From Bitcoin to Big Business, Blockchain Technology Goes Mainstream

Bitcoin, the controversial digital currency, recently made headlines for reaching a record high valuation of more than $2,700, but perhaps the bigger growth potential lies in blockchain. The technology behind bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies is being explored by more conventional companies and businesses. VOA’s Tina Trinh reports from New York.

EU: Turkey Tensions Ease on Erdogan Visit

A picture of a smiling Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan flanked by EU President Donald Tusk and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker adorned much of Turkey’s pro-government media this week.

“Erdogan got his picture of his handshake in Brussels, which is really only what he wanted,” said political science professor Cengiz Aktar, “because he is looking for legitimacy in his new position as strongman of Turkey.”

Erdogan’s narrow referendum victory extending his presidential powers remains mired in vote-rigging allegations. EU leaders, unlike U.S. President Donald Trump, had refrained from endorsing his success.

During the referendum campaign, Turkey’s relations with the EU plummeted, with Erdogan describing some EU members as behaving like Nazis because they refused to allow Turkish ministers to campaign among Turkish diaspora voters.

“The pictures that emerged with Juncker and Tusk suggest a reduction of tensions and a more relaxed atmosphere,” said Semih Idiz, political columnist of the Al Monitor website. But Idiz played down any talk of any new rapprochement in relations.

“Bottom line is nether side wants to go to some kind of nasty severance of ties or divorce. There are too many issues that require cooperation. I think they will muddle through, and I think that is the message that came out. Although both sides had theirs, in terms of issues that are important, the main thing is that they are not going to escalate tensions,” said Idiz.

“We discussed the need to cooperate,” Tusk said following the meeting in a tweet.

Turkey plays its part

Monday’s suicide bombing of a pop concert in Manchester, England, served as a reminder of Turkey’s importance in countering terrorism, with a Turkish official confirming the suspected bomber had traveled through Turkey to Britain. With Turkey bordering Syria and Iraq, Europe’s security forces depend heavily on Ankara in sharing intelligence and monitoring those traveling to Europe.

The EU is also dependent on Ankara to continue to honor last March’s agreement to stem the flood of refugees and migrants into Europe. “This is perhaps one of the few and certainly important pieces of leverage Ankara has over Brussels,” said Sinan Ulgen, visiting scholar at the Carnegie Institute in Brussels. “We have been hearing from Ankara over the past few months that if the EU does not fulfill its end of the bargain and does not deliver on visa freedom, even under current circumstances Turkey will not continue with the refugee deal.”

Before leaving for Brussels, Erdogan pointedly reminded the EU of its commitments. “We don’t aim to break away from the EU, but the EU shall take its responsibilities, too. The EU cannot see Turkey [as] a beggar. It does not have such a right,” he said.



Turkey crackdown to continue

Brussels insists any visa free travel is dependent on Ankara’s narrowing of its legal definition of terrorism to harmonize it with EU law. Tens of thousands of people in Turkey have been prosecuted for terrorism offenses in a crackdown since last July’s failed coup.

But Erdogan has ruled out any letup in the crackdown, or lifting of emergency rule introduced after the coup. On Friday, Ankara’s governor, under emergency powers, issued a decree imposing a night curfew on any acts of protests, including chanting or playing music, or issuing of press statements.

Tensions with Washington could also be a factor in Ankara’s wanting to avoid a collapse in EU ties. Trump’s decision to arm Syrian Kurdish fighters, considered by Ankara as terrorists, in their fight against Islamic State has strained bilateral ties. Those strains weren’t alleviated by Erdogan’s visit this month to Washington.

Ariana Grande to Return to Manchester for Benefit Show

U.S. pop singer Ariana Grande says she will return to Manchester, England, to play a benefit show to raise money for the 22 victims and families of this week’s terrorist attack.

Grande had just finished her show Monday night when a suicide bomber blew himself up in the crowded lobby of the Manchester Arena. She was unharmed, although deeply shaken by the attack, and canceled her concert dates for the next two weeks.

No date has yet been set for the benefit concert, which Grande announced in a letter posted on Twitter Friday:

“Our response [to the bombing] must be to come closer together, to help each other, to love more, to sing louder, and to live more kindly and generously than we did before. I’ll be returning to the incredibly brave city of Manchester to spend some time with my fans and to have a benefit concert in honor of and to raise money for the victims and their families.”

She said she would share details of the concert as soon as they are confirmed.

Grande is expected to resume the European portion of her world tour next month, with shows in France, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Manchester native Salman Abedi, 22, killed himself in the Manchester attack, detonating a bomb filled with nuts and bolts that he carried in a backpack. In addition to the 22 dead, at least 116 children and adults were wounded.

Many of the victims were young girls, who make up a large part of Grande’s fan base. Others were parents who had gone to arena to meet their children after the concert. The youngest victim was 8 years old.

British authorities detained eight people in connection with the attack, and Abedi’s father and a brother, who live in Tripoli, Libya, were taken into custody there. Details on how they may be tied to the bombing have not been released.

British-Libyans Express Anger, Fear Following Manchester Bombing

How to stop people who are determined to kill and maim is again the focus of debate in Britain following the Manchester bombing, the worst terrorist attack in the country in more than a decade.

While visiting hospitalized children injured in the attack, Britain’s Queen Elizabeth determinedly stressed Thursday how “everyone is united” in the aftermath of the attack, dubbing the bombing “dreadful, very wicked.”

Not everyone, though, is emphasizing the importance of unity.

Allison Pearson, a columnist with Britain’s biggest-selling broadsheet, the Daily Telegraph, has maintained that the only way to prevent more jihadist killings is by rounding up and interning thousands of terror suspects “now to protect our children.”

In a tweet in the aftermath of the bombing, controversial Daily Mail columnist Katie Hopkins urged “Western men” to act.

“These are your wives. Your daughters. Your sons,” she wrote. “Stand up. Rise up. Demand action. Do not carry on as normal. Cowed.”

Hopkins, who has 730,000 followers on Twitter, also tweeted the call for a “final solution” to address Islamic terrorism. The tweet prompted London radio station LBC to fire her Friday as a talk-show host. “Final solution” was a phrase used by the Nazis to refer to their campaign to exterminate Jews during the Holocaust.

Muslims fear a rise in Islamophobia, stoked, they say, by tabloid press commentators like Hopkins.

Fear — and anger

For Britain’s Muslims — especially British-Libyans — the bombing has again raised the specter of being treated differently, of having to look over their shoulders and of being fearful about their future in a country where they were born or that gave them or their families refuge from oppression and intolerance elsewhere. They fear being treated as menacing strangers or potential terrorists in the place they call home.

On Thursday, a crowd paying tribute to the 22 people who were killed in the May 22 bombing at the Ariana Grande concert spontaneously pushed back on talk of retribution and retaliation, picking up the song “Don’t Look Back in Anger,” by the Mancunian rock band Oasis.

But there is anger, and it is being expressed on social media sites and radio talk shows, and in bars and streets, as Britain reels at the slaughter of innocents, prompting some counterterror analysts and civil libertarians to fear that another major bombing could provoke the kind of backlash Islamic State terror strategists hope to engineer.

On Facebook and other social media sites, British-Libyans have been expressing their horror at the attack and denouncing 22-year-old Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber. “Bloody fool! Why would you kill innocents? Can’t believe he was Libyan — it’s bad enough he was a Muslim!” commented a British-Libyan psychologist from the town of Loughborough in the English Midlands.

British-Libyans have also been sharing their fears about what the consequences of the bombing could be for them — especially those living in Manchester, Britain’s largest Libyan community and one of the most closely knit in the country.

“I have mixed Libyan/English heritage and have lived in Manchester my whole life,” posted Fatima Derbi. “I am completely sickened by this!! Unfortunately this may have a negative impact on the 25,000 Libyans living in this city.”

Threats and slurs

Mohamed Shaban, who was born in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, but brought up in London and is now a legal adviser, worries that Abedi will be seen by many Britons as somehow representative of British-Libyans.

“Libyans in the U.K. come in different shades,” Shaban said. “There are those who have excelled in their fields, in medicine, science, law and commerce. Others invest their time and money in charity work, while others have made it as professional footballers at elite English clubs. Unfortunately, one or two have lost their way, and the tragedy is that this abysmal excuse of a human being who mass murdered children at a concert is going to be misdescribed as a representative of all Libyans in the U.K. Sad on so many levels.”

Some Muslims say they are already on the receiving end of threats and slurs. “People will retaliate obviously,” a Manchester Muslim told British broadcaster Channel Four News, adding, “There is a risk. It’s all about ignorance, all about awareness; we need to make sure people are aware of what Islam is really about, because that’s not what our Islam teaches us.”

Some British-Libyans say the onus is on them to be more outspoken in condemnation and much more proactive to argue against those in their own community who are determined to fan the flames of hatred.

US Economy Grows Slowly, But at Faster Pace Than First Thought

The U.S. economy expanded at a slightly faster pace than first estimated during the first quarter of this year.

The Commerce Department’s Friday report shows expansion at a 1.2 percent annual rate in January, February and March. That is nearly twice as fast as the preliminary estimate, but slower than the end of last year, and much more slowly than the 3 percent rate of expansion that the Trump administration says it will achieve.

Officials routinely revise growth estimates as more complete data becomes available.

Many experts say the economy is growing slowly because aging baby boomers are leaving the work force to retire, and productivity growth has been disappointingly slow.

The chief economist of PNC Bank, Gus Faucher, says growth is “bouncing back” in the second quarter. Faucher says he expects the U.S. economic growth will bounce around somewhat and expand at a 2.3 percent rate this year. Faucher also expects the growth rate to be about the same next year. 

A separate report shows new orders for manufactured goods declined in April. The seven-tenths of a percent decrease followed several months of gains.

Experts: Africa ‘Hemorrhaging’ Billions in Illicit Financial Flows

Africa loses an estimated $50 billion a year to illicit financial flows, leaving governments strapped for cash and dependent on development aid.

The continent is “hemorrhaging” money because of the failure of countries to enact strong legislation to check money flows, says Rose Acha, Cameroon’s supreme state audit minister and secretary general of the African Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.

Instead, uncontrolled transactions are common.

“Whatever the source of your money, we don’t know, but we welcome those who want to deposit money,” said Faison Winifred of Investment Fund, a local financial institution in Cameroon’s capital, Yaounde. “Why … do you discourage the person by asking where is your source of income? We encourage everybody who comes to deposit money. … There is no limit. Whatever amount you want to deposit, we like it.”

Acha says smuggling and trafficking during illegal commercial activity constitute 65 percent of Africa’s financial hemorrhage, while criminal activities — which consist of using funds for illegal purposes, like financing organized crime and terrorism — come next with 30 percent. She says corruption and tax evasion account for the remaining 5 percent of the money lost.

According to the United Nations High Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows, Africa loses a staggering $50 billion annually. The panel says that is approximately double the amount of official development assistance Africa receives.

African tax and audit experts, meeting this week in Yaounde, said the worst offender is Nigeria, with an illicit outflow of $157 billion from 2003 to 2012. South Africa ranks second with $122 billion lost during that time period, and Egypt third with $37 billion.

Magagi Tanko of the supreme state audit office of Niger says that in Central and West Africa, huge sums of money are transferred illegally and public coffers are impoverished. In addition, illegal financial flows from drug trafficking have spiraled.

Exporters use under-invoicing so they can dodge taxes and bring in less foreign exchange, leaving the rest of their earnings in offshore accounts, he says.

Lagan Wort, executive secretary of the African Tax Administration, says a regional approach is key.

“Parts of the defense mechanism that African governments must employ is to build strong tax legislation and tax policy systems, including tax agreements between countries, especially inter-African countries,” Wort said.

The experts resolved to work with the Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative — a joint effort by the World Bank and U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime — to recover funds, but said the process is long and cumbersome, since many banks remain secretive about their transactions.

They said many of the illicit financial flows also end up funneled through complex criminal rings, severely limiting the ability of law enforcement and tax authorities to trace offenders and eventually recover the money.

Українець, якого звинувачують у підготовці теракту в Росії, подав позов до ЄСПЛ

Громадянин України Артур Панов, якого влада Росії звинувачує у підготовці теракту в Ростові-на-Дону, подав скаргу до Європейського суду з прав людини, повідомляє видання «Кавказский узол» із посиланням на лист Панова.

У листі, переданому через адвоката, Панов заявляє, що стосовно нього були порушені статті Європейської конвенції про право на свободу й особисту недоторканність, а також на справедливий судовий розгляд. Обвинувачений підкреслює, що буде вимагати від Росії повернути його в Україну і залучити до справи офіційний Київ як третю сторону.

19-річний Артур Панов був затриманий на початку грудня 2015 року в Ростовській області після перетину українсько-російського кордону за підозрою у підготовці теракту в Росії. 14 лютого в Північно-Кавказькому військовому окружному суді міста Ростов-на-Дону почався судовий процес у його справі. Разом з Пановим на лаві підсудних опинився ростовський студент, якому інкримінують сприяння у «злочинній діяльності» українця.

Перебуваючи під вартою, Артур Панов оголошував голодування.


Сарган: ГПУ має намір відкликати подання на зняття депутатської недоторканності з Бобова

Генеральна прокуратура має намір відкликати подання на зняття недоторканності з народного депутата від групи «Відродження» Геннадія Бобова після закриття кримінального провадження. Про це повідомила прес-секретар генерального прокурора Юрія Луценка Лариса Сарган.

«Подання на зняття депутатської недоторканності, подане Генпрокуратурою до Верховної Ради, буде відкликане після рішення слідчого про закриття провадження в установленому законом порядку», – написала вона на своїй сторінці у Facebook.

Генеральний прокурор Юрій Луценко підтвердив на своїй сторінці у Facebook, що Бобов «сплатив визначену Державною фіскальною службою суму податкової недоїмки в 37 мільйонів 866 тисяч 45 гривень 2 копійки на рахунок держказначейства».

Раніше у 26 травня Геннадій Бобов заявив, що перерахував до державного бюджету всі податкові нарахування, відповідно до вимог правоохоронців. Але водночас депутат зазначив, що не погоджується зі звинуваченнями на його адресу з боку Генеральної прокуратури, яка підозрює його в ухилянні від сплати податків і декларуванні недостовірної інформації, і зазначив, що «остаточну крапку в цій справі поставить суд».

24 травня заступник голови регламентного комітету парламенту Павло Пинзеник повідомив, що до Верховної Ради України надійшло подання прокуратури на притягнення до кримінальної відповідальності народного депутата Геннадія Бобова.

Генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко 19 травня повідомив, що подання підготували під час перевірки електронних декларацій.

Turkish Forces Kill Nearly 30 Kurdish Militants

Turkish security forces killed 29 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants in an operation in a mountainous area of eastern Turkey’s Agri and Van provinces, the Agri governor’s office said Friday.

Turkey’s army said Thursday three Turkish soldiers and a member of the state-sponsored village guard militia had been killed in the operation, launched in the Tendurek mountain area along the border of the two provinces, near the Iranian border.

A ceasefire between the Turkish state and the militants broke down in July 2015 and the southeast subsequently saw some of the worst violence since the PKK insurgency began in 1984.

More than 40,000 people, mostly Kurds, have been killed in the conflict. The PKK is designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union.

Trump Rebukes NATO Leaders to Their Faces

On his first NATO summit as U.S. president, Donald Trump lectured NATO leaders for spending what he sees as insufficient money on defense, and said the group should be more focused on terrorism. The president’s remarks came Thursday at a meeting of European leaders in Brussels, as VOA’s Steve Herman reports.

Defying Pessimists, NATO Summit Ends on Positive Note

NATO has moved into brand new, shiny headquarters – projecting a modern, forward looking image that counters the characterization that President Trump and other critics of the alliance have previously made of the organization.  Amid the anxiety felt by some European leaders about the future, some see Thursday’s summit – where discussions were driven largely by the latest spate of terrorist attacks in Europe – as a possibility for a new direction for the alliance. VOA’s Luis Ramirez reports.

Illinois Company Among Hundreds Supporting NASA Mission to Mars

A budget proposal by the Trump administration in March outlines a commitment to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) effort to send astronauts to Mars. About $3.7 billion is earmarked for development of the Space Launch System and the Orion capsule, crucial parts of NASA’s effort to send humans deeper into space. VOA’s Kane Farabaugh explores the effort of contractors working on the project, united by the commitment to “boldly go” further into the final frontier.

П’ятеро військових поранені через бойові дії минулої доби на Донбасі – штаб

У результаті бойових дій минулої доби п’ятеро військовослужбовців Збройних сил України були поранені на Донбасі, повідомили у прес-центрі штабу АТО на сторінці у Facebook.

«Ситуація у районі проведення АТО залишається складною. Є ознаки часткового її загострення на окремих ділянках лінії зіткнення. Минулої доби проросійські бандформування 57 разів відкривали вогонь по підрозділах сил АТО, все частіше використовуючи важке артилерійське озброєння, застосування якого суворо заборонене Мінськими домовленостями. Били бандити, зокрема, й по житлових кварталах населених пунктів», – йдеться в повідомленні.

За даними штабу, найбільше обстрілів напередодні було на приморському та донецькому напрямках – 29 і 26 відповідно.

«Близько 21:00 години противник обстріляв наші опорні пункти на підступах до Красногорівки з мінометів різних калібрів, озброєння танку та БМП, зенітної установки та піхотного озброєння. Під час цього обстрілу декілька ворожих мін влучили у житловий квартал неподалік міської лікарні. На щастя, ніхто не постраждав. Декілька навколишніх будинків були пошкоджені», – повідомили у штабі.

Військові також зазначили, що напруженою залишається і ситуація в передмісті Авдіївки.

В угрупованнях «ЛНР» та «ДНР» станом на 7:00 п’ятниці не надають інформації про останні години на захоплених донецькими та луганськими бойовиками територіях.

Наприкінці березня учасники Тристоронньої контактної групи домовилися про чергове перемир’я у зоні збройного конфлікту на сході України, що мало почати діяти з 1 квітня. Проте обстріли не припинилися, а сторони конфлікту звинуватили в цьому одна одну.





Rethinking the Future of Beauty Salons

Soon there will be no classic beauty salons in the United States. At least that’s what two Alexandria businessmen claim. Don and Jeff DeBolt, father and son, offer stylists an opportunity to become owners of “one man salons” by renting equipped salon studios. The prices start at three hundred dollars per week. Their experiment turned out to be a successful business. Today there are 300 Sola Salon Studios with over seven thousand professionals. Anush Avetisyan visited one of them.

Білий дім переглядає санкції проти Росії через агресію щодо України – радник Трампа

Білий дім переглядає серію санкцій, запроваджених проти Росії командою Барака Обами, але в нинішньої адміністрації Дональда Трампа наразі немає жодної позиції, чи підтримувати їх. Про це сказав 25 травня керівник Економічної ради Білого дому Гері Кон.

Радник Трампа з економічних питань додав, що, коли європейські лідери на саміті НАТО в Брюсселі запитали президента США, чи планує він продовжувати санкції від 2014 року, запроваджені через передусім незаконну анексію Росією Криму, то його відповідь була, що він іще не вирішив, що робити.

«Я думаю, що президент розглядає це. Зараз у нас немає позиції», – сказав Кон журналістам в президентському літаку дорогою на Сицилію, де 25 травня відбудеться саміт «Групи семи». Водночас економічний радник Трампа зазначив, що у президента США є «багато варіантів», які він розглядає в контексті теми санкцій.

Під час виборчої кампанії Дональд Трамп не виключив зняття санкцій з Росії, тоді як посол США в ООН Ніккі Гейлі заявила, що нова адміністрація не скасує їх, доки Москва не поверне Україні Крим.

Санкції були запроваджені окремо Сполученими Штатами і Європейським союзом в 2014 році і відтоді неодноразово продовжувалися і розширювалися.

Gas Prices High, Going Higher in North Korea

While world attention has focused on Kim Jong Un’s recent missile tests, a monthlong surge in gasoline prices in Pyongyang is showing no signs of letting up, a puzzling problem that if allowed to drag on could be bad news for the North Korean economy.


Prices have shot up to about $2.30 per kilogram, or about $6.44 a gallon, since mid-April, when prices were in the $1.25-30 range. That means North Korea now has some of the highest prices in the world for gasoline. For comparison, the price in April last year was about 80 cents per kilogram.


The cause and extent of the surge remains a mystery. 

Traffic unaffected


Officially, there has been no comment. There’s no obvious sign of less traffic on the streets, at least in Pyongyang, which is more affluent and developed than other North Korean cities. Taxis appear to be operating normally and have not raised their fares. 


The North’s by now pervasive market economy, which is tolerated by the ruling regime in exchange for its cut of the profits, has made fuel and the ability to transport goods and people so essential that demand for gasoline is not so sensitive to price. 


But many gas stations around the capital, if they are selling fuel at all, have been limiting who they sell it to and how much each customer can buy. The long queues and mad dashes to fill gas tanks and large plastic storage cans that marked the beginning days of the surge appear to have subsided, though stations’ operations remain irregular and unpredictable.


North Korean gas stations generally belong to chains associated with large government enterprises or sometimes the military. Gas is also sold through more informal channels, including street-side stalls and the black market. It is sold by weight in North Korea, thus the “per kilogram” rates. 

What’s behind this?


Without official confirmation or data, it’s hard to conclusively say what is happening. Prices also tend to fluctuate from station to station. 


Several possible scenarios could be in play. 


It was rumored last month that China had or was about to limit exports. That possibility, hinted at in a tabloid newspaper associated with China’s ruling party, could have set off the surge either because of an actual drop in supply or speculative buying in anticipation of a shortfall. 


The incentive to hoard remains because of rumors Beijing will implement sanctions if Pyongyang conducts a nuclear test. It is unclear how informed North Koreans are about the possibility of another test soon, but satellite imagery widely reported abroad suggests one could come at any time.


The North Korean government itself might have pulled some of supply out of the market.


Pyongyang has been known to divert fuel to higher-priority uses, such as major construction projects or high-profile political events. Gas prices can also rise in tandem with the farming cycle, when more fuel is needed for tractors and pumps. All three could apply right now. North Korea completed construction of a major high-rise residential area in the capital and held a lavish celebration and military parade last month. This is also spring planting season.


The most ominous possibility is that the regime is preparing for some sort of emergency.


But there does not seem to be any strong evidence of that or of Chinese action to cut off supplies. 

William Brown, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and non-resident fellow at the Korea Economic Institute of America, said rumor-inspired hoarding is the likely culprit. 

Sensitivity to sanctions


It’s unclear if prices are also rising for diesel and kerosene, used to heat and keep the lights on in city apartments and machinery working in the fields. 


An acute sensitivity to even the hint of Chinese sanctions, if that is behind the surge, would be telling. 


The Soviet Union supplied crude oil to North Korea in the 1950s through the 1980s. China joined in early 1970s and now provides virtually all of the North’s supply. Brown said that includes a 50,000-ton delivery monthly via an 18-kilometer (11-mile) cross-border pipeline that is worth about $20 million at current Chinese export prices. 


Beijing doesn’t require the North to pay and hasn’t included those shipments in official trade figures since 2014. 


If Pyongyang had to start paying for that 50,000-ton freebie, the profit from sales of what it refines domestically would drop and it would have less money to spend on other things. The resulting scarcity of dollars would hurt the value of North Korea’s currency, leading to inflation. 


In any case, Brown said, the volatility of gasoline prices underscores the North’s dependence on markets that have expanded dramatically since Kim Jong Un took power more than five years ago. The rise of markets has led to better productivity and use of scarce goods, like gasoline, helping economic growth.


But, he added, it is at the same time “the bane of a socialist government.”


“Real money in private pockets, after all, is power,” he said. 

Поліція залучить військових Нацгвардії до охорони «Маршу рівності» у Києві

Національна поліція України посилить охорону під час «Маршу рівності» у Києві 18 червня, зокрема залучить до цього військовослужбовців Національної гвардії і громадські організації.

За попередньою інформацією, цього року символічним маршем пройдуть до п’ять тисяч учасників. «Це вдвічі більше, ніж у 2016 році. Зважаючи на це, столична поліція посилить заходи безпеки», – йдеться в повідомленні поліції Києва.

«Кожен в нашій державі має право на висловлювання власної думки та позиції, право на мирне зібрання. Тож ми готові до спілкування як із організаторами, так із опонентами маршу. Водночас будь-яка провокація буде рішуче припинена і діям правопорушників надана правова оцінка», – заявив керівник поліції Києва Андрій Крищенко на зустрічі з представниками посольств.

За його словами, з метою запобігання можливим терористичним актам і попередження злочинів до території, де буде проходити марш, поліція обмежить доступ. «Проте ми встановимо достатню кількість пропускних пунктів із металевими рамками, щоб створити вільний прохід представникам ЗМІ, дипломатичних місій та громадських організацій», – сказав керівник столичних поліцейських.

Раніше 15 послів закликали поліцію і владу Києва підтримати й захистити право ЛГБТІ й тих, хто їх підтримує, на проведення «Маршу рівності», який планується на 18 червня в столиці України.

У спільній заяві посли Австрії, Бельгії, Канади, Данії, ЄС, Фінляндії, Франції, Німеччини, Італії, Нідерландів, Норвегії, Швеції, Швейцарії, Великої Британії та США висловили сподівання на мирне проведення такої акції в столиці України й інших містах.

У серпні минулого року під час «Маршу рівності» за права ЛГБТ в Одесі, який відбувся попри заборону Одеського окружного адміністративного суду, поліція повідомила про затримання 20 людей, які намагалися завадити проведенню маршу.

12 червня 2016 року в центрі Києва «Марш рівності» відбувся без інцидентів, але із залученням значної кількості поліцейських.

За даними Міжнародної асоціації лесбійок і геїв (ILGA), напади на лесбійок, геїв, бісексуалів і трансгендерів усе ще поширені в багатьох країнах, крім того, одностатева сексуальна активність залишається злочином у 72 країнах.


У РНБО заявляють, що не розглядали питання пасажирських перевезень із Росією

Рада національної безпеки й оборони України не розглядала питання про припинення пасажирських перевезень між Україною та Росією, повідомили Радіо Свобода у прес-службі РНБО.

«На засіданні РНБО питання пасажирських перевезень між Україною та Росією не розглядалося… поки такого питання не вносилося», – заявила у прес-службі РНБО.

25 травня російське видання «Комерсант» заявило, що уряд України планує припинити пасажирське перевезення між Україною та Росією з 1 липня 2017 року.

Прес-служба «Укрзалізниці» заявила, що компанія поки що не ухвалювала ніяких рішень щодо цього.


OPEC, Non-OPEC Nations Poised to Extend Output Cuts

OPEC and other oil nations meeting Thursday appeared set to extend their production cuts in an effort to shore up prices. But the intended impact could be short-lived.

That’s due to U.S. shale producers. With crude prices above $50 a barrel from lows of last year, they are increasingly moving back into the market. Their output already is partially offsetting the cuts, and even more U.S. companies are poised to return if prices rise further.


The upshot is that the price of oil — and derived products like fuel — is unlikely to increase much in coming months, analysts say. That will be welcome news to consumers and energy-hungry businesses worldwide but could continue to strain the budgets of some of the more economically-troubled oil-producing nations, like Venezuela and Brazil.


The latest reductions have been in effect since November, when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to cut production by 1.2 million barrels a day. Non-OPEC countries led by Russia chipped in with a further 600,000-barrel reduction.


Ahead of the meeting, the organization announced that Equatorial Guinea had joined, expanding OPEC membership to 14.


With the deal due to expire at the end of June, OPEC oil ministers appeared ready to prolong it up to nine months even before they sat down to make a formal decision.


Saudi Oil Minister Khalid A. al-Falih spoke of a “9-month straight” extension going into Thursday’s meeting. Iran’s Bijan Namdar Zanganeh floated possible extensions of three months, six months or even a year and said his country had “no difficulty” with any of the options, while Jabbar Ali Hussein al-Luiebi, his Iraqi counterpart, mentioned “the scenario of a nine-month freeze.”


Al-Falih said that the cuts had achieved a key aim. “Inventories are drawing down,” he told reporters.


But even with the reductions, oil prices have risen less than OPEC hoped for from last year’s levels. At over $50 a barrel, benchmark crude sits substantially below the highs reached in 2014, but is priced high enough to bring back into the market U.S. producers who eased back as prices tumbled last year. U.S. shale production requires a higher price to be profitable.


U.S. output since last year has increased by nearly a million barrels a day to a daily 9 million barrels. That already puts American producers in the league with oil giants Saudi Arabia and Russia and cuts further into OPEC’s past ability to play a role in setting prices and supplies.

More than 400 oil rigs are now working U.S. shale fields — an increase of more than 120 percent compared with a year ago. And U.S. producers are poised to expand more, even if prices tick upward only moderately as a result of an oil-cut extension by OPEC and its partners.


Commerzbank cited data from the U.S. Department of Energy saying U.S. production was roughly 540,000 barrels per day higher in mid-May than at the start of the year.


“This offsets nearly half of OPEC’s production cuts,” it noted.


Even a decision to maintain oil cuts thus is likely to only kick the can down the road from Thursday’s meeting until OPEC ministers convene again late this year. Crude prices are unlikely to rise substantially — and that means the era of windfall profits appears to be over for member nations, at least for now.


While analysts at research firm IHS Markit expect OPEC revenues to rise modestly this year after dropping from their peak of $1.2 trillion in 2012, “the total will be less than half the level of 2012, when prices were more than double current levels.”



Concerns Grow About Libya Connection to Manchester Bombing

British counter-terror officers have been conducting raids and making arrests in the wake of the concert bombing earlier this week that killed 22 people, including children. The raids are reassuring on the one hand, showing the police are moving fast. But they are adding also to a sense of alarm among Manchester residents.

That alarm is slowly morphing into anger as it has emerged British security services missed several opportunities to identify the Manchester suicide bomber, 22-year-old Salman Abedi, as a high-risk militant. Several people have stepped forward — from neighbors to mosque leaders and community workers — to complain about the lack of action by authorities after they reported their worries about him to counter-terror officials.

One community worker says he contacted authorities after Abedi said “being a suicide bomber was OK.”

Another community leader, Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: “People in the community expressed concerns about the way this man was behaving and reported it in the right way using the right channels. They did not hear anything since.”

Neither Britain’s domestic intelligence service MI5 nor the Manchester police have responded to the claims, but they are likely to be taken up by lawmakers demanding to know why Abedi was seen just as a peripheral figure rather than a threat requiring surveillance and investigation.

British authorities are focusing also on the international connections of the Manchester suicide bomber, who was born in Britain to Libyan parents after they fled to Britain in 1980 to escape the regime of Col. Moammar Gadhafi.

Libya trip

Abedi travelled back to Manchester last week from Libya after visiting his mother, father, younger brother and a sister, who moved full-time to Libya after Gadhafi’s overthrow. His father, Ramadan, was at one time a member of the anti-Gadhafi Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG, a militant Islamist band that was invited to join al Qaida by Osama bin Laden when its leaders were based in Afghanistan. Western media have taken to describing LIFG as an “al Qaida subsidiary” — a description rejected by former senior leaders, who say they declined bin Laden’s invitation. LIFG subsequently split with some members joining al Qaida.

The whereabouts of Ramadan are currently unknown. On Wednesday night masked gunmen detained him while he was responding to media phone calls. Salman’s younger brother, 20-year-old Hashem was also detained Wednesday night, by an Islamist militia in Tripoli known as the Rada Special Deterrence Force.

A spokesman for the 700-strong militia, a self-appointed vigilante force that has a fearsome reputation for harshness, said Rada had been monitoring Hashem for more than a month on suspicion he had ties with the Islamic State terror group, which has a powerful affiliate in Libya.

In a statement Wednesday, the militia said Hashem had confessed to IS membership, saying his brother, Salman, was a member, too. The militia claimed Hashem admitted he knew in advance about the plans for the Manchester bombing.

But a spokesman for Libyan authorities in Tripoli had a different version, telling British news media Hashem “felt there was something going on there in Manchester and he thought his brother would do something like bombing or attack. So after that, he told us, ‘Having internet, I see the attack in Manchester and I knew that’s my brother.’”

Link to Manchester

A strong Libyan connection to the Manchester bombing is a troubling prospect — not only for the British security services but for their counterparts elsewhere in Europe. If the Manchester bombing was directed by Islamic State’s Libyan affiliate, it would be the first time the group had managed to pull off a terrorist act in Europe using the North African state.

And it raises the possibility of more jihadists with Libyan connections and British passports bringing their fight to Britain and Europe, complicating the challenge European intelligence services already face with hundreds of European-born jihadist returnees from Syria.

But an Italian security official who’s been working on Libyan issues told VOA the government in Rome remains wary of some post-bombing claims being made by the warring parties in Libya, seeing them as agenda-pushing. Midweek the prime minister of one of the rival governments in the country, Abdullah Thinni, who heads a government based in Beida, eastern Libya, said he’d warned the British government it was harboring Libyan terrorists and sought to link the bombing to the Muslim Brotherhood.

No connection so far has been found to the Muslim Brotherhood, say British intelligence officials.

The Libyan connection to the bombing will likely have a major impact on European Union policy-making when it comes to the migrant flow into Europe from Libya. The interior ministers of German and Italy have been urging the EU to set up a mission along Libya’s border with Niger in a bid to stop mainly African migrants from reaching Europe. Italian as well as other European authorities have long worried about jihadists infiltrating southern Europe as migrants, seeding themselves among thousands of sub-Saharan Africans making the Mediterranean crossing from Libya.But there is resistance from some EU member countries to the Italian-German recommendation.


Obama Gets Rock Star Welcome in Berlin, Praises Merkel

Barack Obama received a rock-star welcome in Berlin as he appeared at a public debate Thursday with Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom he praised as one of his “favorite partners” during his presidency.

Security was tight in front of the German capital’s iconic Brandenburg Gate, where Obama and Merkel appeared on a podium before thousands of people attending a gathering marking the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Police helicopters patrolled the skies and snipers with balaclavas watched the scene from nearby rooftops.


After lauding Merkel as someone who had done “outstanding work,” Obama launched a defense of his own presidency and the values of liberal democracy championed by both leaders.

Citing the rise of nationalism and xenophobia in parts of the world, Obama told the crowd that “we have to push back against those trends that would violate human rights or suppress democracy or restrict individual freedoms.”


In a veiled reference to his successor Donald Trump, Obama also spoke of the need to see development aid and diplomacy as essential aspects of national security policy.


“We can’t isolate ourselves. We can’t hide behind a wall,” he said, to cheers from the audience.


Merkel, who hosted Obama at the same spot four years ago, was due to travel to Brussels later Thursday for a meeting with leaders of fellow NATO member states, including President Trump.


Thursday’s appearance with Obama was criticized by some German opposition politicians as a publicity stunt ahead of September’s general election, in which Merkel aims to win a fourth term.

Туск про зустріч з Трампом: маємо спільну думку щодо конфлікту в Україні, але не щодо Росії

«Я не переконаний на сто відсотків, що ми – пан президент і я – маємо однакову позицію та сприйняття Росії. Водночас, у питанні українського конфлікту, виглядає, що ми тримаємо однакову лінію»

Суд не задовольнив скаргу адвокатів про конфіскацію у справі Януковича і оточення – ГПУ

Апеляційний суд Донецької області відмовив у відкритті провадження щодо конфіскації 1,5 мільярда доларів США за матеріалами апеляційної скарги адвокатів, які є представниками підприємств-нерезидентів злочинної організації екс-президента Віктора Януковича. Про це йдеться в повідомленні на сторінці Генпрокуратури у Facebook.

Генеральна прокуратура втім ще не отримала відповідного рішення суду, зазначено в повідомленні.

Раніше генпрокурор Юрій Луценко заявив, що 28 квітня набрало чинності рішення суду про перерахування до держбюджету 1,5 мільярда доларів (приблизно 40 мільярдів гривень), заарештованих на рахунках Віктора Януковича та осіб з його оточення. Луценко повідомляв, що рішення про конфіскацію ухвалив суд у Краматорську і що кошти невдовзі мають бути перераховані на рахунки Держказначейства. Того ж дня захист Януковича заявив, що інформація про конфіскацію 1,5 мільярда доларів, які належать екс-президентові, не відповідає дійсності.

Питання про повернення конфіскованих коштів у бюджет обговорюється з 2014 року. Антикорупційні активісти раніше заявили, що за 2015-2016 роки до державного бюджету вдалося повернути 1% від запланованої суми активів, привласнених корупційними методами.

Янукович утік із України в лютому 2014 року після масових розстрілів учасників протестів на майдані Незалежності в Києві.

Янукович є фігурантом кількох кримінальних справ, зокрема щодо перевищення ним повноважень від листопада 2013 року до лютого 2014 року і за масові вбивства активістів Майдану, а також за фактом захоплення Януковичем державної влади в 2010 році.

Україна на зустрічах лідерів НАТО буде «всюди» – Божок

Хоча офіційна програма особливої зустрічі голів держав та урядів НАТО у Брюсселі й не містить окремих консультацій щодо України та російської агресії, ці теми будуть на «міні-саміті» всюди, заявляє виконувач обов’язків голови місії України при НАТО Єгор Божок.

«Україна на цьому заході буде всюди: все, про що там говоритимуть, робиться у зв’язку з тим, що в 2014 році Росія напала на Україну. Альянс через це повернувся до політики оборони і стримування, до розбудови передової присутності на східному фланзі», – заявив Божок.

Український дипломат додає, що оборона й стримування залишаються ключовими елементами порядку денного НАТО.

«Завтра буде підтверджена трансатлантична єдність, політика оборони й стримування, збільшення видатків на оборону, збільшення зусиль у боротьбі з тероризмом – і все це через те, що в 2014 році Росія продемонструвала світові своє справжнє обличчя агресора», – додає в. о. голови місії України при НАТО.

З огляду на те, що через обмежену одноденну програму зустріч у Брюсселі не є самітом НАТО у повноцінному форматі, жодного заходу з представниками України чи інших країн-партнерів у штаб-квартирі альянсу передбачено не було.

На неофіційному саміті НАТО, який відбудеться в четвер у Брюсселі, головними темами будуть боротьба зі світовим тероризмом і справедливе інвестування кожного її члена у сфери безпеки й оборони своїх країн, заявив керівник цієї політично-військової організації Єнс Столтенберґ.

При цьому він додав, що на саміті можуть порушити й тему невиконання Росією і підтримуваними нею сепаратистами на сході України мінських домовленостей.

Brother, Father of Alleged Manchester Bomber Arrested in Libya

A brother and father of the alleged Manchester suicide bomber have been arrested in Libya, according to a spokesman for the country’s anti-terror force.

Security spokesman Ahmed bin Salem said alleged bomber Salman Abedi’s younger brother, Hashim, was arrested in Tripoli Tuesday.

Bin Salem told the Reuters news agency the two brothers had been in contact recently, and Hashim knew of the attack plans.

“We have evidence that he is involved in Daesh (Islamic State) with his brother. We have been following him for more than one month and a half,” he said.

The alleged bomber, Abedi, was born in England to Libyan parents. His father, who lives in Tripoli, has also been detained.

British police said Wednesday it was “clear” the suicide bomber who attacked the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester did not act alone.

“It’s very clear that this is a network that we are investigating,” Manchester Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said during a news conference.

5 arrested

British police have arrested five people in connection with the attack, so far, as they continue to conduct armed raids throughout Manchester.

Greater Manchester Police said the fifth suspect was detained Wednesday evening in Wigan, a town to the west of Manchester.

Officers also arrested three men earlier Wednesday after executing warrants in South Manchester. There was no information about how the five men might be involved in the attack.

British interior minister Amber Rudd said Wednesday the alleged suicide bomber, Abedi, was “known” by British intelligence services before the bombing.

The blast at the conclusion of the concert at Manchester Arena killed 22 people and wounded 59 others. The attacker also died at the site.

Tracking Abedi’s last days

Investigators are now trying to figure out what Abedi was up to in his last days before the attack Monday.

French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told BFM television on Wednesday that British and French intelligence have information that Abedi had likely traveled to Syria.

According to Collomb, Abedi “grew up in Britain and then suddenly, after a trip to Libya and then likely to Syria, became radicalized and decided to carry out this attack.”

“In any case, the links with Daesh (Islamic State) are proven,” he said.

Islamic State is claiming it was behind the attack, but neither British nor U.S. intelligence have confirmed that.

Terror level raised

Britain raised its terrorism alert level to critical – the highest step – after the blast, signaling that another attack was highly likely and could be imminent.

The change is most visible in the deployment of soldiers to help guard certain areas, including major events such as concerts and football matches, in order to free up police officers.

Hopkins said an off-duty police officer was among those killed in the suicide attack, but it will take up to five days for authorities to identify all the victims.

“Due to number of victims the Home Office post-mortems are likely to take four to five days. After this we will be in a position to formerly name the victims,” he said. “We have spoken to all of the families of those who lay injured in our hospitals.”

British Prime Minister Theresa May said in an address to the nation late Tuesday that authorities will do everything possible to protect the public and asked people to remain vigilant.

Many of the victims of the blast were young girls, with the youngest identified so far being just 8-year-old.

Video from the arena showed the joy in the audience at the end of the concert turning to confusion and then to panic and a scramble to get out of the building as the realization of what just happened spread.

Witness say they saw blood covered bodies on the floor while others, badly wounded, staggered toward the exits of the building.

The scene outside the concert hall was also chaotic, with traffic snarled and parents rushing to the scene.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth held a moment of silence at a garden party at Buckingham Palace. French President Emmanuel Macron signed a condolence book at the British embassy in Paris. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the attack only strengthens Germany’s resolve to work with the British.

США підтвердили: повернення Росії до «Групи семи» – тільки через відновлення суверенітету України

Державний секретар США Рекс Тіллерсон підтвердив позицію його країни й решти членів «Групи семи» промислово розвинених держав світу, що повернення Росії до цієї групи можливе тільки після того, як Москва відновить суверенітет України.

Коментуючи можливість повернення Росії до «Групи семи» журналістам у президентському літаку по дорозі до Брюсселя, Тіллерсон заявив: «Її виключили з групи через становище в Україні. Тому, щоб повернутися, вона має взятися за становище в Україні. Ми дуже чітка давали їй знати, що це означає: це означає просування з виконанням мінських домовленостей і виконання їх, відновлення суверенітету України».

При цьому Тіллерсон додав: «Не думаю, що доки ці умови не будуть виконані, чи доки не буде якоїсь домовленості про те, як нам вправитися зі становищем в Україні, щоб це було прийнятно для самих українців і прийнятно для всіх членів «Групи семи», – я не очікую, що вона (Росія – ред.) будь-коли повернеться».

Росію прийняли до складу «Групи семи» промислово розвинених країн світу 1997 року, перетворивши це об’єднання на «Групу восьми», через політичну вагу Росії; при цьому через її економічну недорозвиненість Росію допускали тільки до політичних зустрічей, але не до економічних і фінансових. «Група семи» відновилась у первісному складі (Велика Британія, Італія, Канада, Німеччина, США, Франція, Японія; в зустрічах також беруть участь керівники органів Євросоюзу) після виключення Москви через окупацію Криму і заяву про захоплення півострова до складу Росії в березні 2014 року. У «Групі семи» вже не раз заявляли, що для можливого повернення Росії до складу об’єднання вона має виконати мінські домовленості про врегулювання на сході України і відновити суверенітет України.

Moody’s Cuts China Credit Rating One Notch

Moody’s Investors Service downgraded China’s credit rating Wednesday – from Aa3 (Double A-3) to A1 – saying it expects China’s economy to erode in coming years as growth slows and its debt burden continues to rise. The downgrade comes as the government faces new financial challenges after years of credit-fueled stimulus.

Craig Erlam, senior market analyst at foreign exchange firm Oanda, said the credit downgrade comes as no surprise. “Because talk of Chinese debt and concerns about the size of Chinese debt has been going on for the last few years.  They seem to be very reliant on these high levels of growth, which has been slowing,” according to Erlam.

China’s economy, the second largest in the world, grew 6.7 percent in 2016, down from 6.9 percent the previous year, the slowest pace since 1990. Erlam says the next few years could be challenging.

“They’ve [the Chinese government] talked about wanting to move away from an investment and export-led economy and focus more on domestic consumption and look at a more sustainable model. But, as we’ve seen over the last couple of years, as soon as it runs into any difficulties – it seems to revert back to where it was a couple of years ago and start spending more money on infrastructure.”

Moody’s expects the government’s direct debt burden to rise to 40 percent of GDP by 2018 and closer to 45 percent by the end of the decade. That’s still well below the 60 percent debt to GDP warning line for the European Union.

China’s Finance Ministry said the downgrade overestimates the risks of rising debt and claims it was based on “inappropriate methodology.” The downgrade is likely to increase the cost of borrowing, but analysts say the one-notch downgrade remains comfortably within the investment grade rating range.

Triple A is the highest rating for creditworthiness, followed by Double A, then Single A. C represents the weakest creditworthiness and means default is imminent.  

China’s Shanghai Composite Index fell more than 1 percent after the credit downgrade while the value of the yuan slipped briefly 0.1 percent against the U.S. dollar.

Українська сторона вимагає в ОРДЛО оприлюднити до кінця тижня списки людей, що можуть бути звільнені – Оліфер

Українська сторона на переговорах у Мінську наполягає на тому, щоб до кінця тижня було оприлюднено списки тих людей, хто може бути звільнений, щоб це звільнення відбулося вже у червні, повідомила речниця представника України у тристоронній контактній групі, екс-президента Леоніда Кучми Дарія Оліфер.

«Верифікація (затриманих осіб українською стороною – ред.) відбулася у повній відповідності до законодавства України і відповідно до стандартів міжнародного гуманітарного права, із виконанням вимог конфіденційності та добровільного волевиявлення, – написала вона у Facebook.– Представники ОРДЛО продовжують затягувати роботу і вимагають провести верифікацію тих, хто вже вийшов на волю, що саме по собі абсурдно».

За останніми даними української сторони, на окупованій частині Донбасу перебуває 127 українських заручників.

Раніше цього ж дня думку про затягування процесу обміну з боку сепаратистів висловила представниця України у гуманітарній підгрупі Ірина Геращенко.

Як заявила представниця угруповання «ЛНР» Ольга Кобцева, обидва угруповання вимагають інформацію про верифікацію затриманих осіб українською стороною із підписом Віктора Медведчука.

Сам Медведчук на це поки що ніяк не реагував.

Попередня зустріч контактної групи в Мінську відбулася 15 травня. Тоді Ірина Геращенко повідомила, що підтримувані Росією бойовики погодилися внести вченого-релігієзнавця Ігоря Козловського, ув’язненого угрупованням «ДНР», до списку заручників, яких можуть звільнити.

Збройний конфлікт на сході України почався навесні 2014 року після російської анексії Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці сепаратистів. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба що російські «добровольці». За даними ООН, станом на лютий 2017 року на Донбасі від початку конфлікту загинули понад 9,9 тисячі людей.

US Congressional Panels Issuing New Subpoenas to Ex-Trump National Security Adviser

U.S. congressional panels are issuing new subpoenas to Michael Flynn, in an effort to force him to turn over documents and testify about his brief tenure as President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser.

Flynn rebuffed the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this week, refusing to hand over information it had requested about the 24 days he held the key White House post in the first weeks of the Trump administration.  Trump fired him for lying to Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States in the weeks before Trump assumed power.

But the Senate intelligence panel, and its counterpart in the House of Representatives, say they are they are issuing new subpoenas to Flynn.  He is a retired Army general who was one of Trump’s key political surrogates on the campaign trail last year.

“We initially requested his voluntary participation,” Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House panel, told reporters Wednesday. “He declined. We are going to be subpoenaing him.”

In refusing to turn over documents to the Senate panel, Flynn invoked his U.S. Constitution Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.  Legal experts say that if he handed over the information to congressional investigators he would risk not being able to claim the same privilege and refuse to testify before congressional panels investigating how Russia meddled in last year’s U.S. election and possible collusion between Trump campaign aides and Russian officials to help Trump win.

One lawmaker, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, told CNN, “I think he’s going to have to tell his story.”

Another senator, Susan Collins of Maine, told VOA, the Senate panel issued a new subpoena for Flynn’s business records.

“It is dubious that a Fifth Amendment claim can be attached to a request for business records, and that is one reason we are pursuing that route,” she said.

Collins said the business records “may indicate payments from the Russian government or affiliated entities.  They may indicate meetings that were held.  We just don’t know.  That’s why we want to examine them.”

Flynn was paid more than $30,000 in recent years to attend Moscow events, including a 2015 dinner celebrating the Kremlin-backed RT television network where he sat next to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and more than $500,000 to represent Turkish interests in the United States.  The Defense Department’s inspector general is investigating whether Flynn sought permission to receive the payments after being specifically warned when he retired from the military to not accept money from foreign governments.

While the congressional panels conduct their probes, Robert Mueller, a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the country’s top investigative agency, was named last week to head a criminal investigation about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Trump has been dismissive of the various investigations, contending they are a “witch hunt” promoted by opposition Democrats as an excuse to explain his upset of Hillary Clinton.