederico Gil Sander, a senior economist at the World Bank in New Delhi.

And while demonetization undoubtedly left its imprint on India by slowing down the economy, the government is optimistic there will be long-term gains because the move would help clean up an economy where many businesses and professionals evade taxes, resulting in the generation of what is known as “black money.”


“The message has gone loud and clear and it continues to this day that it is no longer safe to deal in cash,” said Jaitley.


Skeptics say only improved tax collections in the coming years will demonstrate whether that is true, or whether tax evasion remains a challenge in a country where cash transactions are the norm in large sectors of the economy.

Оприлюднено доказ зв’язку Медведчука з власником найбільшого імпортера скрапленого газу з Росії

Власник швейцарської компанії Proton Energy Group S.A., яка викупила активи російської «Роснефти» в Україні, та з 2017 року стала найбільшим імпортером скрапленого газу з Росії, Нісан Моісеєв був помічений у компанії Віктора Медведчука, який спростовував свій зв’язок із ним. Їхній спільний приліт на чартері Медведчука до аеропорту «Жуляни» зафіксували журналісти програми «​Схеми»​ (спільного проекту Радіо Свобода і телеканалу «UA:Перший»). 

Експерти ринку та журналістські розслідування раніше вказували на можливу причетність самого Медведчука до компаній Нісана Моісеєва, які викупили російський нафтогазовий бізнес в Україні. Вперше вдалося зафіксувати наочне підтвердження зв’язку між Медведчуком та Моісеєвим, – йдеться в розслідуванні.

Журналісти зафіксували на камеру, як 14 листопада 2016 року із аеропорту «Внуково» (Москва) до аеропорту «Київ» прилетів приватний літак «Фалькон 900». Це один із найдорожчих приватних літаків – його вартість сягає близько 50 мільйонів доларів.

З літака вийшов кум президента Росії Володимира Путіна та представник України в гуманітарній підгрупі на Мінських переговорах Віктор Медведчук у компанії декількох чоловіків, серед яких був Нісан Моісеєв.

Бізнесмена розпізнали журналісти профільного видання «Нефтеринок». Вийшовши з терміналу, чоловіки обнялись та поцілувались на прощання.

Нісан Моісеєв – власник швейцарських фірм Glusco Energy S.A. та Proton Energy Group S.A. В 2016 році російська держкомпанія «Роснефть» продала свої українські активи (мережу АЗС під брендами ТНК, Золотий гепард, Formula та Smile, а також нафтобази та Лисичанський нафтопереробний завод) фірмі Glusco Energy. А з 2017 року Proton Energy Group став найбільшим імпортером скрапленого газу в Україну.

«Ця зустріч збіглася у часі з «зачищенням» ринку імпорту скрапленого газу України під нового гравця, яким став той самий Нісан Моісеєв», – йдеться в розслідуванні.

Наприкінці 2016 року в традиційних імпортерів скрапленого газу почалися проблеми: діями СБУ, Мінекономрозвитку та митниці був зупинений його імпорт, і майже одночасно з’явилися фірми, які почали імпортувати великі обсяги скрапленого газу з Росії. При цьому, експерти відзначають, що дії української СБУ були синхронізовані з діями російських органів контролю.

«Митна служба разом з СБУ почала тут (в Україні –​ ред.) різко розчищати територію, тобто почала тиснути на наших потужних імпортерів зрідженого газу. А там (в Росії – ред.) Федеральна служба експортного контролю визначила Proton – дочірню структуру Glusco – як єдиного експортера ресурсу «Роснефти». Від якої людини могли були бути такі синхронні дії з тієї і цієї сторони? Крім, як Медведчук, у мене ніяких асоціацій немає», – розповідає екс-президент «Об’єднання операторів ринку нафтопродуктів України» Леонід Косянчук.

Раніше видання у своїх розслідуваннях пов’язувало фірми Proton Energy Group та Glusco Energy із Віктором Медведчуком. Втім і Нісан Моісеєв, і Віктор Медведчук це спростовують.

«З паном Медведчуком я знайомий давно, також як з багатьма іншими українськими, російськими, європейськими, ізраїльськими, американськими публічними людьми та бізнесменами. Нас пов’язують дружні відносини, а не ділові», – заявив «Схемам» Моісеєв. Він підкреслив, що Медведчук ніякого стосунку до Proton Energy Group та Glusco Energy не має. «Вони належать мені, я їхній єдиний власник», – сказав він.

Віктор Медведчук не відповів на запит по суті, вдавшись до образ на адресу Радіо Свобода. Але раніше у прес-службі громадського руху «Український вибір», лідером якого він є, повідомляли, що ні Віктор Медведчук, ні його структури жодного стосунку до угоди купівлі-продажу активів «Роснефти» не мають.

Russian Prosecutor Urges Guilty Verdict in Nemtsov Killing

The prosecutor at the trial of five men charged with killing Kremlin critic Boris Nemtsov in Moscow in 2015 has urged jurors to find them guilty.

Wrapping up the state’s case Thursday, Maria Semenenko said their guilt was undisputed.

She also told the official Itar-Tass news agency that investigators had used special equipment during a re-enactment of the crime that placed the defendants’ mobile phones at the site of Nemtsov’s death when the shots were fired.

“Step by step, using the process of elimination, the investigators uncovered the entire chain of the crime, thanks to that expertise,” she told Itar-Tass.

The defense argued that no one could prove a motive for the killing.

Nemtsov was gunned down just steps from the Kremlin in February 2015. He was a popular opposition leader and a strong critic of Russian support for the rebels in eastern Ukraine.

Five suspects from Chechnya or Ingushetia were arrested. One of them confessed but later recanted, claiming he had been tortured.

A former Chechen security official, Ruslan Mukhudinov, is accused of paying the suspects to kill Nemtsov. He is at large.

Treasury Chief ‘Confident’ Congress Will Raise US Debt Limit

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday he was confident that Congress would raise the federal debt limit  “before there’s an issue” with U.S. creditworthiness, and he pledged that the Trump administration’s tax reform plans would be paid for.

“We’re going to get it increased,” Mnuchin told Fox Business Network about the debt limit. “The credit of the United States is the utmost. I’ve said to Congress they should do it as quickly as they can. But we are very focused on working with them and I’m confident we’ll get there before there’s an issue.”

Mnuchin said last week that he wanted a “clean” debt ceiling increase before the start of Congress’ summer recess in early August.

Mnuchin said that it “makes no sense” to view the Trump administration’s tax reform plans through a “static” budget analysis that does not account for economic growth effects. He has previously pledged that increased economic growth would generate more revenue to offset lower tax rates.

“We’re about creating economic growth, we’re about broadening the base and we’re going to make sure that this is tax reform, not just tax cuts, and that they’re paid for,” Mnuchin said.

Europe Leaders React Angrily to Trump Climate Pact Decision

European leaders expressed dismay and anger in equal measure Thursday at President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States, the world’s second-worst polluter, from the landmark Paris climate accord.

They saw it as rebuke and warned it would make it harder to slow the pace of climate change. Government officials in several major European capitals said the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 agreement would further strain a Western alliance they worry is unraveling.

Others said the move would affect America’s standing in the world and undermine the country’s traditional global leadership role as it breaks with virtually every other nation on the issue of climate change.

The European Union’s climate change commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete, said the announcement “has galvanized us rather than weakened us, and this vacuum will be filled by new, broad, committed leadership. Europe and its strong partners all around the world are ready to lead the way.”

The president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, said: “It is a matter of trust and leadership. This decision will hurt the U.S. and the planet.”

‘Small’ America

Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the liberal group of lawmakers in the European Parliament, tweeted a report on the impact of rising sea levels on Hawaii, adding: “Make America small again.”

And Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, tweeted that the city hall there “will be illuminated with green to affirm our will to implement” the Paris Agreement.

Environmental NGOs were scathing in their reaction. Greenpeace said: “By withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, Trump has turned the U.S. from a climate leader into a climate deadbeat.”

The leaders of Germany, France and Italy issued a joint statement expressing “regret” at the decision.

European leaders lobbied Washington with mounting urgency in recent weeks, imploring the Trump administration not to break with the agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Ever since Trump blasted the accord during the 2016 presidential campaign, saying it would cost the U.S. economy trillions of dollars with no tangible environmental benefit, European leaders have been bracing themselves for him to fulfill his pledge to break with the Paris pact.

They made strenuous efforts to dissuade Trump last month at the Group of Seven summit in Sicily, where a frustrated German Chancellor Angela Merkel highlighted the isolation of the U.S. in climate change discussions as a matter of 6-1.

Economic argument

In March, European leaders pursued a new tactic — with Canadian and U.S. business support — by making an economic argument, warning that if the U.S. withdrew, it would miss out on commercial opportunities in clean growth and lose out in energy innovation and clean-energy job creation.

Even at the 11th hour, efforts to dissuade Trump continued. Senior European policymakers tweeted to him, asking him not to break with the pact. And alarmed lawmakers in the European Parliament warned “climate change is not a fairy tale.”

Just before Trump’s withdrawal announcement Thursday, a Vatican official, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, warned the break would be a “disaster for everyone,” but would be seen by the pontiff as a “slap in the face.”

“Saying that we need to rely on coal and oil is like saying that the Earth is not round,” the bishop said. He and some other European officials blamed the fossil fuel industry in the U.S., saying it has an outsized influence on the Trump administration.

At their first ever meeting last month, Pope Francis handed Trump a signed copy of his 2015 encyclical calling for protection of the environment from the effects of climate change.

The accord, agreed on by nearly 200 countries in 2015, aims to cut emissions blamed for global warming. The United States committed to reducing by 2025 its own emissions by 26 to 28 percent compared with 2005 levels. Scientists have said a U.S. withdrawal from the pact could speed up the effects of climate change.

Chinese officials said the move would damage trust among leading powers in multilateral negotiations. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said his country would honor its commitments on climate change. “China will continue to implement the promises made in the Paris accord,” Li said.

Legal response

Some European policymakers are now turning their focus to how they could obstruct the U.S. withdrawal by pursuing legal avenues.

On Wednesday, Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission president and a lawyer, said at a conference of the Confederation of German Employers in Berlin that “the Americans can’t just get out of the agreement,” adding that “it takes three to four years” to pull out.

Other European policymakers want to explore ways of enticing American energy innovators and climate researchers to relocate to Europe, using tax advantages and government subsidies to attract them. And some are advocating the imposition of carbon taxes on U.S. exports to EU nations.

But leaders of Europe’s nationalist populist parties cheered the abandonment of the pact. Britain’s Nigel Farage tweeted: “Trump keeps election promise to ditch the Paris climate accord and everyone is shocked. It’s called democracy.”

US Withdrawal From Paris Climate Deal Disappoints Many Businesses

President Donald Trump is moving the United States out of the Paris climate agreement, signed by nearly 200 other nations.

Trump said Thursday that the Paris agreement hurts U.S. economic growth, costs millions of American jobs and puts U.S. firms at a disadvantage. However, his decision contrasted with the views of hundreds of American business leaders who urged him to continue participating in the climate agreement.

While the president said Washington would stop implementing the Paris accord immediately, he added that he would begin negotiations aimed at rejoining the Paris accord or a similar agreement on terms more advantageous to the United States.  

“We will see if we can make a deal that’s fair,” Trump said. An audience at the White House Rose Garden warmly applauded his announcement.

Among the many corporations that opposed the move to bow out of the Paris Agreement were Mars, Nike, Levi Strauss and Starbucks. Their top corporate officers signed a letter to Trump several months ago, arguing that failing to build a low-carbon economy would put U.S. “prosperity at risk.”

WATCH: Trump: US ‘Will Cease All Implementation’ of Paris Climate Accord

Trump: ‘Fortune’ at stake

Trump said the climate agreement, as presently written, would cost U.S. businesses “a vast fortune” and lead to the loss of 7 million jobs by 2025.

Tesla founder Elon Musk tried to persuade the president to stay in the accord and said Wednesday that he would quit the White House business advisory council if Washington left the Paris Agreement.

GE chief Jeff Immelt has written that customers, partners and countries are demanding technology that generates electric power while improving energy efficiency and cutting costs.

Oil companies like Chevron and ExxonMobil recently argued that the Paris Agreement gives their firms a more predictable future, and therefore more manageable one. The oil companies and some coal firms also say remaining part of the accord helps maintain U.S. influence over future talks.  

Earlier this week, more than 60 percent of Exxon shareholders voted to require that the firm do more analysis and disclosure of the likely impact of tougher climate policies on company revenue. Previous efforts to force such disclosures failed to get a majority of votes from shareholders.  

Some other business, Republican and conservative groups agreed with Trump’s action. The Heritage Foundation, for example, said the accord produces “devastating” economic costs and “zero” environmental benefits.

Тимошенко заявляє, що її контракт з Росією сприяв перемозі в Стокгольмському арбітражі

Лідер партії «Батьківщина» Юлія Тимошенко заявляє, що «Нафтогаз України» виграв позов проти російського «Газпрому» у Стокгольмському арбітражному суді завдяки укладеному нею газовому контракту 2009 року.

«Контракт допоміг Україні виграти Арбітражний суд у Стокгольмі. Він був підписаний у 2009 році і довів, що Янукович діяв не за цим контрактом. Він на корупційній основі переплатив зайві гроші, які не мусив платити. З’ясування ситуації у Стокгольмському арбітражі також чітко показало, що не було ціни в 450 доларів за тисячу кубометрів, вона становила 232 долари, як знають усі», – цитує Тимошенко сайт її політичної сили.

Вона додала, що теперішня влада безпідставно критикує газовий контракт 2009 року, «адже якби він був поганий, то його давно б розірвали».

Прем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман розкритикував заяву Тимошенко. «З боку Тимошенко це не просто зневага до здорового глузду. Це – цинічна зневага до людей. На мій погляд, це – просто огидно! Юлія Тимошенко має до перемоги в Стокгольмі таке ж відношення, як Янукович – до перемоги Революції Гідності», – написав Гройсман у Twitter.

«Нафтогаз України» 31 травня заявив, що отримав окреме рішення Стокгольмського арбітражу у провадженні проти «Газпрому» за контрактом на постачання газу. За повідомленням компанії, Стокгольмський арбітраж задовольнив вимогу «Нафтогазу» щодо перегляду ціни в контракті на постачання газу з «Газпромом» з урахуванням ринкових умов, а також скасував вимоги російського монополіста за умовою «бери або плати» та повністю скасував заборону на реекспорт Україною газу. За принципом «бери або плати», прописаним у контракті 2009 року, Україна мала щороку купувати 52 мільярди кубометрів газу або, навіть не купуючи, оплачувати його вартість.

У жовтні 2014 року компанія «Нафтогаз України» звернулася до Стокгольмського арбітражу з вимогою перегляду контракту на транзит газу з російським «Газпромом», а також компенсації у зв’язку з недостатніми обсягами прокачування.

Перед цим «Нафтогаз» подав позов щодо ціни газу на російську компанію «Газпром» до арбітражного суду у Стокгольмі.

У 2016 році голова української компанії Андрій Коболєв оцінив суму претензій «Нафтогазу» до російського «Газпрому» в 30 мільярдів доларів.

Водночас російський «Газпром» подав до Стокгольмського арбітражного суду три позови проти «Нафтогазу» на загальну суму понад 23 мільярди доларів.

У Дніпрі під міськрадою вимагали зняття екс-беркутівця з посади керівника муніципальної поліції

У Дніпрі 1 червня ввечері сотні жителів пікетували будівлю міської ради, вимагаючи зняття з посади керівника КП «Муніципальна поліція» екс-беркутівця Андрія Ткаченка. Серед учасників акції – активісти Євромайдану та учасники бойових дій на Донбасі, повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода.

У руках пікетувальники тримали плакати з написами «Вище «Беркута» – нижче нікуди!», «Бити будете?», «Відстояли в 2014, відстоїмо в 2017» і роздають листівки з написом «Філатов, забань «Беркут»!».

За словами учасників акції, вони звертаються до міського голови Бориса Філатова з вимогою щодо скасування його рішення про призначення Андрія Ткаченка на посаду, а до міської ради – щодо ліквідації самого КП «Муніципальна поліція», яке, фінансуючись з міського бюджету, «перетворилось на приватну охоронну фірму влади».

«Ми не повинні дати владі перейти цю «червону лінію». Вимога №1 – звільнення пана Ткаченка. Вимога №2 – ліквідувати КП «Муніципальна поліція», – сказав один з координаторів акції Артем Романюков.

Представники КП «Муніципальна поліція» стежать за акцією. Вони одягнуті у формений одяг з написами «Поліція» на спинах і нашивками «Муніципальна поліція» на рукавах.

Водночас у четвер на своїй першій прес-конференції новопризначений керівник муніципальної поліції Дніпра Андрій Ткаченко заявив, що не причетний до розгону демонстрантів на столичному Майдані 2013-2014 років, адже в той час «підрозділ дніпропетровського «Беркуту» разом із львівським «Беркутом» перебували в резерві».

«Коли сталися події на Банковій, ми сиділи в Кабміні, нас звідти не випускали. До кінця січня ми перебували біля Верховної Ради. Після подій на Інститутській я здав усю зброю», – сказав він.

Ткаченко також пообіцяв, що в захисті громадського порядку муніципальна поліція Дніпра співпрацюватиме з Нацполіцією та спілками воїнів АТО.

Цими вихідними міський голова Дніпра Борис Філатов заявив, що змінює очільника муніципальної поліції. Замість колишнього бійця «Правого сектору» добровольця Кирила Харахулаха посаду обійме екс-беркутівець Андрій Ткаченко. Попри те, що звинувачень у злочинах проти учасників Революції гідності проти Ткаченка не висували, у соціальних мережах піднялася хвиля критики.

За даними з сайту мерії, комунальне підприємство «Муніципальна поліція» Дніпровської міської ради створене в липні 2016 року. Основними його завданнями визначено «забезпечення прав членів територіальної громади у сфері благоустрою та громадського порядку». На матеріальне забезпечення підприємства цього року з міського бюджету вже витратили не один мільйон гривень.

Журналісти показали люксовий автопарк працівників економічного управління СБУ

Низка працівників Головного управління контррозвідувального захисту інтересів держави у сфері економічної безпеки СБУ користуються дорогими автомобілями класу люкс, вартість яких може бути неспівмірною з заробітною платою державних службовців. Про це йдеться у розслідуванні програми «Схеми», спільного проекту Радіо Свобода і телеканалу «UA:Перший». 

Деякі із зафіксованих автомобілів офіційно належать не працівникам СБУ, а їхнім батькам, які мають невеликі офіційні доходи, йдеться в сюжеті.

Деяких співробітників на люксових авто вдалось упізнати. Так, журналісти кілька днів поспіль фіксували біля будівлі управління авто Toyota Land Cruiser орієнтовною вартістю 60 тисяч доларів.

Журналісти встановили, що на ньому пересувається Дмитро Бузницький, згадки про якого як про заступника начальника економічного управління СБУ є в інтернеті.

При цьому авто офіційно належить 63-річній Єлизаветі Бузницькій із Канева, очевидно його матері, яка працює диспетчеркою шлюзу державного підприємства «Укрводшлях». Начальник шлюзу – її чоловік, Микола Бузницький. З декларацій видно, що саме таке авто з’явилося в Єлизавети Бузицької кілька років тому. При цьому дохід Єлизавети Бузницької у 2016 році складав приблизно 250 доларів на місяць, а Миколи Бузницького – трохи більше ніж 600 доларів.

Ще один автомобіль BMW GT вартістю близько 40 тисяч доларів, який журналісти неодноразово фіксували біля управління, належить Володимиру Бурлюку – кандидату військових наук, викладачу з Кам’янця-Подільського.

Він – батько 27-річного Олексія Володимировича Бурлюка, який і приїжджає на цьому авто щоранку в СБУ. 

Олексій Бурлюк після низки запитань журналіста визнав, що авто, яким він користується, належить батькові. Мати Олексія, як і його батько, також працює викладачем. 

На Toyota Land Cruiser, вартість моделі якого становить близько 70 тисяч доларів, пересувається Юрій Борейчук.

Він працює в Службі безпеки з 1994 року, про що свідчать дані з відкритих джерел. Він працював у центральному управлінні, а згодом очолив управління, яке має запобігати економічним злочинам у транспортній галузі.

У 2005 році його призначали перевіряти фінансово-господарську діяльність «Укрзалізниці». 

Станом на 2015 рік Юрій Борейчук працював у 3-у управлінні Головного управління контррозвідувального захисту інтересів держави у сфері економічної безпеки. Ймовірно, Юрій Борейчук працює в управлінні й досі. При цьому Юрій Борейчук на запитання журналістів заперечив, що він Юрій Борейчук. А на запитання про те, звідки у нього кошти на Land Cruiser і яка наразі зарплата у Службі безпеки України, відповів: «Робіть запит».

Загалом журналісти програми зафіксували майжe півтора дeсятки дорогих автомобілів. Власників дeяких ідeнтифікувати нe вдалося. А ті, кого вдалося ідентифікувати, не захотіли відповідати на запитання журналістів.

Пeрeд eфіром прeдставники СБУ направили листа, яким намагалися зняти з ефіру програму «Схеми» про елітні авто її співробітників. 

Головне управління контррозвідувального захисту інтересів держави у сфері економічної безпеки СБУ має захищати інтереси держави у галузі економічної безпеки. Службовці, які тут працюють, непублічні: їхнього штатного розпису немає в мережі, на будівлі немає вивіски, а до перехожих, які затримуються біля воріт, виходять охоронці. «Останнім часом почастішали нарікання бізнесу на управління, що покликане захищати інтереси держави у галузі економічної безпеки, – підприємці скаржаться, що працівники цього управління займаються протидією бізнесу задля власної вигоди», – йдеться у розслідуванні.

Stars Added to Grande’s Manchester Concert

The Black Eyed Peas and Robbie Williams will join Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber and other stars at a charity concert Sunday in Manchester, England.

Live Nation said Thursday that girl group Little Mix had also been added to the show being held in response to the Manchester bombing that took place at Grande’s concert in the city last week. Twenty-two people died at the show.

Katy Perry, Coldplay, Miley Cyrus, Pharrell Williams, Take That and Niall Horan also will perform. The event, “One Love Manchester,” will take place at Emirates Old Trafford.

Tickets went on sale Thursday. Proceeds will go to an emergency fund set up by the city of Manchester and the British Red Cross.

Investors Pick Tesla’s Promise Over GM’s Steady Profits

When General Motors CEO Mary Barra introduced the Chevrolet Bolt at the CES gadget show last year, she took a shot at Tesla.

Buyers can be confident because Chevy has 3,000 U.S. dealers to service the new electric vehicle, she said. The implication was that Tesla, with just 69 service centers nationwide, can make no such promise.


The uncharacteristic insult from Barra was designed to highlight the difference between 108-year-old GM and Tesla, a disruptive teenager. It also acknowledged a budding rivalry that could help determine whether Detroit or Silicon Valley sets the course for the future of the auto industry.

The tale of the tape favors GM. It has made billions in profits since returning to the public markets in 2010. GM got the Bolt, a $36,000 car that goes 238 miles per charge, to market before Tesla’s Model 3. Tesla, the 14-year-old company led by flamboyant CEO Elon Musk, has never posted an annual profit.


Yet, as both CEOs face shareholders for annual meetings Tuesday, it is Barra who must explain to skeptical investors why GM’s future is as bright as Tesla’s.


GM’s stock is trading around the $33 price of its initial public offering seven years ago. During that time, Tesla shares have soared more than tenfold to $335. Wall Street now values Tesla at about $55 billion, compared to around $50 billion for GM.


Despite efforts to paint themselves as technology companies, automakers can’t shake their giant, capital-intensive global manufacturing operations. The huge investment needed to build vehicles yields low profit margins compared with tech companies that make software or cell phones, says Michael Ramsey, an analyst with Gartner. GM’s net profit margin in 2016 was 5.7 percent. By comparison, Alphabet Inc., parent of Google, had a 22 percent margin.


Although it’s an automaker, Tesla started in the tech bucket and remains there in the eyes of investors and buyers, Ramsey says.


Tesla’s electric cars are the envy of the industry, and its semi-autonomous technology is among the most advanced on the road. Musk says Tesla’s California assembly plant – which used to be GM’s – will soon be among the most efficient in the world. And it’s branching into areas with potential for bigger returns, including solar panels, energy storage and trucking.

Tesla is absurdly overvalued if based on the past, but that’s irrelevant. A stock price represents risk-adjusted future cash flows,” Musk tweeted in April.


Still, Musk can’t risk any missteps as Tesla pivots from a niche manufacturer of 84,000 high-priced cars per year. The Model 3 sedan, Tesla’s first mainstream car, is due out later this year, but previous launches have been plagued with delays. Tesla has yet to prove it can build high-volume vehicles with quality and reliability, as GM does. Musk aims to make 500,000 vehicles per year in 2018; GM made more than 10 million cars and trucks last year.

GM, too, is stretching into new areas. Its Maven car-sharing service has 35,000 members in 17 North American cities, and it’s providing cars for ride-hailing services. GM is developing autonomous cars with Cruise Automation, a software company purchased last year. Its SuperCruise semi-autonomous driving system, due out this year, is designed to be safer than Tesla’s.


And GM isn’t the only automaker with a stagnant stock price. Of the seven best-selling carmakers in the U.S., only Toyota and Fiat Chrysler have seen significant growth in seven years. Ford, Honda and Hyundai all have lost value.


“Investors and the financial markets are much more interested in investing in the potential of what might be huge than in the reality of what’s already profitable and likely to remain so for years to come,” says Sam Abuelsamid, a senior analyst with Navigant Research.


Abuelsamid says GM could better trumpet its technology achievements. For instance, it scarcely markets the Bolt. By contrast, Musk builds hype with nightclub-like events for Tesla owners and Twitter banter with 8.8 million followers.


“The only way you can get people to perceive you in the same light as a company like Tesla is to demonstrate it,” Abuelsamid says.


Musk is crucial to Tesla’s success. The risk-taking billionaire founded PayPal and rocket company SpaceX before taking over Tesla. He espouses big ideas like Hyperloop high-speed transportation and colonizing Mars.


Barra, on the other hand, is a methodical engineer who rarely strays from script. She has only 29,500 Twitter followers. She’s a GM lifer who earned a company-paid MBA from Stanford; Musk left a Stanford graduate physics program after just two days to form a publishing startup.


“Mary is like a normal high-level performing executive,” Ramsey says. “Elon Musk is like an almost unrivaled superstar, even in comparison to Silicon Valley executives.”


Still, the big changes in the auto industry are in the early stages. Electric vehicles make up less than 1 percent of global auto sales and fully self-driving cars are years away. The economy can falter and company fortunes can shift. Already this year, sales in the U.S. and China are slowing, and GM pulled out of the European and Indian markets because they weren’t profitable.


GM knows the ups and downs of auto sales, but Tesla will have to learn to manage them. If the Model 3 is late and Tesla sales fall, its stock price could drop and reduce Tesla’s access to cheap capital, Ramsey says.


“I don’t think they’re completely immune to economic cycles,” he says. “That will be when we really know if Tesla can maintain this out-of-whack share value with their fundamentals.”

Canada Threatens to Cancel Boeing Order Over Trade Complaint

Canada’s defense minister repeated a threat Wednesday to cancel the purchase of 18 fighter jets from Boeing Co. because of the company’s trade complaint against Canadian plane maker Bombardier.


Harjit Sajjan said Boeing’s action against Bombardier is “unfounded” and not the behavior of a “trusted partner.” He said buying the Super Hornet fighter jets “requires a trusted industry partner.”

Sajjan urged Boeing to withdraw the complaint. Canada’s foreign minister has also threatened to block the order.


“Our government — and I stress this — our government is disappointed in the action of one of our leading industry partners,” he said. 

Complaint could mean duties


Chicago-based Boeing’s trade complaint prompted a U.S. Commerce Department anti-dumping investigation that could result in duties being imposed on Bombardier’s new larger C Series passenger aircraft. Boeing insists the plane receives Canadian government subsidies that give it an advantage internationally.


Canada’s threat is coming amid increasing trade disputes with the U.S. 


Scott Day, a spokesman for Boeing, noted that Sajjan also recognized Boeing as a strong partner in the past and for the future. Day defended the company’s trade action. 


“This is a commercial matter that Boeing is seeking to address through the normal course for resolving such issues,” Day said in an email. 


Boeing petitioned the U.S. Commerce Department and the U.S. International Trade Commission to investigate subsidies of Montreal-based Bombardier’s C Series aircraft. Boeing says Bombardier has received more than US $3 billion in government subsidies that let it engage in “predatory pricing.”


Brazil has also launched a formal complaint to the World Trade Organization over Canadian subsidies to Bombardier. Sao Paolo-based Embraer is a fierce rival of Bombardier.

Government investment


The Quebec government invested US $1 billion in exchange for a 49.5 percent stake in the C Series last year. Canada’s federal government also recently provided a US $275 million loan to Bombardier, which struggled to win orders for its new medium-size plane. But Bombardier won a 75-plane order for the C Series from U.S.-based Delta Air Lines in 2016. Bombardier said its planes never competed with Boeing in the sale to Delta.


The Canadian government said late last year it would enter into discussions on buying 18 Super Hornet jet fighters from Boeing on an interim basis and hold an open competition to buy more planes over the next five years. Canada remains part of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.